Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 8614 funded different ShellBrowser Components for Delphi Win32 5.14 programs. You can simply download any of ShellBrowser Components for Delphi Win32 5.14 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:280 SHELLBROWSER COMPONENTS FOR DELPHI WIN32 5.14 The ShellBrowser components give a Delphi programmer easy access to the Win32 shell functionality. The JamShellList, JamShellTree and JamShellCombo components look and behave exactly like the corresponding parts of the Windows Explorer. The TShellBrowser component provides an easy interface to ...
Search Query points:125 SHELLBROWSER COMPONENTS FOR ACTIVEX 5.14 The ShellBrowser components give a programmer easy access to the Win32 shell functionality. The JamShellList, JamShellTree and JamShellCombo components look and behave exactly like the corresponding parts of the Explorer. For any object all controls can show the explorer context ...
Search Query points:70 RICHVIEW FOR DELPHI AND C++BUILDER 1.9.8 RichView is a suite of native Delphi/C++Builder components for displaying, editing and printing hypertext documents. Documents can contain text with various character attributes, tables, pictures, any Delphi controls. Left, right, center or justify alignments of paragraphs, custom margins and indents, ...
Search Query points:70 ESBPCS FOR VCL - COMPONENTS AND ROUTINES 4.3 ESB Professional Computation Suite (ESBPCS) for VCL is a collection of over 6000 routines/methods and over 235 classes/components in over 140 units for Borland Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005/Win32 and BDS2006/Win32, which are aimed at making "data entry and manipulation ...
Search Query points:60 SMWORDDOCUMENT FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.20 SMWord suite for Delphi/CBuilder is a native VCL components for direct and fast text extraction from any MS Word document. MSWordDocument component allow to read any Word document directly without OLE automation of MS Word application (MS Word installed is ...
Search Query points:60 WEBCAB PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR DELPHI 3.3 Add Statistics, Discrete Probability, Standard Probability Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Correlation and Linear Regression functionality to your .NET, COM, and XML Web service Applications. This product also has the following technology aspects: 3-in-1: .NET, COM, and XML Web ...
Search Query points:60 WEBCAB OPTIONS AND FUTURES FOR DELPHI 3.0 3-in1: .NET, COM and XML Web service Components for pricing option and futures contracts using Monte Carlo and Finite Difference techniques. General MC pricing framework: wide range of contracts, price, interest and vol models. Prices European, Asian, American, Lookback, ...
Search Query points:60 WEBCAB PORTFOLIO FOR DELPHI 4.2 3-in-1: .NET, COM and XML Web service implementation of Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints. Also includes Performance Evaluation, interpolation procedures, analysis of Efficient Frontier, Market Portfolio ...
Search Query points:60 WEBCAB BONDS FOR DELPHI 2 3-in-1: COM, .NET and XML Web service Interest derivatives pricing framework: set contract, set vol/price/interest models and run MC. We also cover: Treasury's, Price/Yield, Zero Curve, Fixed-Interest bonds, Forward rates/FRAs, Duration and Convexity. This product also has the following ...
Search Query points:60 SMTP/POP3 EMAIL ENGINE FOR DELPHI 4.0 MarshallSoft SMTP / POP3 email component Delphi library to send, receive and parse mail including HTML and MIME Base64 and quoted-printable encoded attachments, from within an application. Supports SMTP (ESMTP) and POP3 authentication. Supports ISO-8859 and UTF-8 messages. Run up ...
Search Query points:60 WEBCAB FUNCTIONS FOR DELPHI 2.0 Add refined numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variables from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable; to your .NET, COM, and XML Web service Apps. Interpolate using Newton ...
Search Query points:60 SMIMPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 2.36 Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats: 1. MS Excel spreadsheet (directly without OLE/DDE) 2. text delimited file 3. text fixed width file 4. XML file 5. HTML file 6. MS Access database 7. ...
Search Query points:60 WEBCAB OPTIMIZATION FOR DELPHI 2.6 Add refined procedures for solving and performing sensitivity analysis on uni and multi dimensional, local or global optimization problems which may or may not have constraints; to your .NET, and COM Applications. Specialized Simplex Linear programming algorithm, including sensitivity analysis ...
Search Query points:60 GOOGLE PAGERANK FOR DELPHI 1.5.0 GPRD is set of two components to implement into Delphi applications the revealing and showing Google PageRank value. Full sources available when purchasing. ...
Search Query points:60 SMLOGGING SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.40 SMLogging suite is a set of components for errors/exceptions logging, tracing of messages, events etc - TSMExceptionLog: the useful processing of errors and exceptions for your application in one place. Your user can automatically send to you a bug ...
Search Query points:50 CLIENT/SERVER COMM LIB FOR DELPHI 3.0 Client/Server Delphi comm component library for TCP/IP winsock communication across a network such as the internet or intranet (lan). Allows multiple servers and clients to run simultaneously. Supports "one time" passwords for improved security. Servers can handle multiple connections concurrently. ...
Search Query points:50 ELTIMA JAVA/SWING COMPONENTS 2.9.5 Eltima Java/SWING Components extend the standard set of visual library components, offering new ways to present your creativity to clients. You can add new attractive styles to your software, buttons, color dialogs and integrate Eltima Java/SWING Components into your Java ...
Search Query points:50 WINDOWS STD SERIAL COMM LIB FOR DELPHI 4.2 Serial communications component Delphi library for serial port communications. Controls multiple ports simultaneously; is fully thread safe, port re-entrant; can send Windows messages on completion of events. Includes 34 functions plus modem control, ANSI emulation, ASCII/XMODEM/YMODEM protocols. Supports virtual serial ...
Search Query points:50 LUXENA INFORMIX DATA ACCESS COMPONENTS 2.6.3 IDAC allows you create Informix access applications in common BDE fashion without known BDE constraints. IDAC ensures reliability as well as usability. It is excellent for BDE migration and rapid client-server and/or n-tier development ...
Search Query points:50 FTP CLIENT ENGINE FOR DELPHI 2.6 MarshallSoft Delphi FTP component library provides direct control of the FTP client protocol from a Delphi application program. Transfer files; upload, delete, list, append files. Supports wildcards. Supports many proxy servers, multiple concurrent FTP sessions and passive mode. Create and ...
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