Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 180 funded different Replay AV ARCHIVE programs. You can simply download any of Replay AV ARCHIVE soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 REPLAY AV 8.03 Replay A/V is the most powerful way to capture all kinds of Streaming Video and Audio, including Radio Shows, Online TV Broadcasts, video clips, audio archives, and Podcasts. You can record clips instantaneously, or schedule recordings to happen automatically later. ...
Search Query points:45 REPLAY AV 7.10 Replay A/V is the most powerful way to capture all kinds of Streaming Video and Audio, including Radio Shows, Online TV Broadcasts, video clips, audio archives, and Podcasts. You can record clips instantaneously, or schedule recordings to happen automatically later. ...
Search Query points:40 ARCHIVE & RESTORE 1.1 Archive & Restore enables you to put away and save different versions of files and folders. Files are stored separately, either compressed or in their original format. The access will then be preserved by administrable archives with removable disk support, ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED ARCHIVE REPAIR 1.0 Advanced Archive Repair is a powerful archive data recovery suite. It includes tools to repair all subtypes of corrupt or damaged Zip archives and Self Extracting(SFX) archives, Unix TAR archives, and Microsoft CAB archives. Advanced Archive Repair uses advanced technologies ...
Search Query points:40 YAHOO! MESSENGER ARCHIVE DECODER 1.0 Are you worried what your spouse, child or employee is chatting about? Our super program will uncover the truth with extreme ease by secretly turning Archiving on for ALL users - no passwords needed! The program then allows you to ...
Search Query points:40 MESSENGERS ARCHIVE VIEWER 2.56 View Yahoo and MSN chat logs, without logging in to Yahoo or MSN. Copy, save or print the chat logs. ...
Search Query points:40 KATCHALL ARCHIVE Katchall Archive is a set of programs and utilities to create and manage the files that you work with. Every time a change is made to any file on your computer the differences between the new and old versions ...
Search Query points:40 ARCHIVE & RESTORE 1.1 Archive & Restore enables you to put away and save different versions of files and folders. Files are stored separately, either compressed or in their original format. The access will then be preserved by administrable archives with removable disk support, ...
Search Query points:40 LOCAL WEBSITE ARCHIVE 1.21 Local Website Archive offers a fast and easy way to store websites from your browser permanently for future reference. Local Website Archive works with all browsers and also with other online tools (Email, Newsreader, etc.) ...
Search Query points:40 REPLAY RADIO 7.13 Automatically record thousands of Radio Shows, Radio Stations, XM and Sirius channels and Podcasts, and listen whenever you like. Shows are saved as MP3 files or CDs, and can be automatically copied to your iPod. You can even skip the ...
Search Query points:40 REPLAY SCREENCAST 1.1 Replay Screencast is the easiest way to capture whatever you see on your screen, and turn it into a movie file, or "screencast." You can also record audio from the microphone or any other source. It's a great way to ...
Search Query points:40 WEB REPLAY 1.1 Web rePlay is the first web macro recorder for everybody! It works just like a VCR, you push the record button, start surfing, push the stop button when you're done. No programming needed. Replay the macro with one click. You ...
Search Query points:40 MSN YAHOO MESSAGE ARCHIVE VIEWER 1.5 View Yahoo and MSN chat logs of yourself, your spouse, your kids, or anyone, without logging in to Yahoo or MSN. Either you want to read your own chat logs or you want to spy on your love one, this ...
Search Query points:40 REPLAY CONVERTER 2.10 Replay Converter is an easy-to-use audio/video file converter, with the most options for iPod including iPod Video, M4B (iPod Bookmarkable Audiobook), M4A, AAC and more. Replay Converter is also a great way to convert Flash Video (like YouTube), Windows ...
Search Query points:15 AV MUSIC MORPHER 3.0.24 AV Music Morpher is a creative All-in-One Digital Music studio for audio video morphing and editing: music jukebox and audio editor. It includes: Voice morpher to change singer voice in two dimensions, voice pitch and voice timbre, to be either ...
Search Query points:10 RA DOCUMENT ORGANIZER 1.0.5 RA Document Organizer is an easy-to-use Windows utility that helps you to manage and access documents spread throughout your hard-disks and removable media more efficiently. Documents can be organized into projects and categories for easier navigation. Various operations can be ...
Search Query points:10 ALZIP 6.32 When it comes to ZIP files, ALZip does it all. Open 36 ZIP, archive and compression file formats. Create 8 ZIP, archive and compression file formats. Open CD image files (ISO, BIN). Open virtual CD files (LCD). Create SFX (exe) ...
Search Query points:10 DIGITAL PATROL 4.10.15 Digital Patrol is an effective antivirus scanner and monitor capable of finding and deleting all known types of trojan programs, Internet worms, script viruses and other harmful programs. It makes a heuristic analysis of files to find new, previously unknown ...
Search Query points:10 ABC BACKUP 2.1 This backup program allows you to copy data automatically on schedule from your PC to various storages - network disks, remote FTP servers, etc. The program can either mirror your data "as is" or create archived files or directories for ...
Search Query points:10 WIN SPY SOFTWARE PRO 8.3 Monitor your PC or multiple Remote PCs with Win-Spy. Win-Spy operates in stealth mode, so users will not be aware of its existence or be able to terminate or uninstall it. Win-Spy comes with a screen-capture tool, a key recorder, ...
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