Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 2324 funded different palm os FastMind 1.0 programs. You can simply download any of palm os FastMind 1.0 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 FASTMIND 1.0 Fastmind is a powerful tool to control your mind. Continued usage lets you learn new skills in the least amount of time, Expand your vision and develop a unerasable memory. Boost your creativity and destroy bad habits instantly. Get control ...
Search Query points:45 KERNEL PALM PDB - FILE REPAIR SOFTWARE 4.03 Kernel for Palm PDB - recovers corrupted .PDB (Database file for the Palm handheld organizer) database files corrupted due to unexpected palm shutdown, palm organizers synchronization break, HotSysnc® failure and displays error messages such as "Error opening PalmPilot database", " ...
Search Query points:45 SHARKPOINT V1 FOR PALM OS V1.5.1.45 Instead of bringing a laptop computer or a pen and paper on your next scuba-diving vacation, simply take your handheld to log all your dive information! If you have a handheld GPS (Global Positioning System) unit with compatible ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED TIME REPORTS PALM 7.0.51 Advanced Time Reports is a simple time tracking & project management solution that will help you increase your billable hours by better managing all your projects, clients and working hours. Used by professionals and project-oriented businesses worldwide to perform essential ...
Search Query points:40 TRUETERM THESAURUS PALM 2.0 Editable, monolingual dictionary of synonyms : Demoversion German, English (GB/US), Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese (incl. Brazilian), Dutch and Swedish. Demoversion includes an extract from 300 keywords (all Languages). Fullversion between 50,000 and 280,000 keywords and synonyms. Also available for Windows, ...
Search Query points:40 CARB CONTROL PALM+WIN 1.1.5 Carb Control is a Palm and Windows application which allow you to track your weight, meals and carb intake and advises you on your diet. This is a completely new permanent weight loss and management protocol that currently does ...
Search Query points:40 SHARKPOINT V1 DUALPACK FOR PALM & WINDOWS SharkPoint is an inexpensive, easy to use, and full-featured diver's logbook for Palm & Windows. Designed for recreational divers the SharkPoint interface won't bother you with endless options and difficult to use features. You can enter as much information or ...
Search Query points:40 TRUETERM CONJUGATION PALM 2.0 For German, English (GB/US), Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese (incl. Brazilian), Dutch and Swedish. Between 500,000 and 1 million conjugated forms, up to 20 conjugated tenses, irregularities are partly highlighted in color. Demoversion includes the letter "A" (all Languages). Also available ...
Search Query points:20 DEVICE SEIZURE 1.0 Forensically analyze PDA & cell phone data. Supports Palm, Windows CE/Mobile, BlackBerry, & Psion devices as well as certain Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Siemens, LG, Samsung, & Symbian based phone models. Also supports GSM SIM card aqcuisition. Focuses on the ...
Search Query points:15 ACCESS DICTIONARY ITALIAN GERMAN DATABASE 1.0 Dictionary Database Italian -> German to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "I" with 2436 Keywords. Fullversion Italian -> German 33354 keywords with 322410 entries and German -> Italian Dictionary 36816 keywords with 324396 ...
Search Query points:15 FRENCH->PORTUGUESE DATABASE 1.0 Dictionary Database French ->Portuguese (Brazilian) to integrate into your applications. The demoversion includes the letter "B" with 1543 Keywords. Fullversion French ->Portuguese 33714 keywords with 355503 entries and Portuguese ->French Dictionary 32175 keywords with 355051 entries. Also available for ...
Search Query points:15 FRENCH->SWEDISH DATABASE 1.0 Dictionary Database French ->Swedish to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "M" with 2026 Keywords. Fullversion French-> Swedish 33714 keywords with 332864 entries and Swedish-> French Dictionary 34817 keywords with 329678 entries. Also available ...
Search Query points:15 ACCESS DICTIONARY ITALIAN PORTUGUESE 1.0 Dictionary Database Italian -> Portuguese to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "R" with 1947 Keywords. Fullversion Italian -> Portuguese 33354 keywords with 348661 entries and Portuguese -> Italian Dictionary 32175 keywords with 346920 ...
Search Query points:15 ACCESS DICTIONARY ITALIAN SPANISH 1.0 Dictionary Database Italian -> Spanish to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "P" with 3399 Keywords. Fullversion Italian -> Spanish 33354 keywords with 336017 entries and Spanish -> Italian Dictionary 31175 keywords with 325039 ...
Search Query points:15 ACCESS THESAURUS DUTCH DATABASE 1.0 Thesaurus Dutch to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "S" with 1256 Keywords. Fullversion Thesaurus Dutch 13302 keywords with over 180.000 entries. Also available for Italian, French, English, Portuguese/Brazilian, German, Swedish and Spanish. ...
Search Query points:15 ACCESS THESAURUS ENGLISH DATABASE 1.0 Thesaurus English to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "D" with 1258 Keywords. Fullversion Thesaurus English 18265 keywords with over 200.000 entries. Also available for Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese/Brazilian, German, Swedish and Dutch. For ...
Search Query points:15 ACCESS DICTIONARY ITALIAN SWEDISH 1.0 Dictionary Database Italian -> Swedish to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "A" with 3506 Keywords. Fullversion Italian -> Swedish 33354 keywords with 326131 entries and Swedish -> Italian Dictionary 34817 keywords with 322566 ...
Search Query points:15 ACCESS DICTIONARY ITALIAN FRENCH 1.0 Dictionary Database Italian -> French to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "P" with 3399 Keywords. Fullversion Italian -> French 33354 keywords with 359444 entries and French -> Italian Dictionary 33714 keywords with 358567 ...
Search Query points:15 CONVERT DVD TO POCKET PC 1.0 The Pocket DVD Wizard lets you use your computer to make backup copies of your DVDs, Mpeg, Avi and DivX video and then play them on a handheld device such as a Pocket PC, Palm or PSP. Imagine the possibilities! ...
Search Query points:15 ENGLISH->SPANISH DATABASE 1.0 Dictionary Database English->Spanish to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "A" with 2330 Keywords. Fullversion English-> Spanish Dictionary 37483 keywords with 344926 entries and Spanish-> English Dictionary 31175 keywords with 280575 entries. Also available ...
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