Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14599 funded different shortcut to backup job XP programs. You can simply download any of shortcut to backup job XP soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:60 ALCYONE BACKUP 1.0 At the present time data storage has become an obligatory factor for providing successful business. Everybody knows that PC may break up as well as grow old even if there's no reason for it. So far there's no universal cure ...
Search Query points:60 SIMPLY SAFE BACKUP 2005.733 With Simply Safe Backup, you can back up to a (zip) file, a file server, a zip drive, a tape, FTP server, CD or DVD; Split Data Files, Locate-Compare-Verify tools, Perform Smart Backup, Perform Unattended Backups, 1-Click Windows NT Service-Start-Stop, ...
Search Query points:60 LOMSEL BACKUP 1.20 Lomsel Backup helps you to protect all important data on your computer. Easy usage of this program means that even beginners can backup. Lomsel Backup works with Windows scheduler with a built-in scheduler module. This allows you to automate backup ...
Search Query points:60 GENIE BACKUP MANAGER PROFESSIONAL 5 A very easy to use yet powerful software that can backup and restore files, documents, emails, settings, and programs to virtually any storage device Novice users will find it easy to create their first backup job within minutes, and ...
Search Query points:60 LOMSEL BACKUP LITE 1.20 Lomsel Backup helps you to protect all important data on your computer. Easy usage of this program means that even beginners can backup. Lomsel Backup works with Windows scheduler with a built-in scheduler module. This allows you to automate backup ...
Search Query points:60 GENIE BACKUP MANAGER 5.0 A very easy to use yet powerful software that can backup and restore files, documents, emails, settings, and programs to virtually any storage device Novice users will find it easy to create their first backup job within minutes, and ...
Search Query points:60 SQL SERVER BACKUP 3.23 SQL Server Backup is a professional backup and restore tool for Microsoft SQL Server. The user-friendly wizard let you backup and restore SQL Server database to local harddisk or remote network driver easily and quickly .The flexible design enables you ...
Search Query points:60 GRBACKPRO - PROFESSIONAL BACKUP 6.3.10 GRBackPro is a data backup program for Windows 2K3/XP/2K/NT/Me/98/95 designed to easily solve your backup problems at a low price. You can define multiple backup sessions each having different options. Each session can contains many Jobs. Any Job can backup ...
Search Query points:60 COMODO BACKUP Comodo BackUp - Automatic file backup and recovery for Windows XP / 2000 Comodo BackUp is the straightforward and powerful utility that allows users to quickly and easily create backup copies of critical files. Free of charge, its features ...
Search Query points:60 WHITE BACKUP 1.0.17 Powerful and flexible file backup system for your PC. Highly customizable, yet simple to use, it is designed to meet needs of most demanding home, office and professional users. Automation of complex backup jobs using customizable built-in tasks, job scheduling ...
Search Query points:60 GRBACKPRO - PROFESSIONAL BACKUP 6.1.0 GRBackPro is a data backup program for Windows 2K3/XP/2K/NT/Me/98/95 designed to easily solve your backup problems at a low price. You can define multiple backup sessions each having different options. Each session can contains many Jobs. Any Job can backup ...
Search Query points:55 THE BACKUP 2.0 "The Backup" is a quick and easy to use backup tool for both, beginners and advanced users. A very small and simple program that does one thing. It provides the user with an almost instant method of making ongoing ...
Search Query points:50 ABF OUTLOOK BACKUP 2.893 ABF Outlook Backup is a backup and synchronization tool for MS Outlook. It allows you to backup and restore your messages, address book, settings, accounts, message rules, junk email lists, signatures, and even your Internet favorites. All backup functions can ...
Search Query points:50 ARGENTUM BACKUP 2.60 A handy, small, easy backup program to easily back up your documents and folders. Safely protects you from accidental deletes, overwrites, and viruses. Backups are stored in Zip files and can be created both manually and automatically. Includes templates to ...
Search Query points:50 BACKUP WATCHER FOR MYSQL 1.9.6 Program Backup Watcher for MySQL is intended for making DB backups of the MySQL server. Archiving can be done on the local computer as well as using the remote server in the Internet. The program has the built ...
Search Query points:50 MYSQL AUTO BACKUP 1.42 MySQL Backup Automation Tool Backups your data automatically from MySQL Database Server Don't worry about your data on MySQL anytime. They will not to be lost because I am running! MySQL Auto Backup is a Windows program ...
Search Query points:50 ISLAND CODEWORKS BACKUP PROFESSIONAL WITH DELTABIT TECHNOLOGY. 2.1 Island Codeworks Backup with DeltaBIT technology is an easy-to-use FTP-based backup program. Instead of backing up to tape or CDROM, it uses available disk space on FTP servers. You can backup and have access to your backups when you're the ...
Search Query points:50 BACKUP WOLF 3.13 Backup Wolf Data Defense : The Surgical Backup / Recovery Software System: Easily create Backup Profiles that target any file or folder on your computer. Then with one click of a button your files are backed up and safe. ...
Search Query points:50 AUTO BACKUP Automatic backup of your critical data to local disk, Network neighborhood and remote FTP servers. It can work as a service too. You can create multi-tasks to backup your data.You can use Auto Backup to make a reserve copy of ...
Search Query points:50 PARAGON DRIVE BACKUP PERSONAL 8.0 Drive Backup creates a backup image of entire hard disk, including operating system with all user preferences and settings, applications and data files. Paragon Hot Backup technology allows to perform real-time hard disk imaging backup without Windows reboot or any ...
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