Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 200 funded different sat words programs. You can simply download any of sat words soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:180 SAT WORDS COLLEGE 1.0 The SAT Words College prepares you (or your students) for the verbal SAT. With engaging graphics and sound, this program takes the learner through a variety of learning and quizzing scenarios with complete data tracking and high classroom ...
Search Query points:50 SAT WORD MAGE 1.2 The SAT Word Mage prepares you (or your students) for the verbal SAT. With engaging graphics and sound, this program takes the learner through a variety of learning and quizzing scenarios with complete data tracking and high classroom ...
Search Query points:40 WORDS PERCEPTION 8 Words perception speed reading training. Adjust reading speed for maximum enjoyment. Ability to concentrate on the problem is one of the constituent parts of the successful mental work. ...
Search Query points:40 2M WORDS COLLECTION 1.2A 11 great, fun, and clever words games in one package : Words Twister, Anagrams, Broken Words, Cross Words, Hidden Words, Missing Letters and much more... 230,000 Words Dictionary ! Appealing high quality graphics. Full color and full size window ...
Search Query points:40 FAIRY WORDS 1.0 The words game starts from the creation of the alphabet. Ancient magicians were having fun with combining the mysterious 'abracadabra'. Then people have created computers, but the interest has not vanished, only reinforced. The worthy rival – an artificial mind ...
Search Query points:20 VOCABOLY 2.03 Vocaboly is a learning software for English vocabulary, especially for TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT test takers, through many learning methods, including test and game, memorizing will be much easier and more efficient, above all it's fun. Main Features ...
Search Query points:10 AFFINITY 1.4 A program for displaying quotations, aphorisms, poems, and more on your desktop. Affinity is a very cool program, with a slick interface, support for styles, support for Unicode and more! Enjoy the smooth changing of words from one to another. ...
Search Query points:10 APIMAC ENGLISH-SPANISH DICTIONARY 4.1 Apimac English Spanish Dictionary combines all the necessary stuff for students learning Spanish, a comprehensive and up to date dictionary with grammatical notes and a huge phrase book containing thousands of English phrases with Spanish translation. Apimac English Spanish Dictionary ...
Search Query points:10 DIRECT ACCESS 1.0 Define meaningful words as global commands for repetitive tasks: open applications, folders, and websites; compose emails; and insert autotext. Use them across all applications without taking your fingers off the keyboard, and without being pestered by misfires. They're easier to ...
Search Query points:10 AURINKO - LEARN FRENCH 1.0 French Language Learning Application Puts You in Control! The Aurinko Language Application is a great tool for teaching and learning foreign languages. It is a full-featured standalone application that enables any user to create unlimited databases with or without ...
Search Query points:10 LEOCALCULATOR 2.3 LeoCalculator is an application for performing calculation of mathematical expressions that could include not only basic operations but also functions and brackets. Edit box "Expression" has to contain a string of mathematical expression that is supposed to be calculated. ...
Search Query points:10 APIMAC ENGLISH-GERMAN DICTIONARY 4.1 Apimac English German Dictionary combines all the necessary stuff for students learning German, a comprehensive and up to date dictionary with grammatical notes and a huge phrase book containing thousands of English phrases with German translation. Apimac English German Dictionary ...
Search Query points:10 APIMAC ENGLISH-ITALIAN DICTIONARY 4.1 Apimac English Italian Dictionary combines all the necessary stuff for students learning Italian, a comprehensive and up to date dictionary with grammatical notes and a huge phrase book containing thousands of English phrases with Italian translation. Apimac English Italian Dictionary ...
Search Query points:10 IE OKAPILAND SEARCH TOOLBAR 2.6 IE Okapiland Search Toolbar (IE Okapibar) is an IE toolbar to provide Internet search in Composite Page Mode (CPM) that displays linked pages themselves in addition to hyperlinks. All pages can be displayed by scrolling the pages. Internet Search is ...
Search Query points:10 BINGO CARD CREATOR 1.05 Bingo Card Creator lets you print custom bingo cards on your own PC! Stop paying $10 a set for bingo cards from traditional publishers. You can choose from included lists (math facts, Dolch sight words, US states, and ...
Search Query points:10 BANKING FINANCE GLOSSARY 9984921700 Ideal for any business traveler, this glossary covers topics relating to banking and finance - from office practice to stock market and accounting terminology. The Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations (En-Ru) will be of value not ...
Search Query points:10 FLOWBREEZE STANDARD FLOWCHART SOFTWARE 1.3 FlowBreeze Flow Chart Add-In for Microsoft Excel ... the Fastest, Easiest Way to Create Professional Looking Flow Charts. ... Make flowcharts just by typing text - FlowBreeze automatically does the rest ... It generates the flow chart symbol for you, ...
Search Query points:10 FIREFOX OKAPILAND SEARCH TOOLBAR 2.6 Firefox Okapiland Search Toolbar (Firefox Okapibar) is a Firefox toolbar to provide Internet search in Composite Page Mode (CPM) that displays linked pages themselves in addition to hyperlinks. All pages can be displayed by scrolling the pages. Internet Search is ...
Search Query points:10 GRAPHIC TEXT GENERATOR 1.00C Write in high impact graphic text instead of the standard website fonts. Create your own graphics for each letter or download pre-designed font sets. Graphic Text Generated words can stand out better than Flash, large fonts or single bitmaps ...
Search Query points:10 XSEARCH 0.1 XSearch is a free search tool that with more features that Windows Search didn't provided. It can search files on your computer in high speed. When searching for special words in files, you can specify the words option such as ...
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