Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 10053 funded different scr screensavers of shakira downloadable programs. You can simply download any of scr screensavers of shakira downloadable soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:55 SCR BUILDER 3 3.3 With SCR Builder you can easily make your own scrensaver. You can create screensaver from any combination of images and videos files, adding background music and over 100 picture transition effects. SCR Builder is extremely easy to use and it ...
Search Query points:45 JOYSTICK SCREENSAVERS 1.5 Joystick Screen Saver manager is your gateway to all your screensavers. You can get all the screen savers you need for free. The screensavers that you can choose from is constantly growing, and include a variety of catagories, like holiday, ...
Search Query points:45 3D SPACE SCREENSAVERS 4-IN-1 BUNDLE 1.1 The best 3D space screensavers bundle on the world wide web. The 4-in-1 edition includes top quality 3D space screensavers. Fly around our planets, amaze yourself by beauty of our deep space and enjoy lovely background music! Optional cinematic camera ...
Search Query points:45 3D SPACE SCREENSAVERS ALL-IN-ONE BUNDLE 1.41 Get the best 3D space screensavers bundle on the world wide web. The All-in-One edition includes all our top quality 3D space screensavers. Fly around our planets, amaze yourself by beauty of our deep space and enjoy lovely background music ...
Search Query points:45 3D SPACE SCREENSAVERS ALL-IN-ONE BUNDLE 1.2 Get the best 3D space screensavers bundle on the world wide web. The All-in-One edition includes all our top quality 3D space screensavers. Fly around our planets, amaze yourself by beauty of our deep space and enjoy lovely background music ...
Search Query points:45 SPACE SCREENSAVERS ALL-IN-ONE CD VERSION 1.3 Get the best CD space screensavers bundle on the world wide web. The All-in-One edition includes all our top quality 3D space screensavers. Fly around our planets, amaze yourself by beauty of our deep space and enjoy lovely background music ...
Search Query points:40 ANALOG CLOCK SCR 1.02 This screen saver shows an analog clock. Screensaver shows analog clock. Screensaver has alarms. You can specify the time when the alarm should be running. Analog Clock Scr can show messages with your text. Using this screensaver you can ...
Search Query points:25 PICTURES PRESENTATION MAKER 2.3 Pictures Presentation Maker (PPM) allows you to create 3D pictures show and screensavers using your own photos and music. All of your pictures and music files are included in your single .EXE or .SCR file. PPM can show ...
Search Query points:25 SCREENSAVER CREATOR 2.42 Screensaver Creator enables you to transfer PowerPoint to screensaver, and create your unique screensavers. The software is easy of use, accurate conversion, and small in size; keywords:PowerPoint to screensaver, PowerPoint to Flash, ppt to swf, ppt to scr ...
Search Query points:25 PROFESSIONAL SCREENSAVER MAKER 2.4.1300 Professional ScreensaverMaker is a flexible authoring tool that makes it possible to create many different types of screen savers. This tool lets you create screen savers based on Shockwave Flash, Image Slide Show, Animations (FLC), Webpage and Movie (Quick Time, ...
Search Query points:25 POWERPOINT TO SCREENSAVER CONVERTER 2.41 FlashPoint enables you to transfer PowerPoint to screensaver, and create your unique screensavers. The software is easy of use, accurate conversion, and small in size; keywords:PowerPoint to screensaver, PowerPoint to Flash, ppt to swf, ppt to scr Send ...
Search Query points:25 !EASY SCREENSAVER STUDIO 4.1 !Easy ScreenSaver Studio is a nifty and cool ScreenSaver maker software to make your own ScreenSaver easily as well as an easy-to-use ScreenSaver management tool. You can create ScreenSaver step by step with the wizard, add image, Flash or acquire ...
Search Query points:20 AONE PHOTO SCREENSAVER MAKER 4.8.6 Photo Screensaver Maker is a tool to help you make your own slide-show screensavers with photos, music and text captures. You can add any pictures (.jpg,.gif,.bmp,.png,.tif,.tga or .pcx ) and import audio files(.mp3,.midi or .wav) as background music to your ...
Search Query points:20 PHOTO SCREENSAVER MAKER 3.6.2 Photo Screensaver Maker is a tool to help you make your own slide-show screensavers with photos, music and text caption. You can add any pictures (.jpg,.gif,.bmp,.png,.tif,.tga or .pcx ) and import audio files(.mp3,.midi or .wav) as background music to your ...
Search Query points:20 PHOTO SCREEN SAVER MAKER 3.5.1 Photo Screensaver Maker is a tool to help you make your own slide-show screensavers with photos, music and text captures. You can add any pictures (.jpg,.gif,.bmp,.png,.tif,.tga or .pcx ) and import audio files(.mp3,.midi or .wav) as background music to your ...
Search Query points:15 F-16 FALCON SCREEN SAVER 1.0 This slideshow-style screen saver rotates photos of the F-16 Falcon. The 32-bit screen saver lets you select the timebetween pictures, show the photos full-screen or at original size, choose up to 14 special transition effects, and usepassword protection. Plus, you ...
Search Query points:15 SUBMARINES II SCREEN SAVER 1.0 Protect your monitor with photos of Navy Submarines. See 100 images of different Attack Submarines, Fleet Ballistic MissileSubmarines and Guided Missile Submarines.Over two dozen visual effects can appear between images. Plus, each of the photos can be displayed as your ...
Search Query points:15 ALLIED FORCES SCREEN SAVER 1.0 Protect your monitor with actual mission photos from Operation Allied Force. Includes a total of 58 pictures. The packageis powered by an excellent screen-saver engine with lots of options: Select the time between pictures, show the photosfull-screen or at original ...
Search Query points:15 APHRODITES LOVE SCREEN SAVER 1.0.0 Aphrodite, the goddess of love! This beautiful lonely housewife gets down to her nighty for you in this screen saver which is sure to have you clicking the preview button often. Enjoy her beautiful bosom clad in fine lingerie. ...
Search Query points:15 ARMED FORCES SCREEN SAVER 2.0 This screensaver shows stunning images of US military aircraft, tanks, equipment and more. See F-15 Eagles, F-16 Falcons, Tanks, Aircraft Carriers, Submarines, Helicopters, Artillery, The Blue Angels, Exercises, Machine Guns, Marines in Action and much more in this screen saver.Over ...
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