Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 613 funded different ps tray 2.1 programs. You can simply download any of ps tray 2.1 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 PS TRAY FACTORY 2.1 PS Tray Factory allows you to: hide low-activity icons from a system tray into menu, get fast access to hidden icons, change the order of icons in the menu and in the system tray (sort tray), restore ...
Search Query points:45 PS TRAY FACTORY 2.5 PS Tray Factory is a system tray icons manager that will allows you to: hide low-activity icons from a system tray into menu, get fast access to hidden icons, change the order of icons in the system ...
Search Query points:40 TRAY DATE 2.0 Tray Date is a very small program that displays the current date in an attractive tray icon. Tray Date's executive file is a very small file so there will be virtually no startup lag as a result of ...
Search Query points:40 TRAY SAFE 4.1 Tray Safe is Net's manager to forgot password problems. In addition to a variety of encryption and hashing algorithms available, it features a unique hardware ID.It means, if someone hacks your PC or makes a copy of your hard-drive, they ...
Search Query points:40 (DOCUMENTS)TRAY FOLDER 2.04 The (Documents)Tray Folder... is a secure and hidden folder, located in your "My Documents" folder, that is accessible through the tray icon, but only when you want it to be accessible. You can completely hide your personal ...
Search Query points:40 (HIDDEN)TRAY FOLDER 2.05 (Hidden)Tray Folder... is a secure and hidden folder, located in your "Application Data" folder, that is accessible through the tray icon, but only when you want it to be accessible. You can completely hide your personal files and folders. ...
Search Query points:40 CLOCK TRAY SKINS 2.0 Clock Tray Skins extends standard Windows Taskbar clock capabilities. Now your system clock can display seconds, current day and date. With skins support. ...
Search Query points:40 TRAY FOLDER 2.03 Tray Folder is a launcher. Start the program and an icon will appear in your tray displaying the date. Right-click on the tray icon to open your tray folder or to use the program's other features. Put anything in ...
Search Query points:40 MICROCALENDAR - WINDOWS TRAY CALENDAR MicroCalendar is a Windows system tray popup calendar. It is small, unobtrusive, and always ready so you can easily check calendar dates without messing up your computer's system time or having to use a resource-intensive application. Features an attractive user ...
Search Query points:40 DRIVE TRAY MANIPULATOR 1.0 Open and close your cd/dvd doors easily with just a click of an icon. What makes this program different is that it does not run at startup or in your system tray. Just click the icons to open or close ...
Search Query points:40 ACTIVE TRAY 2.11 Active Tray is ground-breaking software which finally allows you to transform your meager Windows System Tray into the most important and useful area of your screen! Go ahead; add programs, documents, folders, internet links, and more! Now imagine adding hotkeys, ...
Search Query points:40 SYSTEM TRAY NOTEPAD 1.2.3 System Tray Notepad is like sticky notes and notepad all in one container. All the benefits of notepad plus the convinience of sticky notes. ...
Search Query points:40 CAPTAIN TRAY PRO 6.2 Captain Tray Pro is a simple and effective tool for tray management. You probably have a file manager installed on your computer, which you use to manage your files. Now you can use Captain Tray Pro to manage your Windows. ...
Search Query points:40 CD TRAY PAL 1.0.55 Emsa CD Tray Pal is a handy utility that acts as a CD-ROM Drive control menu. It runs in the system tray and makes opening/closing CD door easier than ever, even on multiple CD-ROM drives! Features: - Autorun at system ...
Search Query points:40 A2SOFT TRAY UTILITIES 1.0 A2Soft Tray Utilities is a nice launch program developed to let you quickly run your favorite applications, documents and URLs, open folder, system folders and Control Panel applets directly from the system tray. You also can create multiple custom lists ...
Search Query points:15 ANALOG CLOCK 2.1 In the era of robotic Mars explorations, humans still prefer more human-oriented devices on Earth! For instant information at-a-glance, analog meters are often superior. Many people glance quickly at their analog watch and immediately know roughly what the time is. ...
Search Query points:15 PS HOT FOLDERS 2.0 Using PS Hot Folders special easily configured menu, you can quickly go to the folder that you want in standard Open, Save As and Browse dialogs or quickly open the folder that you need in Windows Explorer. This menu can ...
Search Query points:15 EREMINDER 2006 PREMIER 2.1 eReminder is a full-featured calendar application designed specifically for planning, managing, and scheduling your important dates and times. It runs in the background, sits in the system tray, and makes it nearly impossible to forget birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, appointments, meetings, ...
Search Query points:15 DEFAULT PRINTER 2.1 Default Printer is an utility which helps you to switch your active printer fast. There are many different printers - black and white laser, color ink-jet, color laser and others. Even fax is present in the system as usual ...
Search Query points:15 SMARTSLEEP - AUTO SHUTDOWN UTILITY 2.6 SmartSleep is the most powerful shutdown utility available today. SmartSleep supports these operations: Shutdown, log off, reboot, black screen, file execution and display message. You can also schedule these tasks, so it can turn off your PC every Sunday ...
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