Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 12071 funded different pictur of acupunctur points software programs. You can simply download any of pictur of acupunctur points soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 POINTS EXPORT FOR AUTOCAD 1.0 Points Export for AutoCAD is a plug-in for AutoCAD. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to export points to text files.Points Export for AutoCAD is very easy to use. Points Export for AutoCAD adds a new command to AutoCAD called ...
Search Query points:25 PC 2 ANSWERING MACHINE - PROFESSIONAL EDITION 2.0 'PC 2 Answering Machine 2.0 - Professional Edition' is a software designed for the personal computer which functions as an answering machine for home or office. General Points:Complete 'Answering machine' software, Professional calls log. Adding remarks, flags and priority for ...
Search Query points:25 WONDERSHARE VIDEO TO DVD BURNER 1.0 Wondershare Video to DVD Burner is fast video-editing and DVD-authoring software. In just five steps, easily convert and burn all popular video files directly into DVD movies so that you can watch them on TV. It offers a wealth of ...
Search Query points:25 MARIKO3D 1.21 Mariko3D is a remake of the popular tactical game Ishido, an ancient japanese board game. You are given a set of 72 tiles, each marked with a specific color and figure.The stones are presented one at a time, and you ...
Search Query points:25 TRIANGULATION, ISOLINES, VOLUME & 3DINTERSECTION 3.5 TRIANGULATION performs triangulation of a set of 3D points width compulsory interconnections between the points. The outcome is represented by 3DFACE entities. ISOLINES determines the curves of intersection of a set of 3DFACE entities width a set of plane equidistances ...
Search Query points:25 TSOFFICEPOOL - AUTO RACING 6.1.4 Auto Racing office pool manager includes 2004 racing schedules for several racing series of several racing associations. The right tool to manage your office pool that gives you a wide variety of pool configurations and options. The "Easy Pool Setup" ...
Search Query points:25 WIRELESSMON 2.0 WirelessMon 2.0 enables a person to detect and monitor Access Points (AP) on any wireless (WiFi) networks within range. The program provides substantial information including whether an AP is secure (or not) and its availability for use. A live channel ...
Search Query points:25 VIDEOZILLA 2.5 Videozilla is a complete video conversion tool for video AVI, MPEG, RM, MOV, ASF, WMV, SWF, FLV, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2 via a right-click menu on the selected video files. With as simple as a click, videozilla offers a simple ...
Search Query points:25 INVASION 3D 1.0-WIN32 Invasion 3D is a free multi-platform 3D arcade game, based on OpenGL and SDL and available for Windows and Linux. This fun and addictive game features realistic physics simulation, challenging gameplay, stunning visual effects,multiple weapons, hidden bonuses, and more. Create ...
Search Query points:25 MAGIC LINES 2.9.9 Magic Lines is one of those cute little games. It is an addictive variation of the popular Lines game with 3D effects. You have balls, and a playing board. 3 balls per turn are placed on the board randomly. You ...
Search Query points:25 CASINO BIORHYTHMS Casino Biorhythms calculates the high, low & critical periods of your emotional, intellectual & physical cycles to give you an indepth look at your lucky periods, with an option to play for fun or money with the included online casino ...
Search Query points:25 SAMPLE CHAMPION 3.6 Sample Champion is a powerful real-time software tool designed for high precision acoustic measurements. With Sample Champion you will be able to measure the Impulse Response of a room, or analyze loudspeaker Frequency Responses using the MLS (Maximum Length Sequence) ...
Search Query points:25 PHONE CALLS FILTER 1.0 Call block for unwanted phone call with professional log software: Phone Calls Filter 1.0. Are you bothered with unwanted phone calls ? not anymore ! just set filters for incoming phone calls.. use categorized answering modes - such as: hanging ...
Search Query points:25 REAL ESTATE PRICE CALCULATOR Data Doctor?s Free Area length Unit converter and Price calculator utility performs conversion of all major area length unit and price calculation of lands plots flats for properties real estate business. Software supports windows 98 NT ME XP 2000 2003. ...
Search Query points:25 VIDEOZILLA 2.3 Videozilla is a complete video conversion tool for video files AVI, MPEG, RM, MOV, ASF, WMV, SWF, and FLV via a right-click menu on the selected video files. With as simple as a click, videozilla offers a simple and clean ...
Search Query points:25 PINAO 1.11 Pinao is an extremely addictive variation of the famous Lines game. Your goal is to align balls into lines or squares of the same color by moving the balls on the board. Aligning five or more balls in the horizontal, ...
Search Query points:25 COSMODELUXE 3D 1.0 The game "Cosmodeluxe 3D" can be played by children and adults, men and women of any age. This game will help you pass time, have a fun evening at the computer, relax and escape your problems. Your mission in the ...
Search Query points:25 WONDERSHARE VIDEO TO DVD BURNER 0.8 Wondershare Video to DVD Burner is fast video-editing and DVD-authoring software. In just five steps, easily convert and burn all popular video files directly into DVD movies so that you can watch them on TV. It offers a wealth of ...
Search Query points:25 HIDDEN SWAP BUTTONS 1.1 Hidden Swap Buttons is a logic game. The purpose of the game is to gain as many points as possible. Points are added at the removal of the buttons. The buttons are removed at making a vertical or horizontal combination ...
Search Query points:25 MOPIS 1.2.2 Mopis is a high-quality semi-modular software synthesizer that combines traditional subtractive synthesis with sample resynthesis. Subtractive synthesis creates the same sounds that analog synths have used for years, using basic waveforms-- sawtooth, square, triangle, and sine waves-- which are ...
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