Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 5554 funded different password protection HD w95 files programs. You can simply download any of password protection HD w95 files soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 DISK PASSWORD PROTECTION 4.8.930.0 Disk Password Protection 4.8: a comprehensive suite of hard-drive protection/access restriction tools. Protect your disk/partitions with a password, ban all reading/writing activity, limit launch of specified files to authorized personnel only, etc. ...
Search Query points:90 DISK PASSWORD PROTECTION 4.8.622.0 Disk Password Protection 4.8: a comprehensive suite of hard-drive protection/access restriction tools. Protect your disk/partitions with a password, ban all reading/writing activity, limit launch of specified files to authorized personnel only, etc. ...
Search Query points:60 HIDE SECRET FILES 2.01 Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequalled data hiding method. As a result of many years research within our company, this product hides and safely protects from erasure your private information. Would you ...
Search Query points:60 DOUBLE PASSWORD 1.21 Double Password creates a key to your OS, writes it onto a USB gadget and voila: no one, except you can log into your Windows! You can configure the program so, that it will allow your system to operate only ...
Search Query points:60 SF PASSWORD GENERATOR PERSONAL 1.0 SF Password Generator Personal is a program designed for generating strong passwords easily and quickly. Using SF Password Generator, you can easily create extremely strong passwords up to 128-character length. While generating a password, you can use letters, digits, uppercase ...
Search Query points:60 HIDE SECRET FILES 1.02 Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequalled data hiding method. As a result of many years research within our company, this product hides and safely protects from erasure your private information. Would you ...
Search Query points:60 ABSOLUTE PASSWORD PROTECTOR 1.0.547 There are a lot of password protection utilities on the market today that promise a secure storage for your files. Unfortunately, simple password protection techniques do not guarantee safety and passwords are easily recovered. Absolute Password Protector offers a brand ...
Search Query points:60 MONEY PASSWORD 10.0.6745 Password recovery tool, which comes in very handy if you forgot, lost, or misplaced your password for MS Money files (*.mny, *.mbf). Instantly recovers passwords for MS Money files version 2001 and earlier. MS Money 2002+ protection scheme ...
Search Query points:60 OFFICE PASSWORD RECOVERY 2.0.1 Office Password Recovery is an all-in-one password recovery solution for Microsoft Office documents: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote and Outlook accounts and files. The program recovers all types of passwords, including instant recovery of database passwords, mail account passwords, passwords ...
Search Query points:60 PGUARD - PRIVACY PROTECTION TOOL 1.2 PGuard is a easy-to-use tool for protecting information about your activity on Internet and on your personal computer. PGuard deletes all activity tracks of internet browsers, Microsoft Windows and other software on your PC. PGuard deletes all activity ...
Search Query points:50 STICKY PASSWORD Intelligent form filler and password manager that works with web forms and usual dialog windows. It has an unique feature named "Sticky Button" that appears on any window that had password saved for. Careful backup feature will keep all your ...
Search Query points:50 LOTUS ORGANIZER PASSWORD 1.0 Lotus Organizer Password allows you to recover passwords which Lotus Organizer files (.or?) are protected with. Lotus Organizer Password recover passwords for all Lotus Organizer security levels (Owner, Assistant, Reader or Private, Public, Read Only for old file types). Program ...
Search Query points:50 OPENOFFICE DRAW PASSWORD RECOVERY 1.0.0 OpenOffice Draw Password Recovery makes Draw password recovery downright simple. It provides a friendly interface and a carefully chosen feature set to let users recover passwords without problems. Even users who are not exposed to computer technologies can learn how ...
Search Query points:50 LOTUS APPROACH PASSWORD 1.0 Lotus Approach Password allows you to recover passwords which Lotus Approach files (.apr,.apt,.dbf,.db,.vew) are protected with. Lotus Approach Password recover passwords for Lotus Approach users and groups as well. Also recover passwords for dBase/Foxpro (.dbf) and Paradox (.db) passwords for ...
Search Query points:50 SIMPLY ACCOUNTING PASSWORD RECOVERY 1.0A Simply Accounting Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords to the Simply Accounting company files (*.SDW). All passwords are recovered instantly regardless of length. Multilingual passwords are supported. ...
Search Query points:50 HIDE FILES & FOLDERS 2.51 Hide Files & Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:50 LOTUS 1-2-3 PASSWORD 1.0 Lotus 1-2-3 Password allows you to recover passwords which Lotus 1-2-3 files (.123, .wk1, .wk3, .wk4) are protected with. Lotus 1-2-3 Password recover passwords for all Lotus 1-2-3 security levels (open and unlock security level). Program works with all version ...
Search Query points:50 LOTUS WORD PRO PASSWORD 1.0 Lotus Word Pro Password allows you to recover passwords which Lotus Word Pro files (.lwp, .mwp) are protected with. Lotus Word Pro Password recover passwords for all Lotus Word Pro security levels (Open, TeamSecurity) and file type including "small file ...
Search Query points:50 ES WEB FORM SPAM PROTECTION 1.4 Web Form SPAM Protection is an utility, which protects forms against to be scaned, analysed and used to send SPAM emails. It encodes source code of form, so that form spiders can't work with it and can't use it to ...
Search Query points:50 OPENOFFICE WRITER PASSWORD RECOVERY 1.0.0 OpenOffice Writer Password Recovery lets users recover a lost or forgotten password to a protected document that has been created in Writer. It can remove all types of document protection, such as document ReadOnly protection, revision marking protection, protection ...
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