Softfreedownload showing you best 20 of 20 funded different ScreensaverMaker 1.15 programs. You can simply download any of ScreensaverMaker 1.15 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:25 THE 2MILLIONDOLLARTV VIRTUAL LIVING-ROOM 1.15 The virtual multimedia 2MillionDollarTV living-room brings you newsticker, news, photo and product galleries, TV and Video on demand, streaming radio and more. ...
Search Query points:25 CRYSTAL PATH 1.15 Welcome to the beautiful land where fairy creatures have been waiting to offer you absorbing and challenging puzzles. You'll travel through the country's mysterious paths, covered with crystals of many colours and shapes. Your mission is to remove all crystals ...
Search Query points:25 AVATAR CAPTURE 1.15 Looking to create an avatar? Using Avatar Capture you can grab any image on your screen, resize it, crop it, and save it in many formats. Many people use Avatar Capture to create their own unique avatars instantly. Give it ...
Search Query points:25 ASTROBATICS 1.1.5 Burst through all the missions of the fierce space war in this excitingly intense action game. Turn your space-fighter into deadly fighting machine with weapon upgrades, rocket turrets, bots and additional weapons. Encounter various modifications of enemy fighters, cruisers, mine-layers ...
Search Query points:25 MB FREE NUMEROLOGY PRO SOFTWARE 1.15 MB Free Numerology Pro Software is an extensive free numerology report generating software. It gives you an instant look at your numbers and helps you learn what they forecast about your future. It gives an insight to your personality and ...
Search Query points:25 HELPER 1.15 Helper is a software program intended to assist physicists, engineers, and other experts in performing computations. The program allows you to find quickly the majority of physical constants... ...
Search Query points:25 SYNC2S3 1.1.5 Sync2S3 synchronizes your files with the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), providing you with a secure and affordable backup solution. Recently, Amazon launched a new web service which offers you unlimited storage capacity at an incredible price. By synchronizing ...
Search Query points:25 AIR GUARD 1.15 The game story takes place during World War II. In 1940, Nazi Germany decided to gain overwhelming superiority in the air to break the resisting nations once and for all. You have nothing to lose now. You decided to join ...
Search Query points:25 BALL ATTACK 1.15 Ball Attack is an Arkanoid/Breakout style game. Original solutions give a new twist to the classic "ball-and-bricks" concept. A number of unique elements that never before appeared in such games give Ball Attack absolutely fresh look and feel. The Ball ...
Search Query points:25 ALINK 1.15 ALink takes the hard work out of setting up and maintaining your Reciprocal Links. Automatically sending requests for new links, checking for links that have been added, removing bad links and generating your Reciprocal Links Page automatically. ...
Search Query points:25 CARB CONTROL PALM+WIN 1.1.5 Carb Control is a Palm and Windows application which allow you to track your weight, meals and carb intake and advises you on your diet. This is a completely new permanent weight loss and management protocol that currently does ...
Search Query points:25 FLYONOID 1.15 Yeah, that was the day when hordes of alien scum attacked our little green planet. These monstrous green freaks had harassed three grasshoppers, stolen spots from the lady bug’s wings, but most importantly kidnapped all flies from planet Earth. Some ...
Search Query points:25 CHIPINFO 1.1.5 ChipInfo is system information software,which returns comprehensive data particularly on the mainboard chipset,the connected devices and the PCI bus.For this a multiplicity of chipsets are supported,as for example the Intel 8xx series. ChipInfo can be of interest to everyone who ...
Search Query points:25 POSTIT NOTES 1.15 PostIt Notes is a easy to use little program for any version of Windows, it lets create colorful sticky note on your desktop and send them to others. You can use them for messages, reminders, telephone notes, to-do lists, Web ...
Search Query points:25 ADVANCED DIRECTORY PRINTER 1.15 Advanced Directory Printer is a Windows based application designed to print or export a list of directories, sudirectories and files. Information fields include file name, type, extension, size, creation time/date,last access date, last write time/date and file attributes -- and ...
Search Query points:25 ACTIVESTARTUP DELUXE 1.15 ActiveStartup Deluxe is created for advanced control over Windows startup. With this tool you can view, edit, inspect all programs, that are loading at system startup including services for WindowsNT based operational systems. ...
Search Query points:25 PRINTERSBENCH PLUS 1.15 PrintersBench Plus lets you design and print tickets, forms, labels, coupons, gift certificates, or any document that requires text, graphics, or serial numbering. PrintersBench Plus easily manages complex print runs. You can use one of our predefined templates, or create ...
Search Query points:10 ABRACADABRA 1.1 Abracadabra is an arcade crazy, hip trip game where you and a wizard make or break bricks, find gold, buy powers and get rid of creatures. 15 free levels & over 115 levels in the full version. Tutorial in English, ...
Search Query points:10 PROFESSIONAL SCREENSAVER MAKER 2.4.1300 Professional ScreensaverMaker is a flexible authoring tool that makes it possible to create many different types of screen savers. This tool lets you create screen savers based on Shockwave Flash, Image Slide Show, Animations (FLC), Webpage and Movie (Quick Time, ...
Search Query points:10 WEBETISER(TM) PUZZLE - WINTER PACKAGE This jigsaw puzzle package delivers beautiful Winter puzzles. This package combines 115 puzzles, using 23 images with 5 severities each. For your convenience it contains the brand new Webetiser Puzzle Browser. You can use it to change between different packages ...
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