Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 2587 funded different program chord pickout programs. You can simply download any of chord pickout soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 CHORD PICKOUT 1.2 This program uses its artificial intelligence to guess chords for you. All you have to do is to load a media file (wav or mp3) and click a button. Chord Pickout will transcribe the music and write down the recognized ...
Search Query points:90 CHORD PICKOUT 1.5 This program uses its artificial intelligence to guess chords for you. All you have to do is to load a media file (wav or mp3) and click a button. Chord Pickout will transcribe the music and write down the recognized ...
Search Query points:40 CHORD ALCHEMY 4.0 ChordAlchemy offers a rich and robust set of capabilities for looking up chords, determining what chords you are playing and hearing how they sound. Chord variations are easily handled by ChordAlchemy's powerful, Advanced Chord Theory and Chord Diagram ...
Search Query points:40 GO CHORD COMPOSER 6.12 Go Chord Composer is a composer software with automactic accompaniment function, with Built-in 100 accompaniment styles make it easy for the user to quickly design a perfection song. 1.There are 100 styles in software, you can select more then one ...
Search Query points:20 CHRISTIAN VIRTUAL HYMNAL 2.0 If your church uses the Celebration Hymnal, the Hymnal for Worship and Celebration, the 1991 Baptist Hymnal, the Lutheran Book of Worship, With One Voice, the 1989 United Methodist Hymnal or the 1990 Presbyterian Hymnal, the Christian Virtual Hymnal is ...
Search Query points:20 MIDI UTILITY V420 The program helps you (as any one) to accompany your melody tunes in just a few seconds. You need not (but not limit to) to enter the chord progression. The program will do it automatically. The program produces ...
Search Query points:20 THE PALETTE - MELODY COMPOSING TOOL 4.4.3 The Palette program is a tool for the creation of 'theoretically correct' melodies. The program is based on composition theory and the theory of harmony. The strong theoretical base makes the melody composing process easier. The program ...
Search Query points:10 ROBORICHES CALCULATOR 1.0 The Robo Riches Calculator was designed specifically as a tool to help you understand how Compound Interest works, how to easily shave years off your Mortgage, how to simply whittle away all your Credit Card debt over a bit of ...
Search Query points:10 POLYMAP 2.5.0 PolyMap is a desktop mapping program that lets you use your own data to customize the maps supplied with the program. Use the built-in spreadsheet to enter data or paste it from other Windows applications. Alternatively, you can use the ...
Search Query points:10 VIDEOSLOT CORSAIR 3.01 Videoslot Corsair is the cutting edge gambling machine simulator. Videoslot Corsair is a game in 5 reels, for 15 lines. Bonus-games, jackpot, free games, super-game, real sound, accessible interface are probably better than they are on playing machines. NEW ...
Search Query points:10 WHYDIFFICULT PHOTO 1.2.0 Your digital photo album: easy, fast and very cool! >> EASY: Paste your photos into your album simply by mouse dragging. >> FAST: Manage your images with a central scrollbar - quite independent of any filing structures. ...
Search Query points:10 BEST READER 6.0 Best Reader, the computer-based system for mastering speed reading skills. After ten days of studies with the Best Reader, you will be able to read several times faster than all your friends! Although the Best Reader program of training is ...
Search Query points:10 SPAMBLOCKER 2.3.10 Spam Blocker blocks unwanted advertising messages on the mail server. It is a simple and convenient tool for preliminary analysis, blocking and deleting incoming advertising messages (spam) on the mail server. Spam Blocker helps to get rid of annoying email ...
Search Query points:10 BALADANA 4.1.1 Baladana is a new strategy game somewhat similar to chess, however more abstract and even more complex and dynamic. The biggest difference is that while in chess the way each playing piece can move is always the same, in Baladăna?, ...
Search Query points:10 MYBUSINESSCATALOG PRO 4.6.2 Do you need an electronic catalog to keep up with your customers' demands and to stay ahead of competition? Get MyBusinessCatalog and create your own CD catalogs easily. CD catalogs are easy to send or hand out, they ...
Search Query points:10 DISKPATCH PARTITION REPAIR 2 DiskPatch Partition Repair is a menu driven DOS program designed to help you solve a wide range of harddisk problems. Mass data loss, a situation where access to an entire disk or partition is lost, is often caused by damage ...
Search Query points:10 ZZAPH 0.3 This program assists you in downloading adult related materials. It will automatically download pictures and videos from a wide variety of publicly available adult sites. In order to use it, you mark of one or more of 160 different ...
Search Query points:10 MYALLMOVIES 1.0.2 MyAllMovies is a database program for making a list of your movies: DVD's, VHS tapes, Laserdiscs, etc... Adding movies to the list is quick and easy because all movie details are downloaded from the internet. The result can be sorted, ...
Search Query points:10 CALLERID MONITOR 2.0 CallerID Monitor is a powerful full-featured Caller ID detection software that will turn your PC into advanced Caller ID device. Identify callers using CallerID Monitor before you answer to call. It uses your modem or ISDN adapter and Caller ID ...
Search Query points:10 PIVO INI COMPONENT 1.01 INI component reads and writes Windows style INI files. It provides a comprehensive set of functions making INI files a powerful way to store application settings. There are three common ways to store program information on the hard disk: in ...
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