Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 194 funded different qbasic freesoftware installation programs. You can simply download any of qbasic installation soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 MULTISET UNATTENDED INSTALLATION 3.1 Automation software. MultiSet® provides advanced automation software for Microsoft® Windows™. It can control every aspect of your computer, such as the mouse and keyboard, without having to write any programming code. Automation software installation. MultiSet will automatically install all the ...
Search Query points:10 SWEEPSTAKES LIST 1.01 Sweepstakes List is the most effective sweepstakes management solution on the market. It is packed with useful features that are a must for every sweepstakes lover. It will store information about sweepstakes entered and alert about sweepstakes that are due ...
Search Query points:10 YAHOO MESSENGER BUFFERZONE SECURITY 1.70-6 BufferZone protection for Yahoo Messenger and its shared files. One step installation. No configuration needed. Just install and you are protected. Continue using Yahoo Messenger as always. No spyware, trojan horses, worm, viruses or $%#^ programs can harm your system. ...
Search Query points:10 PGUARD - PRIVACY PROTECTION TOOL 1.2 PGuard is a easy-to-use tool for protecting information about your activity on Internet and on your personal computer. PGuard deletes all activity tracks of internet browsers, Microsoft Windows and other software on your PC. PGuard deletes all activity ...
Search Query points:10 SOLITAIRE ONLINE 1.0 Solitaire is a one-player game that takes patience. Solitaire Online brings you to the most basic version of solitaire. This program is uses flash technology and can be played using your current web browser. Solitaire Online's installation has been optimized to ...
Search Query points:10 ACME CADPACKER 1.2 Easy [DWG / DXF /DWF/ Image] to EXE converter. With CADPacker, you can pack your design files, project explanations, photos and design effect drawings (DWG, DXF,DWF, TXT, BMP, JPEG, TGA, PCX, GIF, WMF) into self-executive exe file. It's convenient for ...
Search Query points:10 ABF PASSWORD RECOVERY 1.74 ABF Password Recovery is a program to retrieve lost or forgotten passwords for many well known programs and popular file formats. All passwords are recovered instantly. Passwords for programs can be recovered for current installation of Windows only. There are ...
Search Query points:10 DRIVER GENIUS PROFESSIONAL EDITION 2005 6.0.1882 Driver Genius Professional is a professional driver management tool features both driver management and hardware diagnostics. Driver Genius provides such practical functions as driver backup, restoration, update and removal for computer users. If you often reinstall your operating system, you ...
Search Query points:10 VIRTUAL DRIVE CREATOR 2.1.1 Create Virtual Drives from long paths, it's easy! Type the full path or (even easier) browse to the path via the Drive and Folder Lists. Choose a drive letter from the "Available Virtual Drive Letters" list and Click [Add Virtual ...
Search Query points:10 FITBOOK FIGURE LINIE ALFA 1.2 What is FitBook? FitBook is mark of a book deal with sport sphere and fitness. FitBook Line is electronic book version, application that runs browser without installation into the operating system. You can get in the browser the basic ...
Search Query points:10 ANYCHART FLASH GANTT COMPONENT 1.01 Anychart Flash Gantt is a superb, customizable component for displaying Gantt charts. Create groups, connectors and milestones with a simple XML configuration! Driven by an XML interface, it has no installation and is easily implemented. There is no need for ...
Search Query points:10 NETSTALLER 1.0.17 NetStaller is a new software deployment utility for computer networks. It enables system administrators to remotely install and remove software applications to/from selected network PCs using Windows Installer MSI packages. There is no need to walk over to each computer, ...
Search Query points:10 ANYCHART FLASH MAP COMPONENT 1.01 Anychart is a flexible Flash-based solution, which allows you to easily display any sort of data dealing with geographical locations: contains US, World, US Counties maps. Driven by XML interface, it has no installation and is easily implemented. There is ...
Search Query points:10 DISKEEPER HOME EDITION 10.0 Diskeeper 10 Home Edition is the easy, most cost-effective way to keep your PC running like it did when it was new, without the need for slow, time-consuming manual defragmentation. Diskeeper 10 Home Edition goes to work as soon as ...
Search Query points:10 WONDERSHARE PPT2FLASH STANDARD 3.0.5 Wondershare PPT2Flash Standard is your most trustied ally to transform PowerPoint slideshow to Flash movie clip. The functions of the program have been embedded within MS PowerPoint tool bar after installation. It supports 170+ animation and transitions, allows users to ...
Search Query points:10 ORION NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR 7.8.5 Orion NPM enables network engineers to not only monitor availability and utilization, but also to view SLA Reports. SolarWinds.Net Orion NPM combines live fault management network maps with a very robust Web-based bandwidth performance graphing engine. Orion NPM monitors and ...
Search Query points:10 MOBTIME CELL PHONE MANAGER V6.1.0 A easy-to-use pc software that helps you manage your mobile phone via data cable, IrDA or Bluetooth. The software supports most famous mobile phones of Nokia, Samsung, SonyEricsson, Motorola, LG, Siemens and so on. Now more than 300 models ...
Search Query points:10 MOUSEIMP PRO LIVE! SOURCE CODE Please feel free to download and use MouseImp Pro Live! source code. The source lacks MouseImp Pro's copy protection and some other trialware/evaluation stuff from the commercial version. The source code can be compiled under Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 SP5. ...
Search Query points:10 AGAMA WEB BUTTONS 2.62 This software enables you to create professional quality, unique web buttons in a matter of minutes. With Agama web Buttons you can create a variety of 2D and 3D glassy, metallic, plastic and even XP style buttons from predefined templates. ...
Search Query points:10 ACCESS DENIED 3.40 Security program requests username and password or simple password upon boot-up and locks desktop by one mouse click. It can't be bypassed on Windows 95/98/ME. All unwanted people are kept out to your PC. Very flexible use: multi-user support(up to ...
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