Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 9322 funded different search for Delphi 5 Trial version programs. You can simply download any of search for Delphi 5 Trial version soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:72 METATREE COMPONENT (FOR DELPHI 5,6,7) 1.4 MetaProducts Corporation has released MetaTree Component version 1.4 for Delphi 5,6,7, a control to show hierarchical information as a graphs tree. A user can select the desired node using mouse. It looks like a flat projection of a tree on ...
Search Query points:70 ESBPCS-STATS FOR VCL - TRIAL 4.2.2 ESBPCS-Stats is a subset of ESBPCS (ESB Professional Computation Suite) containing Components and Routines for Statistical Analysis and Matrix/Vector Manipulation in Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. This subset is ideal for people who just want the Stats ...
Search Query points:70 CNSTATS FREE TRIAL 2.8 CNStats is a flexible and versatile system intended for accumulation and analysis of the site attendance statistics. There are more than forty reports available in the system. CNStats functions on every hosting which supports PHP/Zend and MySql. The system ...
Search Query points:70 ESBPCS-CALCS FOR VCL - TRIAL 4.2.2 ESBPCS-Calcs is a subset of ESBPCS (ESB Professional Computation Suite) containing Components and Routines for Calculators and Unit Conversion in Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. This subset is ideal for people who just want the Calculators and/or ...
Search Query points:70 ESBPCS-DATES FOR VCL - TRIAL 4.2.2 ESBPCS-Dates is a subset of ESBPCS (ESB Professional Computation Suite) containing Components and Routines for Calendars and Date/Time Manipulation in Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. This subset is ideal for people who just want the Calendar and/or ...
Search Query points:62 SUPERLIB NETWORK & PERSONAL VERSION 3.0.04 SuperLib is a drawing/picture library management software. It is designed for people who work with drawing and picture files, such as Mechanical Design Engineers, Architects, Civil Engineers, Mechanical / Electrical / Plumbing / Fire Protection Engineers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, ...
Search Query points:62 SUPERLIB NETWORK & PERSONAL VERSION 3.0.04 SuperLib is a drawing/picture library management software. It is designed for people who work with drawing and picture files, such as Mechanical Design Engineers, Architects, Civil Engineers, Mechanical / Electrical / Plumbing / Fire Protection Engineers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, ...
Search Query points:60 DELPHI PROJGENIE II PRO 2.1 Project Genie prints all the Units for any Project, incl. Forms, *.DFM files & any included database table structure(s). The mission of ProjGenie II Pro is to automate documentation of a Project's entire source code. Demo version is limited to ...
Search Query points:60 THE SLEUTHHOUND! DESKTOP SEARCH 4.6 The Sleuthhound! Desktop Search brings a search engine power to your PC and allows you to instantly search files, documents, email, anything. The Sleuthhound! searches Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, Acrobat PDFs, email, attachments (Pro version), archives Zip and ...
Search Query points:60 GRSEO - SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZER 2.4.63 Search Engine Optimizer is a software for any Windows version that offers specialized checks on Web pages in an effort to achieve higher search engine rankings. Users can run their Web pages through the Search Engine Optimizer (GRSeo) program, indicating ...
Search Query points:60 CLIENT/SERVER COMM LIB FOR DELPHI 3.0 Client/Server Delphi comm component library for TCP/IP winsock communication across a network such as the internet or intranet (lan). Allows multiple servers and clients to run simultaneously. Supports "one time" passwords for improved security. Servers can handle multiple connections concurrently. ...
Search Query points:60 SMWORDDOCUMENT FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.20 SMWord suite for Delphi/CBuilder is a native VCL components for direct and fast text extraction from any MS Word document. MSWordDocument component allow to read any Word document directly without OLE automation of MS Word application (MS Word installed is ...
Search Query points:60 SMINTERNET SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.50 SMInternet suite is a component set for internet and network: TSMWebDirect to find and inform you of new product news, updates/patches, technical tips, and other announcements a-la Delphi Direct. The HTTP/FTP and local network are supported. TSMWebUpdater to ...
Search Query points:60 JOB SEARCH CAREER KIT SOFTWARE 11.00 Instant Job Search Software. STOP Wasting Efforts and use Your Job Search Time Efficiently. Download Trial Software. "Time is of the Essence" .. Capture your next job Quickly. Job Search Software, USA Jobs, UK Jobs, ...
Search Query points:60 SMTP/POP3 EMAIL ENGINE FOR DELPHI 4.0 MarshallSoft SMTP / POP3 email component Delphi library to send, receive and parse mail including HTML and MIME Base64 and quoted-printable encoded attachments, from within an application. Supports SMTP (ESMTP) and POP3 authentication. Supports ISO-8859 and UTF-8 messages. Run up ...
Search Query points:60 PDFSPRITE PDF DRIVER ADVANCED VERSION 8.0 "PDFSprite PDF Driver advanced version 8.0" For Windows NT/XP/2000 is one of the best PDF creators in current PDF market. High-speed, multi-threaded conversion Supporting ROP operations,Creating Transparency Objects Supporting Text Watermark,Icon Watermark,Security,Document Information,OpenAction,Bookmark and ...
Search Query points:52 RQ SEARCH AND REPLACE 1.59 The program RQ Search and Replace is used to search and replace multiple text fragments in several files . The fragments (objects) are: 1. Text (multistring) bloks 2. Text strings 3. Whole words 4. "Enclosed" blocks 5. HTML tags ...
Search Query points:52 RQ SEARCH AND REPLACE 1.71 Search and replace text in files - batch text replacement software utility for Windows. Batch search and replace in MS Word documents and RTF files. (MSWord 2000 or later must be installed) Batch search and replace in folder and subfolders. ...
Search Query points:52 DELPHI SPELL CHECKER 1.22 Delphi Spell Checker is the first Spell Checking Add-in for Delphi. Check Spelling in forms, hints, TStrings and captions in 18 languages, using 26 dictionaries, right in your Delphi 5-7 IDE. Delphi Spell Checker integrates directly into the IDE ...
Search Query points:52 SMIMPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 2.36 Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats: 1. MS Excel spreadsheet (directly without OLE/DDE) 2. text delimited file 3. text fixed width file 4. XML file 5. HTML file 6. MS Access database 7. ...
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