Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 263 funded different report sourcecode delphi2006 programs. You can simply download any of report sourcecode delphi2006 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 CHRISTMAS WEATHER REPORT SCREENSAVER 1.2.0 Christmas Edition of popular Weather Screensaver! Weather Report Screensaver is a screensaver that displays the information about weather in the world and gives the weather forecast for the nearest days. Due to modern technologies Weather Report Screensaver will quickly collect ...
Search Query points:40 REPORT SHARP-SHOOTER 2.1 Report Sharp-Shooter is a high-performance and easy-to-use report engine compatible with .NET Framework 1.1 / 2.0, supporting all .NET data sources. The product features support for WinForms and ASP.NET WebForms, C#/VB.NET scripting, ADO.NET hierarchical data model. Package includes powerful report ...
Search Query points:40 REPORT SHARP-SHOOTER EXPRESS 2.1 Report Sharp-Shooter Express is a free reporting engine for .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0 that supports all .NET data sources. It allows you to create complex parameterized and side-by-side reports, reports with unlimited number of master-detail relations, columns, etc. It ...
Search Query points:40 VALENTINE'S WEATHER REPORT SCREENSAVER 1.2.0 Valentine's Day edition of popular Weather Screensaver! Weather Report Screensaver is a screensaver that displays the information about weather in the world and gives the weather forecast for the nearest days. Due to modern technologies Weather Report Screensaver will quickly ...
Search Query points:40 SOURCECODE TO FLOWCHART 2.43 Source code to Flowchart is a Code Flowchart generator for code flowcharting and visualization.It can generate programming flow chart from source code,help programmers to document,visualize and understand code.Its Documentation Generator supports Visio. Supports C,C++,VC++,VB(Visual Basic),VBA,Qbasic(quickbasic),VBScript(VBS),Visual C#(C sharp),VB.NET,J#,VC++.NET,ASP.NET,Java,JSP,JavaScript(JScript),Delphi(Object Pascal),PowerBuilder,PHP,FoxPro,Perl ...
Search Query points:40 PHP REPORT MAKER 1.0 PHP Report Maker is a powerful reporting tool that can generate dynamic PHP Web reports from MySQL database. You can instantly create live detail and summary reports or crosstabs reports for your Websites. Basic Flash charting (Column, Bar, Line or ...
Search Query points:40 WEATHER REPORT SCREENSAVER 1.1.3 Weather Report Screensaver is a screensaver that displays the information about weather in the world and gives the weather forecast for the nearest days. Due to modern technologies Weather Report Screensaver will quickly collect the information on weather in the ...
Search Query points:40 PIONEER REPORT MDI 3.67 Pioneer Report MDI is a GRML, CSV, and text delimited file and web browser. It reads files from local filesystems and web pages from websites. GRML, General Reuse Markup Language, supports input controls for a form, (hyper)links, images, and text. ...
Search Query points:40 DC DYNAMIC REPORT 1.0 DynamicReport is a COM based component that generate HTML Report with ease no design interface , no additional programming code , only populate your recordset , define few methods to customize your report view , that is all ! ...
Search Query points:40 XL REPORT BUILDER 2.0.2 The Program XL Report Builder is a powerful and flexible tool for creating reports of any level of difficulty in the form of the Microsoft Excel Book. XL Report Builder allows to extract data simultaneously from several databases and to ...
Search Query points:40 EMS EXCEL REPORT 1.3 EMS Excel Report component for Delphi and C++ Builder is a powerful band-oriented generator of template-based reports in MS Excel. Easy-to-use component property editors allow you to create powerful reports in MS Excel quickly, easily and intuitively understandable. Now you ...
Search Query points:40 CATCHYSOFT REPORT GENERATOR PRO 1.02 Catchysoft Report Generator Pro is a report generating library that uses ActiveX (also known as COM) technology. Unique to it is an opportunity to integrate it into any project in a short time and with minimal efforts. Added to this ...
Search Query points:40 SEO REPORT 1.0.01 SEO Report is an all-in-one solution for a better insight on the SEO world. It gives you comprehensive SEO reports, including monitoring your ranking in search engines, improving your link popularity, do a better market research in less time, suggest ...
Search Query points:40 DIRECTORY REPORT 25.1 Directory printer, find duplicate files, rename files and maintain files – all in 1 tool Simple to use since it looks just like the MS Explorer The program can scan over 7 million files Powerful filtering ensures you only ...
Search Query points:40 CZ PRINT JOB REPORT 2.0 CZ Print Job Report is a tool allowing you to view 94 reports including 54 default reports and 40 customized reports, and export these reports in Adobe-pdf, MS-Word, MS-Excel and Rich Text formats. These reports are designed for your print ...
Search Query points:10 WINE LIBRARY 1.1.098 Wine Library is a wine cellar management program designed to help you manage and value your wine collections. It's not only an essential tool for wine collectors, but also a great tool for wine enthusiasts. It lets you create ...
Search Query points:10 MOVIE LIBRARY 1.4.363 Movie Library is a database application designed for movie collectors and movie fans. It lets you catalog any video formats such as DVD, VHS, VCD, LaserDisc or home videos with detailed information. Movie library is not just a movie/video collection ...
Search Query points:10 MUSIC LIBRARY 2.0.957 Music library is a CDDB-enabled comprehensive music database manager designed for MP3 and record collectors. It lets you catalog any music files or media such as MP3's, WAV's, audio CD's, vinyl's and cassettes etc. with a MS Access database. You ...
Search Query points:10 COGEXP 2.0 Software contabile multiaziendale, adatto per elaborazioni contabili effettuate dallo studio per conto terzi o dalle aziende stesse che intendono gestire in proprio le attivita' amministrative/contabili. Tra le principali caratteristiche ricordiamo: Piano dei conti standard su tre livelli (secondo la IV ...
Search Query points:10 BOOK LIBRARY 1.4.162 Book Library is an easy-to-use yet powerful book collection manager. It lets you catalog any printed materials such as books, magazines, comic books and newspapers with a MS Access database. Book Library offers a comprehensive set of database fields, it ...
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