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Search Query points:85 SPAMEATER PRO 4.0.2 Since 1997, SpamEater Pro has been a leader in the spam fighting tools category. With the NEW SpamEater Pro 4.0, it even more powerful and easier to use with it's XP style interface. With SpamEater Pro you can fight spam ...
Search Query points:55 SPYNOMORE - GUARANTEED SPYWARE REMOVAL PRO 3.0 scans, cleans and blocks spyware as well as any other good anti-spyware product, but with one big advantage, Custom Fix (patent pending). Spyware programs are growing more sophisticated by the day. Spyware writers show up to work daily and write ...
Search Query points:55 ACCESSOR PRO 2.0 Accessor Pro gives a quick access to main Windows functions, folders and documents. What's new in Accessor Pro v.2.0: 1. New Items are added into Main Menu, such as: - Find Files and Folders, - Empty Recycle Bin, - ...
Search Query points:45 SLEEP TIMER PRO 4.6 Sleep Timer Pro is the all-in-one System Utility to automate the use of your system. With Sleep Timer Pro you may shutdown, reboot, or set an alarm all with a few clicks of the mouse. Set your time in intervals ...
Search Query points:45 AUDIO EDITOR PRO 2.45 Audio Editor Pro is a visual multifunctional audio files editor which allow you to perform various operations with audio data such as displaying a waveform image of an audio file, filtering, applying various audio effects, format conversion and more. Supports ...
Search Query points:45 SPYMYPC PRO 1.9 SpyMyPC PRO is the number one solution if you want to know what others are doing on your own computer while you are not at home (or office). Logs all keystrokes, applications, windows, websites, internet connections, passwords, chat conversations. Install ...
Search Query points:45 EASY REMOVER 2004 PRO 3.0 Have you ever wondered if there is a program able to completely cleanup, uninstall, manage your computer, and protect your privacy? We have the solution: Easy Remover 2004 Pro v.3.0! Completely uninstalls programs, detects phantom programs, startup manager, task manager, ...
Search Query points:45 ALLWEBMENUS PRO 4.1.626 AllWebMenus is a dhtml/javascript menu builder that lets you create any kind of popup or drop-down web menu without any DHTML or Javascript experience required as well as create cross-browser navigation bars that work alike in all browsers supporting DHTML. ...
Search Query points:45 GOLDTACH PRO 2.2 This very easy to use personal firewall is only 2 megabytes.It integrates four functions: Firewall, Process Commnication Control, E-mail Protection and Webpage Content Filtration. GoldTach Pro can effectively protect against hackers' intruding into your PC and filching personal data by ...
Search Query points:45 IPSWITCHER PRO 1.1 Let's suppose that there are several types of network connections in your office (such as ADSL, leased line for your office applications, modem line for some slow connections). Depending on your current task - you should use one single connection ...
Search Query points:45 SOKOFUN PRO 2.0 SOKOFUN pro is a compilation of 3 Sokoban-style games: 1. Sokoban/Sokowahn/Sokoblue Classical Sokoban! You have to push all boxes/pyramids onto certain places! 2. Sokolor - Tiles of the same colour need to be pushed together! ...
Search Query points:45 SDPROTECTOR PRO 1.12 SDProtector is a powerful tool offering both software developers and distributors a protection of software products against unauthorized copying, use and uses RSA1024, API functions, new anti-debug tricks, active protection against dumping from memory and tracers.With SDProtector it's easy ...
Search Query points:45 ALLWEBMENUS PRO 4.2.634 AllWebMenus is a dhtml/javascript menu builder that lets you create any kind of popup or drop-down web menu without any DHTML or Javascript experience required as well as create cross-browser navigation bars that work alike in all browsers supporting DHTML. ...
Search Query points:45 BOOKMARK CATALOG PRO 2.0 Bookmark Catalog PRO is powerful and easy to use bookmark manager with explorer-like interface. It can easily handle more than thousands of bookmarks. Bookmark Catalog PRO support three most popular browsers- Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera. You can find and ...
Search Query points:45 EASEUS PARTITION MANAGER PRO 1.1 EASEUS Partition Manager is a comprehensive partition software, which not only provides with convenient user-interface simplifying your tasks but also enables you to configure and manage partitions of hard drive. With the help of EASEUS Partition Manager, you ...
Search Query points:45 PHOTO TO SKETCH PRO 3.51 Convert photos to sketchs,very easy. To figure a sketch for your friend !! You can convert your photo to: Pen sketch; Pencil sketch; Pastel sketch; Brush sketch; It's free. Surprise your friends by giving them a ...
Search Query points:45 EBOOK MAESTRO PRO 1.50 In the beginning man conceived a thought and, behold, it was very good. And man said, let the thought acquire its form and shape and created an eBook. And man said, let the eBook bring forth multimedia, controls, search engines, ...
Search Query points:45 1ST JAVASCRIPT EDITOR PRO 3.4 3.4 1st JavaScript Editor is advanced JavaScript Editor, Validator and Debugger for beginners and professionals! Beside rich possibilities of editing scripts (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, VBScript, PHP and ASP syntax highlighting etc) and IntelliSense the program offers large snippets library with full ...
Search Query points:45 ACEHTML 6 PRO 6.05.9 As Web design software, AceHTML 6 Pro is a very effective tool that allows you to build and manage professional Web sites with ease, control, and efficiency. With this Web page software you can take total control of your ...
Search Query points:45 RIGHT WEBGALLERY PRO 2.6 Create unique professional photo albums easy. The software is very powerful yet easy to use for novice and professional users. You do not need any HTML, web programming and other knowledge. Absorbing 3 years of development and constant improvements this ...
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