Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 11832 funded different powerpoint template of tv game shows as learning tool programs. You can simply download any of powerpoint template of tv game shows as learning tool soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:60 GAME SPEED ADJUSTER 1.0 Game Speed Adjuster is a powerful tool to adjust the speed of Windows games and applications. It can speed up games or speed down programs. For some network games, players can get super ability such as running faster, more powerful ...
Search Query points:60 SAMESHOW POWERPOINT TO FLASH CONVERTER 1.3.0 SameShow is a powerful utility to convert Power Point presentations into flash presentations seamlessly, make your presentation become more accessible, ubiquitous and easily distributable. With this amazing tool, not only all the original components in PowerPoint will be ...
Search Query points:55 POWERPRESSED FOR POWERPOINT 3 PowerPressed is an essential communications tool. It is a unique software add-in for the Microsoft® Office® PowerPoint®; its purpose is to enable the user to simply, quickly and efficiently optimize any PowerPoint presentation to the appropriate size for emailing or ...
Search Query points:55 EXCEL INVOICE TEMPLATE 1.1 Excel Invoice Template, a billing software & invoice software based on Excel, provides a Fill In The Blank invoice form and is capable of creating and calculating invoices. The template shows quantity, description, unit price, taxable status, and amount per ...
Search Query points:55 PPTXTREME COLORPICKER FOR POWERPOINT 1.5 The Color Picker add-in makes picking and setting your colors a breeze, allowing you to pick colors directly off the screen and automatically setting the Fill, Text, Outline, Shadow or Background colors of selected shapes or slides. • Time-saving shortcuts ...
Search Query points:55 GAME EDITOR 1.2.9 Game Editor is an interactive multimedia tool for game development, with a simple and intuitive interface and a rich set of features. The software allows anyone to develop 2D games for personal computers and mobile devices, with no programming knowledge ...
Search Query points:55 1ST POWERPOINT DVD BURNER 1st PowerPoint DVD is a very simple yet practical tool to burn your Powerpoint files to DVDs or miniDVDs (MiniDVD is a regular CD that has DVD files in it. You can burn a miniDVD just with a regular CD ...
Search Query points:55 AWESOME POWERPOINT BACKGROUNDS SAMPLER 2.0 These FREE sample powerpoint templates are a small representation of the downloadable backgrounds from the awesome powerpoint backgrounds website. Compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 97, 2000, XP and 2003. Each template comes complete with a complimentary color scheme, ready made Title, ...
Search Query points:50 ASTRA32 - ADVANCED SYSTEM INFORMATION TOOL 1.50 ASTRA32 is an ideal solution for providing comprehensive information about your computer hardware and software. Not only does ASTRA32 provide a detailed analysis of your system, it also offers diagnostics and comes with some powerful features such as Drivers Troubleshooter ...
Search Query points:50 INTERNET PRIVACY PROTECTION TOOL 1.05 Internet Privacy Protection Tool is software for protecting your privacy and personal data. With our software you can easily clean any Internet activity traces to protect your privacy. Our program supports all more popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, ...
Search Query points:50 NEOZONE GAME CENTER ARCADE 2.4 NeoZone Game Center Arcade PC console lets you play browse, play and download an every growing library of popular game titles. Arcade, action, puzzle, card, and adventure games are all brought to you free --just point, click and play. Access ...
Search Query points:50 EBAY AUCTION SNIPER AND SNIPE BID TOOL 3.1 Win eBay auctions with this advanced Auction Sniper eBay tool that bids for you in the final seconds of an auction. Simplifies eBay by allowing you to browse auctions with a built in Web browser, then simply press the Snipe ...
Search Query points:50 LBE SPAM TOOL 3.0 Deletes spam without you ever having to see it, based on key word/phrases. Monitor multiple IMAP or POP3 email accounts.Specify a list of phrases/words that identify a message as spam. Monitor multiple email accounts. Delete blank emails. Delete foreign language ...
Search Query points:50 BATCH REPLACER FOR MS POWERPOINT 1.0 Batch Replacer for MS PowerPoint is a utility which helps you perform multi-replacement operations in MS PowerPoint files with the help of an MS Excel list. It can really save a great deal of time: no need to open each ...
Search Query points:50 GAME SHOW WIZARD 1.06 What is learning if not fun? This game show program allows the teacher/presenter to enter questions and answers into a game generator (The Game Show Wizard) to be playable in seven game formats from a large monitor, a digital ...
Search Query points:50 CASINO GAME 1.1.6 Casino Game is one of today's leading online casinos. As one of the oldest and most established online casino, Casino Game caters not only to the serious seasoned gambler, but also to players new to the online gaming experience. Complete ...
Search Query points:50 CONVERT PPT TO PDF FOR POWERPOINT V3.50 Instantly Convert Microsoft? PowerPoint Document into PDF Files Convert Ppt to PDF For PowerPoint is the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create PDF files by simply ...
Search Query points:50 MAGICHELP HELP AUTHORING TOOL 1.3 MagicHelp is multi-user help systems and documentation tool,it is the fastest, easiest way to create professional Help systems and documentation. Support export format:CHM,MsHelp2.x,Word,WebHelp,JavaHelp,OracleHelp,EclipseHelp... Support import format:COM TypeLib,FileSystem... Team Working feature makes develop-team works more orderly, efficiently, and cost savely, ...
Search Query points:50 JUMPOVER - THE SOLITAIRE GAME 2.0 Do you like Solitaire? I am sure you'll like Jumpover too. The game is played on a 8x8 playing field. The objective is to move the 8 stone from the initial position in as few as possible moves to the ...
Search Query points:50 POWERPOINT PASSWORD 10.0.6745 PowerPoint Password is a recovery tool for password-protected PowerPoint presentations. PowerPoint password protection is based on strong crypto algorithms, so password recovery is a complex task. PowerPoint Password uses various recovery methods: Plain Dictionary and Hybrid Dictionary attacks, Brute-Force ...
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