Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 30 funded different quest fastreport programs. You can simply download any of quest fastreport soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 FASTREPORT VCL 2.54 With full source code, royalty-free! FastReport is an add-in component for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport provides all the tools you need to develop reports, including a report engine, report designer, previewer, dialog ...
Search Query points:40 FASTREPORT 3.23 FastReport 3 is an add-in component for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the tools you need to develop reports.All variants of FastReport® 3 contains: Visual report designer with rulers, guides and ...
Search Query points:40 FASTREPORT 4.00 FastReport 4 is an add-in component for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the tools you need to develop reports.All variants of FastReport® 3 contains: Visual report designer with rulers, guides and ...
Search Query points:40 FASTREPORT STUDIO 3.23B FastReport Studio is an powerful, compact, and flexible environment for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. All the tools you need to fast and professional develop reports, including a report engine, report designer, previewer, dialog ...
Search Query points:40 PACCO QUEST 3D 1.0.2 Pacco Quest 3D is a 3D remake of old well-known Pacman game with modern 3D-look and environment. Nice 3D graphics and visual effects, beautiful music and sound-FX, more enemies and monsters, power-ups and bonuses! 6 episodes and 60 diffrent levels ...
Search Query points:40 FASTREPORT STUDIO 3.22B FastReport Studio is an powerful, compact, and flexible environment for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. All the tools you need to fast and professional develop reports, including a report engine, report designer, previewer, dialog ...
Search Query points:40 FASTREPORT 3.15 FastReport 3 is an add-in component for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the tools you need to develop reports.All variants of FastReport® 3 contains: Visual report designer with rulers, guides and ...
Search Query points:40 QUEST 4.0 Quest lets you create sophisticated text-based games, without having to program. You can make text adventures, role-playing games, training materials, simulations, interactive fiction, online multiplayer environments and more. With its easy-to-use visual editor, absolutely no programming is required - ...
Search Query points:40 PACCO QUEST 3D 1.6 Pacco Quest 3D is a fantastic 3D remake of famous Pac-Man game with new story and gamplay! Nice 3D graphics and visual effects, beautiful music and sound effects, many enemies and monsters, 6 episodes and 60 outstanding levels of fun! ...
Search Query points:40 TSAREVNA - A MEDIEVAL RUSSIA QUEST 7.03 A classic adventure game set in medieval Russia. You control a modern American and your quest is to win the hand in marriage of a beautiful Russian princess. Colorful Russian-style graphics and funny plot will not let you get bored. ...
Search Query points:40 ARCTIC QUEST 1.1 Setting up a palace on the edge of the arctic wasteland, the Snow King's chilly spirit took pleasure in expanding his kingdom beyond the North Pole. You have the strong mind and passionate heart needed to defeat him. Will you ...
Search Query points:40 JIG ART QUEST 1.0 It's your job to take flight and knock out more than 100 doomsday devices that have been planted around the world. Travel to each destination on the map and eliminate chains of marbles by strategically matching colors in sets of ...
Search Query points:40 FLOWER QUEST 1.0 Enter a land of magic and wonder, where a young sorceress-in-training uses her green thumb, rather than a magic wand, to solve puzzles. To win, simply rotate the branches and roots of budding flowers to connect the plants one ...
Search Query points:10 BLADES OF HEAVEN 1.1 This game feature 40 hours of non-linear gameplay, a very detailed world and background, an original musical theme, 8 characters with their own attributes & personality, more than 10 pets to join you in your party, the hability to ...
Search Query points:10 ASEA 1.1.7 It's not easy to navigate through river streams and high seas in a paddle-boat when the whole water surface is covered with lilies. Do your best to make lily combos disappear and to get your cargo delivered on-time. Improve your ...
Search Query points:10 ABC ISLAND 1.1.2 Take a voyage to the pirate's island in search for hidden treasures of the ABC. Make for the open sea and sail by beautiful islands while doing your best to arrange as many words on your gamefield as you can. ...
Search Query points:10 RAINBOW MYSTERY 1.1 Rainbow Mystery is a terrific fun from the creators of Rainbow Web! Join Lily on her quest to break the curse in the swap-and-match puzzle. Some time passes and the evil wizards turn the Rainbow world into a tainted landscape. ...
Search Query points:10 FREEREPORT 2.34 FreeReport is reporting tool component. It consists of report engine, designer and preview. Its capabilities comparable with in Crystal Reports. It written on 100% Object Pascal and can be installed in Delphi 4-7,2005 and C++Builder 4-6. This version ...
Search Query points:10 BRAVE DWARVES 2 GOLD 1.41 Your ingenuity and dwarves' courage will make this quest easy as a game. But how many amazing hours will it give to you and your friends! Features of the full version: Number of unique items 20 + 12 artefacts Number ...
Search Query points:10 TRADEWINDS 2 1.0 Amass a fortune by buying and selling goods in this fantastic seafaring game of chance, skill and adventure! Earn enough gold to upgrade your ship and engage in land and sea battles. Trade magic weaponry and mysterious artifacts as you ...
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