Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 13491 funded different registry washer click and save programs. You can simply download any of registry washer click and save soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 REGISTRY CLEANER CLICK AND FIX 3.3 Registry Cleaner Click And Fix will thoroughly scan your PC for known problems! With Registry Cleaner Click And Fix you can safely clean and repair Windows registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks! Problems with the Windows registry are ...
Search Query points:90 1-ABC.NET REGISTRY WASHER 1.01 The Windows Registry is a place where all programs add important configuration data to. When you start your computer, Windows always checks its Registry to let all installed software know local settings, paths of the programs, last opened documents, specific ...
Search Query points:90 1-ABC.NET REGISTRY WASHER 1.10 The Windows Registry is a place where all programs add important configuration data to. When you start your computer, Windows always checks its Registry to let all installed software know local settings, paths of the programs, last opened documents, specific ...
Search Query points:90 REGISTRY WASHER 3.6.2 Registry Washer safely scan your entire Windows registry for errors, any invalid entries and provides you with a list of all registry errors found. In addition with Registry Washer tools you can easily search inside your Windows registry, detect and ...
Search Query points:60 1 CLICK FIXER PLUS 3.0 1 Click Fixer PLUS is the most advanced registry cleaner utility on the market. That allows complex cleaning of windows registry in an easy, safe and reliable way. With far more complex tasks such as automatic repairing of Windows registry ...
Search Query points:60 1 CLICK PC FIX 3.2 Are you suffering from computer rage? Solve PC problems instantly with 1 Click PC Fix and save both time and money with unnecessary call out charges and down time. Your system will then be much faster when booting up and ...
Search Query points:60 DISK AND REGISTRY ALERT 2.05 Track, view, and save any changes done to your pc. Capture before and after snapshots of both your hard drive and registry, allowing you to monitor and keep track of all files and programs that were added or removed ...
Search Query points:60 1-ABC.NET SURF TRAIL WASHER 1.20 There are many ways and tools to delete the trail you leave on your computer when you visit websites - but this one already washes it away while you are surfing! The program runs nearly unrecognizable in the background. You ...
Search Query points:60 REGISTRY BOOSTER 1 Registry Booster is the safest and most trusted solution to clean and optimise your system, free it from registry errors and fragmented entries. Through Advanced Error Detection Technology, Registry Booster automatically identifies missing, corrupt, or invalid items in your Windows ...
Search Query points:60 1 CLICK FIXER PLUS 2.8.1 1 Click Fixer PLUS is the most advanced registry cleaner utility on the market. That allows complex cleaning of windows registry in an easy, safe and reliable way. With far more complex tasks such as automatic repairing of Windows registry ...
Search Query points:50 MS WORD BACKUP FILE AUTO SAVE SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this software to automatically save all open Word documents to a separate backup file at a interval that you define. Backups can be set to occur every 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc. This application sits in the ...
Search Query points:50 1-ABC.NET HARD DRIVE WASHER 1.10 Windows and nearly all other software that is installed on it produce temporary data. These disk space consuming files are used to remember personal data or user behaviour in the best case, but most of the time they only decrease ...
Search Query points:50 DRIVE WASHER 2.1.2 Drive Washer will permanently render all of your data unrecoverable by any software means. Remove data from hard drives when disposing or selling a computer. Protect your social security and credit card numbers, passwords, emails, photos and any other ...
Search Query points:50 MEMORY WASHER 4.6.5 Memory Washer is a smart memory and process manager tool that scans your system increasing your amount of available memory by up to 95%. Memory Washer prevents Windows crashes by freeing up unused memory, making your computer faster and more ...
Search Query points:50 CLICK TRANSLATOR 1.00 Translate text from anywhere on screen with a single mouse select and a keystroke! Click Translator is a tool that provides instant translation of your selected text in 12 major languages, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Greek, ...
Search Query points:50 1 CLICK & GO - 1 Click & Go looks as a Windows toolbar designed for easy access, open and execute files and folders that you often use. Program similar well-known Microsoft Office Panel, but not lose configuration in case of a system crash. It ...
Search Query points:50 ONE CLICK SPAM SHIELD 1.4 1 Click Spam Shield 1.4, is safe, easy to use spam filter that ensures you get messages from people you know. It is the safest, easiest, and most powerful solution for eliminating junk mail. It prioritizes your Inbox. It allows ...
Search Query points:50 1 CLICK BOOST 2.4 1 Click Boost is the one software for all your PC and Internet connectivity speed boosting needs. It is indeed the solution for great power and web speed as it is capable of installing tweaks that lead to improved connection ...
Search Query points:50 SAVE FLASH 3.0.68 With Save Flash, you can save anything that says Flash. This software will give you access to any Flash games, Flash cards, Flash banners and cartoons. Eventhough this software performs complex activities it is very easy to use. Once ...
Search Query points:50 1-ABC.NET FILE WASHER 1.10 By deleting files/folders/drives with this program you can switch between 8 different erasing methods, and all of them overwrite your old file and rename it before removing so the only thing that could ever be recovered with an undeleting tool ...
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