Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6862 funded different program restrict change permission files programs. You can simply download any of restrict change permission files soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 CHANGE CASE IN TEXT FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to change the contents of text files to upper, lower, proper (title), sentence case. Load multiple files into the program, and quickly convert the letters and characters. ...
Search Query points:80 PDF CHANGE TITLE, SUBJECT, AUTHOR, KEYWORDS, DATES IN MULTIPLE FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Change general document information (meta data) in many PDF files quickly. You can even batch-modify the title data field of a PDF to be the same as the filename. ...
Search Query points:60 CHANGE CASE OF FILE NAMES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to change the filenames of files to upper, lower, proper (title), sentence case. Load multiple files into the program, and quickly convert the letters (characters). ...
Search Query points:50 FILES COMPARE TOOL 2.7 Files Compare is a visual tool for files and directories comparison. It helps you to compare and merge different versions of the same textual file. A color-coded side-by-side comparison makes it easy to understand differences between two files at a ...
Search Query points:50 SAME FILES ASSISTANT 3.1 Same Files Assistant is ultimate application for hard links managment. This utility can create hard links. You can do it manually or from results of analyzing your disk for duplicate data results. This will help you not to use space ...
Search Query points:50 HIDE SECRET FILES 1.02 Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequalled data hiding method. As a result of many years research within our company, this product hides and safely protects from erasure your private information. Would you ...
Search Query points:50 JOIN (MERGE, COMBINE) MULTIPLE (TWO) PDF FILES INTO ONE SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly append PDF files to one another with this program. Your many PDFs are merged in a batch process that takes seconds. ...
Search Query points:50 RENAME FILES MASTER 1.0 Rename Files Master gives you a quick way to rename as many files as you want, thousands of files, in just seconds!Features:Change the file name Change the file extension Auto-Incrementing Pad File Names with Zeros so that the names sort ...
Search Query points:50 EXCEL IMPORT MULTIPLE TEXT FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Import many text files into one Excel file quickly. Load a list of text files into the program and the data will be inserted into a blank workbook. Each line of the text file can be chopped up by a ...
Search Query points:50 HTML TO TEXT BATCH CONVERT MULTIPLE FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly convert your many HTML files into text files. Load multiple .htm and .html files into the program and export them automatically in seconds. This program will strip off all unncessary html tags so that just the text content is ...
Search Query points:50 EXCEL IMPORT MULTIPLE CSV FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Import many CSV files into one Excel file quickly. Load a list of CSV files into the program and the data will be inserted into a blank workbook. ...
Search Query points:50 RENAME FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly change the name of files. Features include: Change case of files(s) to UPPER CASE, Change case of files(s) to lower case, Change case of files(s) to Proper Case, Change case of files(s) to Sentence case, Add x to beginning ...
Search Query points:50 FIND AND REPLACE IN HTML FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Search and replace multiple occurrences of text in many HTML files. Simply load your html, htm files into the program and provide the text to find and replace. The replacing process is done instantly as a batch. ...
Search Query points:50 PURGE (CONFIDENTIAL FILES ERASER) 1.04 Purge is a program that allows you to delete files from your computer the way, it won't be possible to recover them using any file recovering software or even by giving your harddrive to the professional company that specialize in ...
Search Query points:50 HIDE SECRET FILES 2.01 Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequalled data hiding method. As a result of many years research within our company, this product hides and safely protects from erasure your private information. Would you ...
Search Query points:50 MAKE MULTIPLE REPLACEMENTS IN FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Search and replace multiple sets of words in many files. Load the files you want to search into the program and list of words to find and replace with. The replacing is done quickly as a batch. ...
Search Query points:50 DVD FILES INFORMER 1.0 DVD Files Informer is a handy utility for reviewing of DVD Media files parameters. Program views the parameters of these file formats: AC3, DTS, MPA, WAV (PCM) and MPEG. ...
Search Query points:50 DVD AUDIO FILES SPLITTER 1.0 DVD Audio Files Splitter is a software designed for dividing an Audio file into smaller files according to the user-specified time intervals. DVD Audio Files Splitter deals with DVD-compliant Audio file formats. Those formats are: AC3, DTS, WAV (PCM), MPA. ...
Search Query points:50 EXCEL PRINT MULTIPLE FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Batch print many Excel files without having to open each one at a time. Quickly print mass amounts of xls files at once with this program. You must have Excel installed on your machine. ...
Search Query points:50 EXCEL JOIN (MERGE, COMBINE) MULTIPLE SHEETS & FILES INTO ONE SOFTWARE 7.0 Combine several Excel files into one sheet or one file. Select many Excel files and this program will take data from all sheets and combine them in Excel. ...
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