Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3386 funded different play mp3 save send delete programs. You can simply download any of play mp3 save send delete soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 FIND AND DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Find and delete duplicate and similar files on your computer. You decide which duplicates to send to the Recycle Bin. Search and remove doubles (multiples copies) of all files with this finder. ...
Search Query points:45 MP3 TO RINGTONE GOLD 3.20 MP3 To Ringtone Gold is an ringtone converter. It can be used to convert the popular compressed audio formats (.mp3) to ringtone format(.mmf,.amr,.mp3,.wav,.mid) and send them to your cell phone. It can be used to rip multiple audio CDs ...
Search Query points:45 MP3 WMA OGG TAG EDIT 1.0 MP3 WMA OGG tag edit is powerful tags editor software for different audio and music files. The program allows you to create play lists, rename files, organize folders, export data to different formats, and more. MP3 WMA OGG tag edit ...
Search Query points:45 ANEWSOFT MP3 RECORDER 2.0 Anewsoft MP3 Recorder is an audio recording software. It can record audio from your computer to files of MP3 or wave formats. You can record sound from microphone, streaming audio from the Internet, or music played by Winamp, Windows Media ...
Search Query points:45 COFFEECUP MP3 RIPPER & BURNER 3.0 CoffeeCup MP3 Ripper & Burner is the perfect cd ripper software for burning, ripping or converting your favorite music. It allows you to save your CD's to all kinds of music formats like MP3, WMA, OGG, APE, WAV, VQF and ...
Search Query points:45 DUPLICATE MP3 FILE FIND SOFTWARE 7.0 Find and delete duplicate MP3 and music files on your computer. You decide which files to send to the Recycle Bin. ...
Search Query points:45 MP3 TO RINGTONE PRO 1.5 MP3 To Ringtone Gold is an ringtone converter. It can be used to convert the popular compressed audio formats (.mp3) to ringtone format(.mmf,.amr,.mp3,.wav,.mid) and send them to your cell phone. It can be used to rip multiple audio CDs ...
Search Query points:45 I.XCHANGE MP3 EDITOR V3.1.1 i.Xchange MP3 Editor is an audio editor supporting WMA, AU, GSM, MP3, WAV, OGG, and AIFF files. i.Xchange enables the users to manage and convert music files in their own style. You can cut certain part of every... More file ...
Search Query points:45 MP3 TO RINGTONE GOLD 5.0 MP3 To Ringtone Gold is an ringtone converter. It can be used to convert the popular compressed audio formats (.mp3) to ringtone format(.mmf,.amr,.mp3,.wav,.mid) and send them to your cell phone. It can be used to rip multiple audio CDs ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your MySQL database. All redundant entries are eliminated except for the first one. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you can ...
Search Query points:40 MS SQL SERVER DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your MySQL database. All redundant entries are eliminated except for the first one. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you can ...
Search Query points:40 MS WORD ADD OR REMOVE (DELETE) DATA, TEXT & CHARACTERS SOFTWARE 7.0 Add, remove, find and replace characters, spaces, enters, tabs in multiple Word documents. Features include: add x to beginning of each line, add x to end of each line, add x before every y character(s) in entire, add x after ...
Search Query points:40 MS WORD REMOVE (DELETE) DUPLICATES IN DOCUMENTS SOFTWARE 7.0 Search and delete duplicate lines, entries, values, records, rows and numbers in any list in multiple Word files. Simply add Word files into this application and click 'Remove Duplicates Except First'. Use this product to compare and eliminate all matching, ...
Search Query points:40 EXCEL REMOVE (DELETE) TEXT, SPACES & CHARACTERS FROM CELLS SOFTWARE 1.1 Quickly clear out text and spaces for cells in Excel using numerous methods. Features include: Remove all spaces in selected cells, Remove extra spaces at beginning of selected cells, Remove extra spaces at end of selected cells, Remove alphabetical character(s) ...
Search Query points:40 REMOVE (DELETE) TEXT, SPACES & CHARACTERS FROM TEXT FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Remove, replace characters, spaces, etc. in multiple files. Remove blank lines, remove alphabet, numeric, alphanumeric, non-alphanumeric, remove user-defined characters, etc. ...
Search Query points:40 MS ACCESS DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your MS Access database. All redundant entries are eliminated except for the first one. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you ...
Search Query points:40 ORACLE DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your Oracle tables. All redundant entries are eliminated leaving behind only one unique instance. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you ...
Search Query points:40 REMOVE (DELETE, REPLACE) TEXT, SPACES & CHARACTERS FROM FILE NAMES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to change the filenames of files by remove or replacing text. Features include: Remove All Spaces, Replace All Spaces With..., Remove Extra Spaces at Beginning of Files, Remove Extra Spaces at End of Files, Remove All Spaces ...
Search Query points:40 DELETE HISTORY - CLEAR HISTORY 1.4 Our clear software is an Internet Eraser, Privacy Protector and System Optimizer. Our delete history software is a browser history eraser, internet search history eraser, internet search engine eraser, address bar eraser, google history eraser, yahoo history eraser, msn history ...
Search Query points:40 FOXPRO REMOVE (DELETE, REPLACE) TEXT, SPACES & CHARACTERS FROM FIELDS SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly clear out text, characters, spaces, enters and tabs from fields in FoxPro using different methods. Features include: Remove/Replace All Spaces in Fields, Remove Extra Spaces at Beginning of Fields, Remove Extra Spaces at End of Fields, Remove All Spaces ...
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