Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 13642 funded different removing unused ports xp programs. You can simply download any of removing unused ports xp soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 SHARE SERIAL PORTS 1.0 Share Serial Ports is an advanced utility for sharing real serial ports between multiple applications so that all applications will receive same data from real serial port simultaneously. It is achieved by creating virtual serial ports, exact copies of real ...
Search Query points:45 ELTIMA VIRTUAL SERIAL PORTS DRIVER XP 5.1 Eltima Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP 5.1 enables to create any number of pure virtual serial ports in your system connected into pairs via virtual null-modem cable without using any real serial ports. Virtual Serial Ports appear to operating system ...
Search Query points:45 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORTS DRIVER CE 3.2 With Virtual Serial Port Driver CE you can connect one application to another using virtual serial ports pair for instantl data transfer. VSPD CE creates two pure virtual serial ports in your system which are virtually connected to each other. ...
Search Query points:45 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORTS DRIVER 5.1.3 Virtual Serial Port Driver by Virtual Serial Port Software, department of Eltima, is a sophisticated software solution aimed to create two pure virtual serial ports virtually connected to each other in your system. Therefore, without additional hardware installation you may ...
Search Query points:45 SHARED SERIAL PORTS 1.1 Shared Serial Port - advanced utility to share real serial ports between applications so that all applications will receive/send data from/to real serial port simultaneously. Shared Serial Port creates virtual serial ports, which are same copies as real ones. Any ...
Search Query points:45 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORTS DRIVER XP 5.0 With VSPD XP you can create any number of pure virtual serial ports in your system connected into pairs via virtual null-modem cable without having real serial ports occupied. Virtual Serial Ports appear to operating system or any Windows application ...
Search Query points:25 ADVANCED WINDOWSCARE 2 PERSONAL OFFICIAL 2 Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal is a comprehensive PC care utility that takes an one-click approach to help protect, repair and optimize your computer. It provides an all-in-one and super convenient solution for PC maintenance and protection. This fantastic program is ...
Search Query points:25 EXPIRED COOKIES CLEANER 1.0 Expired Cookies Cleaner is a freeware utility for removing unused cookies from your computer. It will clean cookie files that will be never used. Internet Explorer stores all cookies in different files and never deletes them even they have expired ...
Search Query points:15 WINPOPUP ACTIVEX 1.02 WinPopup ActiveX solves the problem of exchange data between your applications on the local area network (or in local computer) without any server. Simple to use, it also manages the Windows XP firewall while letting you to add your application ...
Search Query points:15 SERIAL PORT ACTIVEXCONTROL 2.0 Serial Port AX Control is a powerful ActiveX component that lets developers quickly and effectively organize work with serial ports. Serial Port AX Control makes communicating with external devices on rs232 connection really fast and reliable. Serial Port AX Control ...
Search Query points:15 BURNINTEST PRO 5.1 Fast, easy-to-use utility that simultaneously exercises all the major components of a PC, to test for endurance and reliability. Tests include CPU, RAM, disk, video, CD/DVD, printer, sound, serial ports, parallel ports, USB, tape, Network, video playback or customer developed ...
Search Query points:15 SERIAL PORT REDIRECTOR 1.3 Serial Port Redirector is used to connect a serial application to a remote TCP socket. This allows you to utilize modern hardware COM servers without changing your software or exchange data between a TCP/IP application and an old-fashioned program that ...
Search Query points:15 RECOVERY FOR BIZTALK 1.0.0614 Recovery for BizTalk is a powerful data recovery software for damaged Microsoft BizTalk database files (.MDF). Retrieves information from both corrupted databases and backups. Recovers channels, ports, envelopes; processed documents and shared queues. Stores recovered information in Transact-SQL script. Supports ...
Search Query points:15 SERIAL PORT MONITORING CONTROL 1.02 Serial Port Monitoring Control (SPMC) - RS232 Data Acquisition and Com Port Control Component Library, Modem Access Component. Connection Sniffer and Port Test Software Library. The library lets you enumerate all installed serial devices, including, but not limited to serial ...
Search Query points:15 SOFTPERFECT BANDWIDTH MANAGER 2.3 SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager is a full-featured traffic management tool for Windows that offers cost-effective bandwidth control and quality of service based on built-in prioritized rules. These rules can specify a bandwidth limit for each Internet user. With SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager, ...
Search Query points:15 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT ACTIVEX CE 3.1 Virtual Serial Port ActiveX CE is a powerful ActiveX Control for Embedded platforms that allows your software to create custom additional virtual serial ports in Windows CE system and fully control them from within your own program. Virtual serial ports ...
Search Query points:15 FREE SERIAL PORT MONITOR 3.31 Free software serial port monitor, Com Rs232 sniffer with communication packet data analyzer. This monitoring utility can spy, capture, view, analyze, test com ports activity performing com port connection and traffic analysis with data acquisition and control. You can use ...
Search Query points:15 ADVANCED VIRTUAL COM PORT 2.3 Advanced Virtual COM Port is the first software of its kind which includes both local and network virtual COM port functions. It can share your real COM ports or create virtual COM ports and connect them with a virtual null-modem ...
Search Query points:15 EASY NETWORK SERVICE MONITOR 2.14 Easy Service Monitor is a network fault management tool that continuously monitors network devices and services. If something went wrong, it will alert you by email/phone/pager BEFORE problems get seriously out of hand. A detailed log file will record every ...
Search Query points:15 SERIAL SPLITTER 3.0 Serial Splitter is an application, based on Windows kernel drivers technology and Eltima Virtual Serial Ports Driver. It allows you to share real serial port between several applications in a way that all applications will receive same data from one ...
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