Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1938 funded different paragon drive backup pro 8 programs. You can simply download any of paragon drive backup pro 8 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:120 PARAGON DRIVE BACKUP (PERSONAL EDITION) 7.0 Protect your system and data against disasters! Drive Backup is complete and easy solution for hard disk backup, image, upgrade and cloning. While data kept in your personal computer is of a greatest value to you, are they really safe? ...
Search Query points:120 PARAGON DRIVE BACKUP PERSONAL 8.0 Drive Backup creates a backup image of entire hard disk, including operating system with all user preferences and settings, applications and data files. Paragon Hot Backup technology allows to perform real-time hard disk imaging backup without Windows reboot or any ...
Search Query points:90 PARAGON DRIVE COPY PROFESSIONAL 8.0 Cutting-edge solution to deploy new hard drive, migrate data and applications online, create quick disk-to-disk backup copy and boot from backup hard disk if your hard drive fails. Ability to copy your drive without Drive Copy installation (Drive Copy CD). ...
Search Query points:90 REMOTE BACKUP MAGIC PRO 1.4 Hard drive crashes, virues and other data-erasing disasters can happen any time. Protect your data by backing it up to multiple locations: FTP, Email, LAN and Local folders. ...
Search Query points:80 ABC BACKUP PRO 4.65 This program allows you to create backups at various different compression levels, automatically backups data on schedule to local or remote storages, network drives and ftp servers, supports writing to CDR, CDRW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW or DVD+RW compatible media, has ...
Search Query points:80 BACKUP DVD PRO 2.0.3 Backup DVD Pro is a DVD conversion application, which converts a DVD to simple vidieo file VCD/SVCD/AVI. It also burn VCD/SVCD directly. Now there is no need to keep DVD, you can view the movie in VCD player. Only you ...
Search Query points:80 ABC BACKUP PRO 4.52 This program allows you to create backups at various different compression levels, automatically backups data on schedule to local or remote storages, network drives and ftp servers, supports writing to CDR, CDRW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW or DVD+RW compatible media, has ...
Search Query points:80 INCREDIMAIL BACKUP PRO 1.0 - IncrediMail Backup PRO makes it easy to backup your mail ! - Incredimail Backup PRO can extract your mail from Incredimail in EML format including all attachments (Base 64 attachment reformer). It will be possible to import ...
Search Query points:80 007 DVD BACKUP PRO 4.39 007 DVD backup is a software to backup your precious DVD Video Disk to DVDR disk ...
Search Query points:80 VISION BACKUP PRO 10 Vision Backup PRO is a robust backup and recovery tool designed to protect your connected world. This is accomplished by enabling your organization to protect their entire network through one single screen. Choose from multiple media's including CDR-RW/DVD-RW, FTP/SFTP/FTPS, ...
Search Query points:60 PARAGON HARD DISK MANAGER (PERSONAL) 6.0 Hard Disk Manager 6.0 is easy, complete and reliable toolset for hard disks: hard disk management, maintenance and disposal, boot management, data and system security, simple recovery. A convenient and clear interface, several smart wizards and a bunch of additional ...
Search Query points:60 VISION BACKUP SERVER W/ MSSQL AND EXCHAN 10 Vision Backup Server w/MS SQL and Exchange is a robust backup and recovery tool designed to protect your "connected world". This is accomplished by enabling your organization to protect their entire network and remote branch offices through one single screen. ...
Search Query points:60 VISION BACKUP SERVER 10 Vision Backup Server is a robust backup and recovery tool designed to protect your connected world. This is accomplished by enabling your organization to protect their entire network and remote branch offices through one single screen. Choose from multiple ...
Search Query points:52 DVD TO WMV RMVB RM - DVDCONVERT PRO 2.0.01 DVDConvert is a professional DVD ripping and backup tool which can help you easily and rapidly rip DVD to popular video or audio formats with the perfect output quality. DVDConvert has many additional and exciting features such as the following: ...
Search Query points:52 X DVD RIPPER PRO 3.1 DVD Ripper is an easy DVD ripping tool with a high ripping speed. It can rip and backup DVDs into many different popular video formats such as VCD, SVCD, DivX, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, AVI etc. No matter whether ...
Search Query points:52 DVDCONVERT PRO 2.0 DVDConvert is a professional DVD ripping and backup tool which can help you easily and rapidly rip DVD to popular video or audio formats like RM, RMVB, RA, WMV, WMA with the perfect output quality. DVDConvert has many additional ...
Search Query points:52 DVD-CLONER IV PRO 7.1 DVD-Cloner IV Platinum is software that makes high-quality 1:1 DVD backup copies with the ability to decode CSS encryptions and regional codes completely. The program supports custom copies by enabling users to select their favorite chapters, subtitles and audio options. ...
Search Query points:50 MIDWAVI PRO 2.96 MidWavi Pro Version 2.96 - 27th November 2006 Very versatile 32 bit multimedia program (Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4/2000/XP only) for playing Audio CD's, Full Screen Video (AVI, MOV and MPEG including VideoCD), ASF,AU, MED, MID, MPEG,MP2, MP3, MOD, WAV, ...
Search Query points:50 PHOTO BACKUP (WIN2000/XP) 2.0.6 Photo Backup is used by photography enthusiasts to archive thousands of digital photos to CDs and DVDs. Within seconds, Photo Backup locates pictures in the hard drive(s). It creates archive CDs or DVDs of all your files with automatic book-keeping ...
Search Query points:50 DVD XCOPY DELUXE PRO 5.6.1 1st DVD XCopy Deluxe: copy your DVD movies without losing quality. Now you can make backup copies of your DVD movies and watch it on your DVD Player! With its superior kernel, 1st DVD XCopy Deluxe can backup your entire ...
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