Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1119 funded different series 60 v3 applications programs. You can simply download any of series 60 v3 applications soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 CAR EXPENSE TRACKER (SYMBIAN SERIES 60) 1.0 CarTracker helps you keep track of your car expenses, consumable changes, fuel usage and other usefull information. With a very user friendly and easy to use interface, this software is guaranteed to become one of your favourites. Registering If you ...
Search Query points:45 QUAKE I PORT FOR NOKIA SERIES 60 0.05 Quake I port for Nokia Series 60 (1st and 2nd edition) (and other Symbian 6.1 based devices). Prealpha version.Need 4 K Display and 9Mb of free RAM memory. ...
Search Query points:45 QUAKE I PORT FOR NOKIA SERIES 60 LQ 0.056 Quake I port for Nokia Series 60 (1st and 2nd edition) (and other Symbian 6.1 based devices). Low Quality Render beta version.Need 4 K Display and 9Mb of free RAM memory. ...
Search Query points:45 WEATHERGUIDE (SYMBIAN SERIES 60) 1.0 WeatherGuide for Symbian Series 60 phones, offers you current and 5-day weather forecast for almost any city in the world. If your city is not in the list of supported cities, you can email us and we will add it ...
Search Query points:45 MOBILE EXCHANGE RATE (SYMBIAN SERIES 60) 1.0 Quickly access live foreign currency exchange rates, for the most popular currencies. Mobile Exchange Rate, allows you to quickly view the official exchange rate on your mobile phone, and update through a mobile internet connection. Features : - ...
Search Query points:40 10 APPLICATIONS MYDB - MULTI LANGUAGE 2.0 10 USB Pen Drive Applications Languages: English, German and Portuguese. With this application, all of your important data and applications will be centrally available to you! Contact Management: - Private Addresses - Birthdays - Business ...
Search Query points:40 SOPHISTIQUE - STOCK ICONS AND WEB ICONS FOR YOUR APPLICATIONS 1.0 Sophistique combines the features of vector images and a smooth drawing style that retains the realistic appeal of Windows Vista design. It has a beautiful style between realistic and smooth figurative appearance. Icons in Sophistique come in vector format so ...
Search Query points:20 PLC TRAINING - RSLOGIX SIMULATOR 3.0 The NEW PLCTrainer version 3 uses RSLogix ladder logic look and feel and now includes analog instruction, an area that has been overlooked by most PLC training materials. Order now and receive a second CD free LogixPro, an RSLogix logic ...
Search Query points:20 SECURDESK! LV 5.31 A highly customizable desktop environment for Windows which locks down icons, buttons and hotspots. Your desktop can hold multiple animated icons, sound, buttons, wallpaper, images, text, and other elements. You can spread icons across multiple password-protected pages ...
Search Query points:20 AXGC 2D GRAPHICAL ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.3 2D graphical ActiveX Control Component for developing scientific and mathematical software that allow you to create powerful, high performance 2D visualizations of your data quickly, easily and effectively. Optimized for engineers and scientific users alike, the AxGC component can be ...
Search Query points:20 AVD VIDEO PROCESSOR 7.1.1 AVD Video Processor is an easy to learn and use tool for capturing snapshots from video files and creating professional-looking GIF animations. So, whether you crave for a photo of your favorite actor or want to brighten your website or ...
Search Query points:15 QUICKHASH LIBRARY 3.0 A fast, highly optimized implementation of hash and checksum algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2(256,384,512), RIPEMD(128,160,256,320), PANAMA, TIGER, CRC-32, CRC-16, CRC-CCITT, ADLER32. The library allows to calculate hashes (message digests), checksums and HMACs for files, memory blocks, strings, blobs, streaming ...
Search Query points:15 FASTCRC LIBRARY 1.50 A fast, highly optimized implementation of popular checksum algorithms: CRC32, CRC16, CRC16C (CRC-CCITT). The library allows to calculate checksums for files, memory blocks, strings, blobs, streaming data. It is quick, flexible, easy to use. It supports 3 interfaces: FastCRC API ...
Search Query points:15 ADVANCED SECURITY LEVEL 6.0 Secure your PC and restrict access to it with Advanced Security Level. It gives you an excellent administrative support to control the users access rights for your computer by setting up the desired access control level for each user. You ...
Search Query points:15 HODOMAN TIMER :: INTERNET CAFE SOFTWARE :: CYBER CAFE SOFTWARE 6.0 Hodoman Timer is a complete and fully customizable Internet Cafe Software, Cyber Cafe Software, based on a client-server architecture.The client application resides on each computer station in your network. It provides your customers access to the groups of applications you ...
Search Query points:15 EASY WAY TO USE MYSQL++ 2.0 Would you like to know how to create MySQL client applications using Visual C++ with MySQL++ class library? What is MySQL? The MySQL database server is the world's most popular open source database. Its MySQL++ C++ class library allows ...
Search Query points:15 BUSINESS XP ICONS COLLECTION KIT.6 6.0 More than 1800 XP icons designed specifically for database applications, business applications, internet applications and websites. Number Of Icons: 1500 File format: .ICO(NOT INCLUDE 128x128), GIF, PNG Sizes: 128x128,64x64,48x48, 32x32, 24x24,16x16 screenshots: preview and download xp icons please ...
Search Query points:15 GENIE BACKUP MANAGER SERVER EDITION 6.0 GBM also caters for the data protection needs of business enterprises, by offering mission critical features such as backing up using File Access Manager (FAM), for businesses operating around the hour that cannot afford to shutdown its running applications during ...
Search Query points:15 R-WIPE & CLEAN - DISK WIPE, FILE ERASER AND PC PRIVACY 6.0 R-Wipe & Clean is a complete solution to wipe useless files and keep your computer privacy. Irretrievably deletes private records of your on- and off-line activities, such as temporary internet files, history, cookies, autocomplete forms and passwords, swap files, recently ...
Search Query points:15 EASY PASSWORD RECOVERY 2.0 1. What's this software for? Easy Password Recovery is a tiny and powerful password recovery tool. It can reveals password hidden by asterisks (*) in MOST Windows applications and Internet Explorer! 2. Why do I need this software? Internet ...
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