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Search Query points:55 VAXVOIP SIP ACTIVEX SDK 1.0 VaxVoIP SIP SDK provides tools and components to quickly add SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) based IP-Telephony make and receive phone calls feature in your web pages and software applications. It delivers superior voice quality by integrating advanced digital voice processing ...
Search Query points:45 NETWORK PROTOCOL PACKET ANALYZER 4.06 Packet Analyzer is an advanced packet analysis and sniffing tool with powerful protocol decodes capabilities. It can capture all traffic transport over local network segment and decodes all major and frequently used protocols including TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, ...
Search Query points:45 SOFTPERFECT NETWORK PROTOCOL ANALYZER 2.4 SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer is a professional tool for analyzing, debugging, maintaining and monitoring local networks and Internet connections. It captures the data passing through your dial-up connection or network Ethernet card, analyzes this data and then represents it in ...
Search Query points:45 SOFTPERFECT NETWORK PROTOCOL ANALYZER 2.2 SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer is a professional tool for analyzing, debugging, maintaining and monitoring local networks and Internet connections. It captures the data passing through your dial-up connection or network Ethernet card, analyzes this data and then represents it in ...
Search Query points:15 ACEAXE PLUS WINDOWS XSERVER 1.3 SSH X-Server for Windows, Secure way to run Linux and Unix on Windows Desktop. The AceaXe Plus XServer package contains both 64 and 32 bit programs that emulate the X terminal on your PC. AceaXe Plus is XServer implementation of ...
Search Query points:15 ADVANCED NET MONITOR FOR CLASSROOM PROFESSIONAL 1.4.1 Net Monitor for Classroom is a program that allows a 'view' of a computer monitor of a remote computer, which is connected to the network. The program can be used on networks that use the TCP/IP network protocol. After start, ...
Search Query points:15 PACKET SNIFFER - COLASOFT CAPSA 6.3 Colasoft Capsa is an extremely network sniffer designed for protocol analysis and network diagnosis. Colasoft Capsa analyzes the network traffic of the local computer, or the local network. With real time packet capture and analysis, Colasoft Capsa makes your network ...
Search Query points:15 NSAUDITOR Nsauditor is a network security auditing system capable of performing real-time traffic and protocol analysis, showing detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the owning process name, loaded modules, kernel objects, memory details, remote address ...
Search Query points:15 WINAGENTS MIB BROWSER 1.0 WinAgents MIB Browser is a network administrator's main tool for configuring devices with the help of the SNMP protocol (Simple Network Management Protocol). WinAgents MIB Browser allows you to read and modify the values of SNMP variables, as well as ...
Search Query points:15 PBEMAIL 3.1 PBEmail it's an advanced email component with full security features. It includes S/MIME encryption and signing, SSL/TLS protocol support, and direct sending without an SMTP server configuration. Emails can contain text, html or both types of bodies, unlimited attachments, related ...
Search Query points:15 IP WIZARD ACTIVEX 3.0 Seekford Solutions, Inc.'s Internet Protocol Wizard Toolpack gives you every Internet related control that we make with a significant package savings. You get the ability to own every control for the price of just a few. Make your project utilize ...
Search Query points:15 PIVO PING COMPONENT 1.01 Pivo.Ping allows you to effortless enable your applications to send Internet Control Message Protocol (Ping/ICMP) packets in .NET. Programmatically ping a remote server, host, route, or any network device to see if it is up. Pivo.Ping fully supports RFC 792 ...
Search Query points:15 PIVO SMTP COMPONENT 1.01 Short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers. Most e-mail systems that send mail over the Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server to another; the messages can then be retrieved with ...
Search Query points:15 ADVANCED NET MONITOR FOR CLASSROOM 2.6.5 Net Monitor for Classroom is a program that allows a 'view' of a computer monitor of a remote computer, which is connected to the network. The program can be used on networks that use the TCP/IP network protocol. After start, ...
Search Query points:15 OLFAX 1.4.0 OLfax and AVM FRITZ - the Email-to-Fax Gateway for Microsoft Outlook can automatically route incoming faxes to the user's mailbox or to a particular printer or the line on which the fax was received. Faxes can also be forwarded to ...
Search Query points:15 ETHERSCAN ANALYZER 2.0 Etherscan Analyzer is an advanced network traffic monitor and protocol analyzer for Windows. With Etherscan, you can capture and analyze all packets over the local network. Etherscan decodes all major protocols, including Ethernet, NetBEUI, TCP/IP,and TCP/IP utilities and it is ...
Search Query points:15 SHUTDOWN MANAGER AND TOOLS Features: - Clipboard Viewer: view your clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter long ...
Search Query points:15 SERIAL MONITOR 3.16 Serial Monitor is a monitoring application, which allows you to view, log and analyze serial port activities. Program attaches itself to the serial port driver under Windows NT, 2000, XP and monitors all activity that any software performs via serial ...
Search Query points:15 HTTP COMMANDER .NET 6.0 Free for personal use. HTTP Commander – Web Based File Manager for Windows servers running IIS. It is multifunctional product for Intra- and Internet, designed for files and folders management over HTTP protocol; also it can be used to create ...
Search Query points:15 USB MONITOR 2.26 USB Monitor is a monitoring software, which allows you to view, log and analyze Universal Serial Bus devices activity. This USB sniffer and analyzer utility captures all the Request Blocks transferred from the Windows device driver to the host controller ...
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