Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1103 funded different Print Designer GOLD 8 programs. You can simply download any of Print Designer GOLD 8 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:120 PRINT DESIGNER GOLD A single, powerful product for all your printing needs! Print Designer GOLD allows you to create great looking Business Cards, Address and Shipping Labels, CD/DVD Labels and Inserts, Envelopes, Post Cards, Name Badges, Signs and other media labels for ...
Search Query points:120 PRINT DESIGNER GOLD A single, powerful product for all your printing needs! Print Designer GOLD allows you to create great looking Business Cards, Address and Shipping Labels, CD andDVD Labels and Inserts, Envelopes, Post Cards, Name Badges, Signs and other media labels ...
Search Query points:80 SMARTVIZOR DESIGNER & BATCH PRINT 2.3 SmartVizor is A single, powerful product for all your professional publication designer and single or batch printing needs. SmartVizor Designer allows you to create stunning publication on any Windows compatible printer. With this software you can create your ...
Search Query points:80 SMARTVIZOR DESIGNER AND BATCH PRINT 2.0 SmartVizor is A single, powerful product for all your professional publication designer and single or batch printing needs. SmartVizor Designer allows you to create stunning publication on any Windows compatible printer. With this software you can create your ...
Search Query points:80 SMARTVIZOR DESIGNER & BATCH PRINT 2.3 SmartVizor is A single, powerful product for all your professional publication designer and single or batch printing needs. SmartVizor Designer allows you to create stunning publication on any Windows compatible printer. With this software you can create your ...
Search Query points:50 CD LABEL DESIGNER 3.4 CD Label Designer is application that will help you to design and print CD jewel case and DVD box labels, booklets, round and business card disk labels. It supports images, RTF, circled texts and shapes allowing you to arrange, change ...
Search Query points:50 4DISKCLEAN GOLD 5.0 Your computer disks are right now full of unwanted, unneeded and junk files that only slow down your PC ,take valuable space and may cause application problems. 4Diskclean Software do a complete clean up at your system keeping it running ...
Search Query points:50 JOB DESIGNER 2.6.2 Job Designer: Multi-purpose job, room and employee scheduling and billing software.Allows for quick job, room, employee and equipment scheduling with features like the user friendly graphic interface, various views, invoicing, reports etc. Print quotations and invoices per job, project or ...
Search Query points:50 WORD SEARCH DESIGNER 1.10 This will help you create your own Word Search puzzles quickly and easily, and play them straight away. A set of sample puzzles and a help file with a tutorial is included. Features include; timer, hints, "view as you type" ...
Search Query points:50 CD LABEL DESIGNER 3.1 CD Label Designer is application that will help you to design and print CD jewel case and DVD box labels, round disk labels and booklets. It supports images, RTF texts, circled texts and shapes allowing you to arrange, change size, ...
Search Query points:42 VERYPDF ART PRINT DRITVER 1.4 Art Print is a Windows printer driver that saves ink, paper and time by controlling printed output, it supports Print 2, 4, 6, 8 or 16 pages on a single sheet of paper, it also can scale A3 paper to ...
Search Query points:40 GOLD DICTIONARIES GERMAN PALMOS 2.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language German with foreign languages Swedish, French, Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. ...
Search Query points:40 GOLD DICTIONARIES FRENCH PALMOS 2.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language French with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, English, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language ...
Search Query points:40 GOLD DICTIONARIES ITALIAN PALMOS 2.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language Italian with foreign languages German, French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. Also available for Windows, WinCE, PocketPC, Mobile ...
Search Query points:40 GOLD CONJUGATION PALMOS 2.0 Conjugation German 14525 keywords complete over 950,000 conjugated forms. Conjugation English 10223 keywords complete over 500,000 conjugated forms. Conjugation Spanish 9256 keywords complete over 1,000,000 conjugated forms. Conjugation Italian 6210 keywords complete over 530,000 conjugated forms. Conjugation French 6920 keywords ...
Search Query points:40 GOLD DICTIONARIES FRENCH PPC 3.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language French with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, English, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. For PocketPC2003 and MobileEdition. ...
Search Query points:40 GOLD DICTIONARIES SPANISH PPC 3.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language Spanish with foreign languages German, French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. For PocketPC2003 ...
Search Query points:40 GOLD CONJUGATION PPC 3.0 For German, English (GB/US), Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese (incl. Brazilian), Dutch and Swedish. Between 500,000 and 1 million conjugated forms, up to 20 conjugated tenses, irregularities are partly highlighted in color. For PocketPC2003 and Mobile Edition! Also available for Windows, ...
Search Query points:40 GOLD THESAURUS PPC 3.0 Editable, monolingual dictionary of synonyms. Thesaurus German 280,000 entries, Thesaurus English 200,000 entries, Thesaurus Spanish 230,000 entries, Thesaurus Italian 190,000 entries, Thesaurus French 150,000 entries, Thesaurus Portuguese 50,000 entries, Thesaurus Dutch 180,000 entries, Thesaurus Swedish 210,000 entries. For PocketPC2003 and ...
Search Query points:40 GOLD DICTIONARIES SWEDISH PALMOS 2.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language Swedish with foreign languages German, French, Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. ...
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