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Search Query points:80 PHP EXPERT EDITOR 4.0 PHP Expert Editor is an easy-to-use IDE for Windows with UTF-8 support. This editor supports Perl, Python, Java Script and other languages too. This Editor specially designed for PHP-masters and has a nice features for beginners and professional programmers. PHP ...
Search Query points:50 SPECIAL FRENCH GERMAN WM5 4.0 Dictionary, Thesaurus and Conjugation in 1 Product!. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary German-French-German (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus German (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus French (150,000 entries). Conjugation German (950,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation French (600,000 conjugated forms). ...
Search Query points:50 SPECIAL GERMAN DUTCH WM5 4.0 Dictionary, Thesaurus and Conjugation in 1 Product!. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary German-Dutch-German (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus German (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Dutch (180,000 entries). Conjugation German (950,000 conjugated forms) and ...
Search Query points:50 SPECIAL ITALIAN GERMAN WM5 4.0 TrueTerm Special. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary Italian-German-Italian (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus German (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Italian (190,000 entries). Conjugation German (950,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation Italian (530,000 conjugated forms). ...
Search Query points:50 SPECIAL SPANISH GERMAN WM5 4.0 Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary Spanish-German-Spanish (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus German (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Spanish (230,000 entries). Conjugation German (950,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation Spanish (1,000,000 conjugated forms). This version ...
Search Query points:50 SPECIAL PORTUGUESE GERMAN WM5 4.0 Dictionary, Thesaurus and Conjugation in 1 Product!. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary German-Portuguese-German (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus Portuguese (50,000 entries) and Thesaurus German (280,000 entries). Conjugation Portuguese (1,000,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation German (950,000 conjugated forms). ...
Search Query points:50 SPECIAL ENGLISH GERMAN WM5 4.0 TrueTerm Special. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English/German & German/English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus German (280,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation German (950,000 ...
Search Query points:50 PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH GERMAN WM5 3.0 TrueTerm Professional. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English/German & German/English (over 1.000,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus German (280,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation German (950,000 ...
Search Query points:50 LANGUAGE READER 1.0 Language Reader takes advantage of existing speech technologies, provides a richer on-screen reading experience with multilingual voices enabled. Supported voices are English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Korean. You can select text using your mouse, ...
Search Query points:50 EXPERT DEBUGGER 2.0 Expert Debugger is a free easy-to-use tool for debugging PHP scripts. Expert Debugger uses the DBG PHP Debugger and allow to debug scripts via network or on local computer. You can run scripts in step-by-step mode and to trace values ...
Search Query points:50 10 APPLICATIONS MYDB - MULTI LANGUAGE 2.0 10 USB Pen Drive Applications Languages: English, German and Portuguese. With this application, all of your important data and applications will be centrally available to you! Contact Management: - Private Addresses - Birthdays - Business ...
Search Query points:50 EXPERT PDF VIEWERX CONTROL 1.0 eXPert PDF ViewerX is a standalone PDF Viewer activex control for windows application developers.Using VB,VC,Delphi or any other programming language/tool been able to handle activex controls, developers can build a customer interface for viewing/printing pdf documents. PDF documents can be ...
Search Query points:50 TRAVEL DICTIONARY GERMAN PALMOS 2.0 Travel Dictionary German in combination with English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Dutch. The most comprehensive travel dictionaries as freeware for your Palm! Between 50,000 and 150,000 entries in total, consisting of culinary terms + basic and supplementary vocabulary ...
Search Query points:50 GOLD DICTIONARIES GERMAN PALMOS 2.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language German with foreign languages Swedish, French, Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. ...
Search Query points:50 SPECIAL GERMAN SWEDISH WM5 4.0 Dictionary, Thesaurus and Conjugation in 1 Product!. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary German-Swedish-German (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus German (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Swedish (210,000 entries). Conjugation German (950,000 conjugated forms) and ...
Search Query points:50 GOLD DICTIONARIES GERMAN PPC 3.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language German with foreign languages Swedish, French, Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. For PocketPC2003 ...
Search Query points:50 SUPERVERSION GERMAN WM5 4.0 7 Dictionaries, 8 Thesauruses and 8 Conjugation in one product! Source language German with foreign languages English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. For Windows ...
Search Query points:50 SUPERVERSION GERMAN PALMOS 2.0 7 Dictionaries, 8 Thesauruses and 8 Conjugation in one product! Source language Portuguese with foreign languages English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. Editable dictionary ...
Search Query points:50 SUPERVERSION GERMAN PPC 3.0 7 Dictionaries, 8 Thesauruses and 8 Conjugation in one product! Source language German with foreign languages English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. For PocketPC2003 ...
Search Query points:50 GOLD DICTIONARIES GERMAN WM5 4.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language German with foreign languages Swedish, French, Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. Optionally additional languages can be integrated into ...
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