Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 5341 funded different SmartUndelete 2.2 download programs. You can simply download any of SmartUndelete 2.2 download soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:15 LAZYRUN LAUNCHER 2.2 Tool for user's routine operation automatization. Ordered run of the programs or documents, buttons autoclick (such as OK, Cancel, Next, etc.). Enables you to unite in groups favorite programs and documents for their ordered run. The programs united in group ...
Search Query points:15 ALLBUTTONS WEB MENU BUILDER 2.2 AllButtons lets you create professional buttons and menus for your web site fast and easily. All the web buttons and web menus you'll ever need for your website , you can now make yourself in no-time. Create Drop-down menus, navigation ...
Search Query points:15 LEARNWORDS WINDOWS 2.2 LearnWords - highly effective training program for learning foreign words (Windows, WM5, PocketPC, PalmOS, Symbian, Smartphone editions) 11 exercises, 20 languages, transcriptions and pronunciation, editor, virtual keyboard, scheduling repetitions, study of phrases and grammar! For each word of dictionary it ...
Search Query points:15 DREAMCODER FOR ORACLE PROFESSIONAL 2.2 DreamCoder empowers developers to be more productive by providing an intuitive graphical user interface to Oracle. DreamCoder is a powerful, low-overhead tool that makes PL/SQL development faster and easier. Advanced editors allow users to work on multiple files simultaneously — ...
Search Query points:15 LUCIDLINK HOME OFFICE EDITION 2.2 Award-winning LucidLink Wireless Security makes it easy for small offices & home offices to set-up, secure, & manage wireless networks without requiring security or network expertise. Designed for homes that need to rapidly deploy and secure Wi-Fi network with enterprise-strength ...
Search Query points:15 FTP SCHEDULER PRO 6.9R.6.7 This FTP utility was engineered with automation in mind. Strictly for businesses that require ftp'ng of files on a regular basis and requiring an audit trail to ensure data was Sent/Received as perceived. The utility can be used as middleware ...
Search Query points:15 WINAVI 3GP/MP4/PSP/IPOD VIDEO CONVERTER 2.2 WinAVI 3GP/MP4/PSP/iPod Video Converter is software for MP4/3GP file conversion of portable video device such as iPod/PSP, It can convert almost all video formats, for e.g., DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to iPod/PSP or other ...
Search Query points:15 FOTOTAGGER 2.2 FotoTagger is a free tool for annotating JPEG images. Add easy-to-hide notes pointing to individual elements on the image. Find an image by textual notes. Upload pictures to Flickr and download them back to FotoTagger; annotations preserved. Publish images to ...
Search Query points:15 PHOTOSHOP INTERFACE ASSISTANT 2.2 This tool helps you get maximum available screen space for design while using Adobe Photoshop. It hides all the floating palettes and toolbars of Photoshop until you need to use them. When you don't use the floating windows, it automatically ...
Search Query points:15 ALCHEMIST XML IDE PROFESSIONAL 2.2 Alchemist XML IDE, is an advanced XML Integrated Development Environment (XML IDE). Alchemist adds powerful new features, again pushing the innovation envelope that helped establish Alchemist in the market. Alchemist's best-in-class features for working with XML, XSL, XSLT, XPath, SQL/XML, ...
Search Query points:15 GOLDTACH PRO 2.2 This very easy to use personal firewall is only 2 megabytes.It integrates four functions: Firewall, Process Commnication Control, E-mail Protection and Webpage Content Filtration. GoldTach Pro can effectively protect against hackers' intruding into your PC and filching personal data by ...
Search Query points:15 REMOTE ADMINISTRATOR 2.2 Remote Administrator (Radmin) is a secure remote control software that enables you to work on a remote computer as if you were sitting in front of it. This program is the ideal remote access solution. You can access the same ...
Search Query points:15 VISUAL BROWSER FOR C/C++ 2.2 Visual Browser for C/C++ is a C/C++ Code Browser integrating program code editor,analyzer and documentation generator with code flowcharting and visualization. It can help programmers to browse,edit,document and understand c,c++source code with built-in analysis for C/C++ program.It also can be ...
Search Query points:15 DBPUT DATA TRANSFER 2.2 DBPut data transfer is a creative and advanced software used for converting data between different databases. The most convenient way of converting data between different databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Sybase and so on. With the least technical ...
Search Query points:15 EXCEL SERVER 2004 2.2 Excel Server 2004 (Enterprise Edition) is an integral information platform built on Excel, MS SQL Server, and Windows OS. It uses Excel as a tool to design templates, produce reports and query data either locally or remotely under customized authority ...
Search Query points:15 DIS# - .NET DECOMPILER 2.2 The typical problem with decompilation is the absence of full source information in the executable file. Dis# is a .NET decompiler which allows you to edit local variables and other names and keep the changes in a project file. The ...
Search Query points:15 CURSORBEAUTY 2.2 CursorBeauty is a program that lets you use and create incredibly cool looking Windows mouse cursors. It does this by taking advantage of the new visual effects features of Windows 2000 and Windows XP. If you have Windows 2000 or ...
Search Query points:15 ABSOLUTE BACKUP 2.2 The essential personal backup software for experts and beginners alike. Featuring easy point and click file selection, quick select common folders, save file versions with archive backups, powerful backup scheduling, backup and restore logging, zip compatible compression, password protection, simple ...
Search Query points:15 DIRECTORY CLASSIFIER 2.2 Directory Classifier lets you view a customizable listing of the contents for any directory on your computer. You can easily save the folder listing as TXT or PDF file. The listing can be imported into most popular spreadsheets and database ...
Search Query points:15 PROGRAM PROTECTOR 2.2 Program Protector is unique, state of art security utility that allows you to password protect programs. You can password protect any Windows application. This functionality is achieved using a special algorithm which modifies executable file of the application, so that ...
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