Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 79 funded different remapper 1.02 programs. You can simply download any of remapper 1.02 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:165 KEY REMAPPER 1.02 Key Remapper is an utility to remap or disable individual keys on your keyboard. ...
Search Query points:25 RQ SEARCH AND VIEW 1.02 RQ Search and View is a simple utilite used to search and view text in files for Microsoft Windows 98/XP. File formats supported are text files with Windows, Rich Text Format (RTF), HTML (web pages). You shouldn't create index files ...
Search Query points:25 MYALLMOVIES 1.0.2 MyAllMovies is a database program for making a list of your movies: DVD's, VHS tapes, Laserdiscs, etc... Adding movies to the list is quick and easy because all movie details are downloaded from the internet. The result can be sorted, ...
Search Query points:25 FORESHOWING - BIORHYTHMS CALCULATOR 1.02 This biorhythm calculator allows you to view your psycial, emotional, intellectual and intuitional biorhythmes on any day you want. You can also view your parnter's biorhythms and count your biorhythmical compatibility with your parnter. ...
Search Query points:25 CLASH N SLASH: WORLDS AWAY 1.02 In Worlds Away, as in our original Clash'N Slash, you must defend your planet from pesky alien invaders arriving from all over the galaxy. This time, alien hordes are more diverse and clever featuring more than 70 enemy types and ...
Search Query points:25 PIRATE MEMORY AUDIO GAME 1.02 Ahoy! Join the PIRATE and his Parrot in classical MEMORY game. ADDICTIVE, SIMPLE and ORIGINAL, PIRATE MEMORY Audio GAME is sure to WIN your HEART and is a great GIFT for your FRIENDS. It's High Quality Audio Game fully accessible ...
Search Query points:25 ADVANCED FILE VAULT 1.02 Hide or password-protect any file instantly by clicking on it. Advanced File Vault works with all file types including pictures and movies. Once a file is locked or hidden, it is completely encrypted and none of its contents can be ...
Search Query points:25 PASSWORDZILLA 1.02 PasswordZilla is a powerful password and hash generator for any your projects. It's interface is simple, and easy to comprehend. PasswordZilla allows you to easily generate and store passwords, hash and data in a different formats. It will be ...
Search Query points:25 MAGIC IMAGE RESIZER 1.02 Magic Image Resizer is used to resize pictures in most popular graphic formats. It resizes them in batch mode, which means that the user can select hundreds of images, select desired size and just click the Resize button. The program ...
Search Query points:25 FILEASSURITY OPENPGP COMMAND LINE SCRIPTOR 1.02 Administrators or developers unfamiliar with encryption can easily integrate automated encryption, decryption, digital signatures, verification, secure archiving and secure file deletion into almost any third party or proprietary application. No programming experience is required. Your critical data is always ...
Search Query points:25 DEKART LOGON FOR LOTUS NOTES 1.02 Protect access to Lotus Notes with smart cards, USB disks and biometrics. Dekart Logon for Lotus Notes performs high level user authentication, ensuring that only authorized users can access Lotus Notes data and resources. When the user removes the USB ...
Search Query points:25 HIDE MY FILES 1.0.2 Hide My Files is an easy to use file security utility that protects files and folders from unauthorized use. Hide My Files is a simple file and folder security application that provides an easy to use interface that allows you ...
Search Query points:25 EASY FILE BACKUP 1.0.2 Easy File Backup is an easy to use file and folder backup utility. This simple freeware file backup software program runs unobtrusively in the system tray and will allow you to back up your data at a specified interval, and/or ...
Search Query points:25 RENTAL PROPERTY MANAGER 1.02 Rental Property Manager (RPM) is a one-stop database for managing your rental property information. RPM is designed by a property manager to meet your unique needs. It is for real estate professionals and private property investors alike. Using ...
Search Query points:25 PACSCOPE - PERFECT NETWORK SNIFFER 1.02 A Sniffer type integrated network analyzer, PacScope monitors and visualizes packets activities on LAN or Internet through Ethernet. PacScope automatically gathers network information by capturing packets transmitted on your network. PacScope decodes and shows you detailed information of captured packets ...
Search Query points:25 ANALOG CLOCK SCR 1.02 This screen saver shows an analog clock. Screensaver shows analog clock. Screensaver has alarms. You can specify the time when the alarm should be running. Analog Clock Scr can show messages with your text. Using this screensaver you can ...
Search Query points:25 MACRO MANIA 10.2 This award-winning program will save you time and money as you automate your computer tasks with macros. Macro Mania eliminates all the tedious computer tasks and redundant typing chores that can be done much faster and easier with macros. ...
Search Query points:25 ULTRA QUICKTIME CONVERTER 1.0.2 Ultra QuickTime Converter is a powerful tool to help you convert QuickTime MOV, QT, MP4, M4V files to AVI, DivX, Xvid, MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD, SVCD, DVD(*.VOB) files. With the fast and powerful QuickTime video decoder inside, Ultra QuickTime Converter can ...
Search Query points:25 CAM IN STYLE 1.0.2 Cam In Style is the first free webcam broadcasting software and service which supports 3D anaglyph broadcasting from two webcams. Cam In Style is free. The software is free. The basic service is free. Download and install the software, ...
Search Query points:25 X-CASINO 1.0.2 Play free unique 3D games of the best online casino: Blackjack, Slots, Roulette, Caribbean Poker, Video Poker, Casino War. ...
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