Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3234 funded different repair notes nsf file programs. You can simply download any of repair notes nsf file soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 KERNEL PALM PDB - FILE REPAIR SOFTWARE 4.03 Kernel for Palm PDB - recovers corrupted .PDB (Database file for the Palm handheld organizer) database files corrupted due to unexpected palm shutdown, palm organizers synchronization break, HotSysnc® failure and displays error messages such as "Error opening PalmPilot database", " ...
Search Query points:80 KERNEL PARADOX - FILE REPAIR SOFTWARE 4.03 Kernel for Paradox - recovers corrupted .DB paradox database files corrupted due to unexpected system shutdown etc. During repairing process a complete scan of all the damaged paradox databases is performed to locate and extract the recoverable information. ...
Search Query points:80 EXCEL FILE REPAIR 4.03 Best excel file repair software to quickly repair corrupt excel files. It is designed to restore and rebuild the damaged MS Excel files. Supports repairing of files created using MS Excel 2003, 2002, 2000, 97, 95. Software displays the recovered ...
Search Query points:80 KERNEL BKF - CORRUPT BACKUP FILE REPAIR 4.02 Kernel BKF File Repair - recovers files from corrupted BKF archives corrupted due to backup interruption, virus attacks or CRC errors. Kernel BKF is a professional file repair tool to repair corrupt Microsoft backup (BKF) files. It uses quick algorithm ...
Search Query points:70 A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE- QR FOR LOTUS NOTES SERVER 1.01 QR for Lotus Notes Server supports all types of media viz. EIDE, IDE/ATA, WDC, SCSI, iSCSI, SATA, PATA, Micro Drives, DigitalMedia, etc., having Lotus Notes Domino 6.0 and above support, multi-disk and multi-lingual support, simulates previously existing partitions and is ...
Search Query points:70 A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE- QR FOR LOTUS NOTES 11.09 QR for Lotus Notes Client is a non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports all types of media viz. EIDE, IDE/ATA, WDC, SCSI, iSCSI, SATA, PATA, Micro Drives, DigitalMedia, etc., having Lotus Notes Domino 6.0 and above ...
Search Query points:60 KERNEL OUTLOOK PST REPAIR 4.04.01 Kernel Outlook PST File Recovery Software, repairs and restores data from damaged or corrupted Microsoft Outlook PST file. Microsoft Outlook uses a .pst (Personal Storage File) file to store all email messages, contacts, notes, journals, tasks and folders. Software scans ...
Search Query points:60 QUICK RECOVERY FOR LOTUS NOTES DOMINO SERVER - A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 1.01 Quick Recovery Lotus Notes Server is a non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports all types of media viz. EIDE, IDE/ATA, WDC, SCSI, iSCSI, SATA, PATA, Micro Drives, DigitalMedia, etc., having Lotus Notes Domino 6.0 and above ...
Search Query points:60 QUICK RECOVERY FOR LOTUS NOTES - A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 11.09 Quick Recovery Lotus Notes Client is a non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports all types of media viz. EIDE, IDE/ATA, WDC, SCSI, iSCSI, SATA, PATA, Micro Drives, DigitalMedia, etc., having Lotus Notes Domino 6.0 and above ...
Search Query points:50 REPAIR REGISTRY PRO 1.2 While you're busy working at your PC, Windows® is hard at work trying to destroy it! You see, the Windows operating systems depends upon a very important file called the Windows Registry to help it do its job. It gets ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED RAR REPAIR 1.2 Advanced RAR Repair(ARAR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt RAR and SFX archives. It scans the corrupt or damaged archives and recover your files in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ...
Search Query points:50 REPAIR MY EXCEL 1.00 Repair My Excel will fixed damaged or corrupt Microsoft Excel files. Repair My Excel will open the damaged Excel file and preview the content of the file. Repair My Excel will recover forumulas, formatting, font, colour, hyperlinks, URLs etc. Repair ...
Search Query points:50 DISKPATCH PARTITION REPAIR 2 DiskPatch Partition Repair is a menu driven DOS program designed to help you solve a wide range of harddisk problems. Mass data loss, a situation where access to an entire disk or partition is lost, is often caused by damage ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED OUTLOOK REPAIR 1.2 Advanced Outlook Repair is a powerful Microsoft outlook recovery tool for Outlook 97, 98, 2000, 2002 and 2003. It can scan the corrupt or damaged personal folder files(.pst) and recover your mail messages, folders, posts, appointments, meeting requests, contacts, distribution ...
Search Query points:50 MY NOTES KEEPER 1.0 My Notes Keeper is a powerful and easy-to-use personal database program, PIM and Word Processor with Tabbed and Tree structure, advanced encryption and password protection. Search, Replace, Case options, Insert file, link, image, time, date, symbols, table, html table. Import ...
Search Query points:50 MY NOTES CENTER 1.4.0 E-Organizer and personal information manager jam-packed with features like an overstuffed sandwich. Store personal notes, e-mails, web links, phone numbers, addresses, even credit card numbers safely and securely. Use it as text editor and word processor for working ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED RAR REPAIR 1.0 Advanced RAR Repair(ARAR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt RAR and SFX archives. It scans the corrupt or damaged archives and recover your files in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED ZIP REPAIR 1.8 Advanced Zip Repair (AZR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupted Zip and self-extracting(SFX) files. It can scan the Zip archives and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ...
Search Query points:50 CLEARIMAGE REPAIR 5.3 Professional ActiveX tools for VB C++ Delphi applications automatically deskew, rotate, crop, register, smooth lines and characters, remove noise, blobs, fax headers and borders from scanned, faxed images. Reduce file output size and improve the appearance and readability of the ...
Search Query points:50 MY NOTES KEEPER 1.6 My Notes Keeper is a powerful and easy-to-use personal database program, PIM and Word Processor with Tabbed and Tree structure, advanced encryption and password protection. Search, Replace, Case options, Insert file, link, image, time, date, symbols, table, html table. Import ...
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