Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 5312 funded different sitespinner 2.50 f download programs. You can simply download any of sitespinner 2.50 f download soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 SITESPINNER 2.5 SiteSpinner is an affordable, user-friendly website development tool. The program includes many advanced features such as drag-and-drop positioning, built in FTP to publish directly to your web site, an image editor and graphics creation all in one. SiteSpinner also includes ...
Search Query points:35 UCERTIFY - MCSD.NET PRACTICE TEST FOR EXAM 70-320 - 250+ QUESTIONS 8.00.05 Pass MCSD.NET 70-320 in first attempt. 250 Questions with detailed explanation. 70-320 Study notes, Articles and Mock Test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarantee. Based on Latest Microsoft MCSD.NET Certification Exam pattern Exam Simulation and Study Guide. Download 70-320 ...
Search Query points:35 UCERTIFY - MCDST PRACTICE TEST FOR EXAM 70-271 - 250+ QUESTIONS 8.01.05 Pass MCDST 70-271 in first attempt. 250 Questions with detailed explanation. 70-271 Study notes, Articles and Mock Test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarantee. Based on Latest Microsoft MCDST Certification Exam pattern Exam Simulation and Study Guide. Download 70-271 ...
Search Query points:35 TRENDMEDIUM ADD-ON FOR METASTOCK 2.50 TrendMedium is a trading system for stocks and Forex which works as an add-on for Equis MetaStock. The system is based on revolutionary genetic algorithm to create "open ephemeral models" that describes the current stock movements and performances. Walk Forward ...
Search Query points:25 FAXSEE PRO 2.50 FaxSee Pro is a smart professional fax browser viewer and fax to tif/tiff converter, offers you a full solution to browse open view print ALL your fax images, and convert other fax to TIF TIFF/FAX format. FaxSee Pro supports many ...
Search Query points:25 LINKALERTPC 2.50 The cost effective link monitor and alert notification system - LinkalertPC (LAPC) can monitor basic TCP/IP links, Internet HTTP based servers/pages/urls, Email, FTP, LAN connections, Printers, Services, Stocks and Local devices. Links that fail or become unavailable trigger an alert ...
Search Query points:25 POLYMAP 2.5.0 PolyMap is a desktop mapping program that lets you use your own data to customize the maps supplied with the program. Use the built-in spreadsheet to enter data or paste it from other Windows applications. Alternatively, you can use the ...
Search Query points:25 BASIC ELECTRICAL CONTROL CIRCUITS 2.50 This award-winning, electrical training program builds on the Basic Techniques program. Here, you will troubleshoot a more complex control circuit consisting of numerous relays, switches, lights, and solenoids. You will need to use elementary wiring and connection wiring diagrams to ...
Search Query points:25 WEDDING ALBUM MAKER GOLD 2.50 Wedding Album Maker is an easy-to-use photo slideshow tool which allows you to create an exciting wedding photo album with background music, Pan&Zoom and transition effects. With Wedding Album Maker, you can quickly and easily produce professional-looking wedding photo slideshow ...
Search Query points:25 MP3PRODUCER DE 2.50 MP3Producer DE is a special version for German speaking users with the German interface and Help file. Rips audio CD tracks to WAV,MP3,OGG,WMA files; WAV to MP3,OGG,WMA; OGG,WMA to WAV. MP3Producer supports FreeDB(CDDB), MPEG1, MPEG2, 8-320kbps, constant, variable bitrates, "Extract ...
Search Query points:25 WEB SUBMITTER 2.50 Web Submitter is a powerful search engine submission program that helps anyone promote their websites through search engines and link directories on the Internet.This search engine submitter software will help you submit your web site to all major search engines ...
Search Query points:25 GCH GUITAR ACADEMY COURSE (UNIT 1) 2.50 The GCH guitar academy course has been developed over fifteen years to produce the best possible results from its students. The multimedia course is the latest way to learn to play the guitar. This is important when you think that ...
Search Query points:25 PDF OWNERGUARD (PERSONAL EDITION) 2.5.0 OwnerGuard is a new technology in digital rights management and data protection systems which is designed specially for file distribution and licensing over internet and local networks. PDF OwnerGuard is the first member of OwnerGuard family that uses this technology ...
Search Query points:25 CHM OWNERGUARD 2.5.0 OwnerGuard is a new technology in digital rights management and data protection systems which is designed specially for file distribution and licensing over internet and local networks. CHM OwnerGuard is a member of OwnerGuard family that uses this technology for ...
Search Query points:25 QUICKCRYPT LIBRARY 2.50 A fast, highly optimized implementation of symmetric (private-key) encryption/decryption algorithms: DES, Triple DES (3DES), DESX, BLOWFISH, RIJNDAEL (AES - Advanced Encryption Standard), GOST (USSR/Russian Encryption Standard). It supports 5 modes of operation: ECB (Electronic Codebook), CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), CFB ...
Search Query points:25 ACCENT OFFICE PASSWORD RECOVERY 2.50 You don't need to be a hacker in order to recover a lost password from an Office document. Accent OFFICE Password Recovery supports a wide range of Office document formats and includes a handy Wizard that helps you to choose ...
Search Query points:25 ARGENTUM MYFILES 2.50 Argentum MyFiles is a cataloging tool that keeps your files organized. It can be used as a file organizer, a disk cataloger, a music organizer, a photo album, a software catalog and more. You can keep detailed descriptions with any ...
Search Query points:25 BATCH FAX2TIF 2.50 Batch fax2tif is a smart and super fax to tif/tiff converter enables you convert variuos fax to tiff in batches, such as: 1) convert Faxwizard fmf fax to tiff, 2) convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to ...
Search Query points:25 HIGHVIP PROTECTED EMAIL 2.5.0 Send and receive secure and anonymous email. Chat and exchange secure instant messages, create secure message boards. Share document folders through easy to use interface. Communication and collaborate with your co-workers accross networks and firewalls with very high level of ...
Search Query points:25 PAPERSTORE 2.50 Paperstore is a document management tool, designed for the efficient of documents in a variety of formats, including AVI, JPG, MP3, PNG, PDF and TXT. Documents can be scanned from TWAIN devices, or located and imported from other locations on ...
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