Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 589 funded different running jsp under IIS programs. You can simply download any of running jsp under IIS soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:100 JSPISAPI - RUN JSP THROUGH IIS 1.0 JspISAPI is developed by NeuroSpeech, it is an ISAPI dll which runs under IIS 4.0 onwards to tunnel java/tomcat requests to Tomcat web server running on same machine. Features: 1) Get rid of 8080 from web addresses 2) ...
Search Query points:20 1-ABC.NET HARD DRIVE WASHER 1.10 Windows and nearly all other software that is installed on it produce temporary data. These disk space consuming files are used to remember personal data or user behaviour in the best case, but most of the time they only decrease ...
Search Query points:20 PROTECTOR PLUS VIRUS DATABASE UPDATE 7.2.H87 The Protector Plus Virus Database can be updated the virus database on any computer running Protector Plus anti-virus software on Windows. The file that you download (w32ctl.exe) is a compressed self-extracting file. Download this file to a temporary directory. When ...
Search Query points:20 HTTP COMMANDER 6.0 Free for personal use. HTTP Commander – Web Based File Manager for Windows servers running IIS. It is multifunctional product for Intra- and Internet, designed for files and folders management over HTTP protocol; also it can be used to create ...
Search Query points:20 PBBALLOON & PBTRAY 2.0 PBBalloon Component includes an ActiveX OCX and DLL, to show XP-style balloon messages in ANY Windows version, show system tray icons and get their location on the screen. PBBalloon & PBTray can even be used to add Balloon tooltips to ...
Search Query points:20 LIZARD PROTECTOR 1.1 Protect your HTML, web pages, web sites and portals, elearning courses, images, ebooks, documents, PDF and flash files from unauthorized use and misuse. Protect your IPR and your company?s revenue stream by ensuring your content is always under your control. ...
Search Query points:20 ANCIENT CLOCK SCREENSAVER 1.0 Ancient Clock Screensaver immerses you into the atmosphere of ancient mystery that will help you unlock the secrets of time. People are always rushing, trying to get somewhere in time. But time keeps running away from us. Now you have ...
Search Query points:20 PBBALLOON & PBTRAY 2.0 PBBalloon Component includes an ActiveX OCX and DLL, to show XP-style balloon messages in ANY Windows version, show system tray icons and get their location on the screen. PBBalloon & PBTray can even be used to add Balloon tooltips to ...
Search Query points:20 NEOLOAD 1.0 NeoLoad is a Load Testing Tool for Web Applications. By simulating a large number of users accessing your application, NeoLoad tests the robustness and the performance of the server under different loads. A clear and comprehensive test report pinpoints errors ...
Search Query points:20 HOTLINKBLOCKER 1.2 A powerful HotLink protection solution for Windows hosting. It installs as an MS IIS plug-in. You can easily install it on your dedicated Windows server or under a shared hosting account. The program hides your downloadable files and generates temporary ...
Search Query points:20 HTTP COMMANDER .NET 6.0 Free for personal use. HTTP Commander – Web Based File Manager for Windows servers running IIS. It is multifunctional product for Intra- and Internet, designed for files and folders management over HTTP protocol; also it can be used to create ...
Search Query points:20 PHPSHIELD PHP ENCODER 3.0 phpSHIELD has been developed to help software authors, freelance developers and anyone publishing scripts to protect their intellectual property with ease. Developers working on freelance projects do not have to give away all of their legacy code during a project ...
Search Query points:20 LAPTOP BATTERY MONITOR 1.0 Laptop Battery Monitor, is an intelligent laptop battery monitoring software. It accurately displays an estimated time, until your battery will discharge, or fully charge. You no longer have to worry on how much battery power you have left, when you ...
Search Query points:10 FILE DELETER 1.0 File Deleter is an easy-to-use tool for delete files permanently. Because some disk tools can recover the files which have been deleted from Windows Explorer, Command Prompt, Recycle Bin etc., even from formatted disks, deleting file under windows is not ...
Search Query points:10 BACKUP PLATINUM 2.0 Backup Platinum is an easy-to-use yet powerful backup program designed for Microsoft Windows. It makes a reserve copy of your critical data virtually to any type of storage media: hard or USB drives, CD-R/W, DVD, FTP or LAN. Strong file ...
Search Query points:10 STOP THE POPUP Block pesky popups, ads, pop under & spying cookies in Netscape, Internet Explorer & Mozilla, AOL, Opera. Can also be started manually or at windows startup or with your browser window startup. Instant Notification - Play one of many sounds. ...
Search Query points:10 TXTEDIT 4.5.1 TxtEdit is an editor for text or Rich text files. It includes a spell checker. TxtEdit contains a "send to" - feature, which is useful to have a quick view on many different file formats. Start the Explorer, right click ...
Search Query points:10 NETWORK CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT 4.46 Network Configuration Management is a set of utilities that manage network config, diagnose and monitor network, it includes: IP Manager: create different TCP/IP settings profiles, and switch between them instantly without reboot. All you need is just to configure ONCE ...
Search Query points:10 ARCHIVE & RESTORE 1.1 Archive & Restore enables you to put away and save different versions of files and folders. Files are stored separately, either compressed or in their original format. The access will then be preserved by administrable archives with removable disk support, ...
Search Query points:10 HIDE FOLDERS XP 2.4 Every day we trust our personal files to a computer. If you share your computer with other people or your computer is always connected to the Internet, your private files are under threat of being disclosed. This folder hiding and ...
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