Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3105 funded different s Live Messenger Khalid Edition programs. You can simply download any of s Live Messenger Khalid Edition soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:160 WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER KHALID EDITION 5.0 Windows Live Messenger Khalid Edition is a New unofficial add-on for Windows Live Messenger 8.0.812 that comes along with extra features and a wonderful Skin Here are some key features of "MSN Messenger Khalid Edition": New Style with ...
Search Query points:52 PARTY POKER 2006 - PREMIUM EDITION 1.1 V2006 Hosted by Mike Sexton. You are sure to have fun. This game features real time simulation, simultaneous play and instant message communication with the other "live" people at the table. It's Fun and easy to learn. if ...
Search Query points:52 PLAY65 2006 SPECIAL EDITION 2.1 This software enables players of all levels from all over the world to join the largest worldwide Backgammon community, Special Edition includes a $5 bonus coupon, Coupon's name: "BONUS". After downloading the software (1 minute) and registering as a ...
Search Query points:52 AV VOICE CHANGER SOFTWARE GOLD EDITION 4.0.50 Apart from other voice changers, Voice Changer Software Gold changes your voice over internet in real time and acquires unlimited number of new voices. You can modify voice by changing voice pitch and voice timbre, applying effects, adjusting advanced tuner, ...
Search Query points:50 AKENI LAN MESSENGER 1.2 Akeni LAN messenger is a cross-platform (Windows and Linux) instant messaging program for LAN. Akeni LAN messenger is NOT based on Winpopup The LAN Edition does not require connection to the internet. Also with its intuitive user ...
Search Query points:50 WEBCAM SIMULATOR XP EDITION 1.315 Simulates webcam on your system by broadcasting video files as webcam. It adds a virtual camera to your system without having an actual webcam. It can be used with all instant messenger like MSN, Yahoo, AOL, ICQ, Camfrog Video Chat. ...
Search Query points:50 AKENI SECURE MESSAGING - EXPERT EDITION 2.1 Akeni Secure Messaging - Expert Edition, is a secured client/server instant message solution for business. It supports standard messaging features such as chat, conference (group chat), notification, and file transfer, and a feature rich client. Expert Messenger is easy to ...
Search Query points:42 SONGWRITER SUBMISSION ASSISTANT WRITER'S EDITION 2005 Most song publishers have their own submission policies.With SSA you can create a seperate submission template for each publisher,attach it to the publisher record in the Publisher's address book.When you submit to this publisher SSA will select this template and ...
Search Query points:42 LUCIDLINK HOME OFFICE EDITION 2.2 Award-winning LucidLink Wireless Security makes it easy for small offices & home offices to set-up, secure, & manage wireless networks without requiring security or network expertise. Designed for homes that need to rapidly deploy and secure Wi-Fi network with enterprise-strength ...
Search Query points:42 INALBUM DELUXE EDITION 2.5 InAlbum is a fun and easy to use software to turn your digital photos into stunning photo album slideshows/DVD movie. Start with ready to use templates or custom templates which let you mix and match background animations, buttons, photo ...
Search Query points:42 PSTCOMPACTOR - PROFESSIONAL EDITION 2.5.3 Reduces Microsoft Outlook PST file sizes up to 38% and simplify network PST file management. Compress & zip attachments, automate Compaction, etc. Can run at the server and manage PST's over the network. No Exchange dependency, no client software to ...
Search Query points:42 DRIVER GENIUS PROFESSIONAL EDITION 2005 6.0.1882 Driver Genius Professional is a professional driver management tool features both driver management and hardware diagnostics. Driver Genius provides such practical functions as driver backup, restoration, update and removal for computer users. If you often reinstall your operating system, you ...
Search Query points:42 WEBCAB FUNCTIONS (J2EE EDITION) 2.0 EJB Suite offering refined numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variabl es from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable. The interpolation procedures provided: Newton poly., Lagrange's formula, Burlisch-Stoer ...
Search Query points:42 YAHOO! MESSENGER ARCHIVE DECODER 1.0 Are you worried what your spouse, child or employee is chatting about? Our super program will uncover the truth with extreme ease by secretly turning Archiving on for ALL users - no passwords needed! The program then allows you to ...
Search Query points:42 ANTRASOFT SECURE MESSENGER 2.15 AntraSOFT Secure Messenger is an independent email program which provides end-to-end security for highly confidential information communicated via electronic mail using security public & private 1024 bytes key (security certificate) and POP3/SMTP protocol. Generated encrypted emails are compatible with Microsoft ...
Search Query points:42 CRYPTO ANYWHERE - OPENPGP EDITION 2.0 Crypto Anywhere is secure email on the move ! Users can decrypt and encrypt messages to friends who use PGP, OpenPGP, SecExMail and many more. Crypto Anywhere allows you to make a travel floppy which can be used in internet ...
Search Query points:42 MLEDITOR STANDARD EDITION 1.2 MLEditor (Multi-language Editor) is a professional multi-language text editor, and it's also a leader in professional code transfer between Simplified Chinese (GBK) and Traditional Chinese (Big5): 1. Intelligent multi-language reader and editor 2. Full series of code transfer services between ...
Search Query points:42 WEBCAB FUNCTIONS (J2SE EDITION) 2.0 Java API Components offering refined numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variables from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable. The interpolation procedures provided include Newton polynomials, Lagrange's formula, ...
Search Query points:42 WINGUARD PRO 2005 FREE EDITION With WinGuard Pro 2005 you can password protect your programs, windows and web pages in one easy to use program! What's more, there is also encrytption for your personal files and folders. It offers an all-in-one security solution for your ...
Search Query points:42 DESKTOP CLOCK VALENTINE'S EDITION 2.3.0 Desktop Clock is a digital desktop clock that displays time, date and calendar. It is built into your computer and is completely customizable to your tastes. Desktop Clock can be used for deenergizing the computer in given time. It supports different skins, ...
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