Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 7740 funded different packaging manuals in visual basic platform programs. You can simply download any of packaging manuals in visual basic platform soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 WINDOWS STD SERIAL COMM LIB FOR VISUAL BASIC 4.2 Serial communication component VB (VB.NET) library for serial port communications. Controls multiple ports simultaneously; is fully thread safe, port re-entrant. Includes 34 functions plus modem control, ANSI emulation, ASCII/XMODEM/YMODEM protocols. Supports virtual ports (usb to serial, bluetooth serial); hardware/software flow ...
Search Query points:80 SMTP/POP3 EMAIL ENGINE FOR VISUAL BASIC 4.0 MarshallSoft SMTP / POP3 email component Visual Basic (VB .NET) library to send, receive and parse mail including HTML and MIME Base64 and quoted-printable encoded attachments, from any program that can call the Windows API. Supports SMTP (ESMTP) and POP3 ...
Search Query points:80 FTP CLIENT ENGINE FOR VISUAL BASIC 2.5 MarshallSoft Visual Basic FTP component library provides direct control of the FTP client protocol from a VB (VB.NET) application program. Transfer files; upload, delete, list, append files. Supports wildcards. Supports many proxy servers, multiple concurrent FTP sessions and passive mode. ...
Search Query points:55 VISUAL WINHELP 3.0 Visual WinHelp is the quick and efficent way to create WinHelp .hlp documentation. The simple word processor interface makes accessing the powerful features easy. Visual WinHelp supports fully customizing the help window size and position, compression, and indexing. Adding a ...
Search Query points:55 VISUAL INTEGRATION STUDIO Visual Integration Studio is a visual integration design environment for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from any data source – to any data source using a simple drag and drop, property based interface. Plus, you can code any ...
Search Query points:55 VISUAL DRAWING MAKER V1.0 Convert CAD files into self viewing executable (*.exe) files. This makes the drawing independent of the operation system and CAD platform. Developed on the CAD midware technique basis, under lots of operation systems, it can be used on various CAD ...
Search Query points:50 BASIC ELECTRICAL CONTROL CIRCUITS 2.50 This award-winning, electrical training program builds on the Basic Techniques program. Here, you will troubleshoot a more complex control circuit consisting of numerous relays, switches, lights, and solenoids. You will need to use elementary wiring and connection wiring diagrams to ...
Search Query points:50 VISUAL BUILD PROFESSIONAL 6.0A Visual Build Pro is a tool that enables developers, software process engineers, and build specialists to create an automated, repeatable process for building their software. Visual Build provides built-in support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET/2005, Visual Studio Team System, Visual ...
Search Query points:45 DELEAKER ADD-IN FOR VISUAL C++ 1.2 Deleaker is a helpful add-in for Visual C++ (VS 2003-2005) that lets you detect resource leaks in memory, GDI objects, handles, etc. Deleaker provides a full stack for all detected objects and allows you to easily localize them in the ...
Search Query points:45 VISUAL MP3 SPLITTER & JOINER 5.4 Visual MP3 Splitter & Joiner is a handy software utility that can split and combine WAV and MP3 files. Cut files fast and easy using a waveform without recompression and losses in quality. You can select the desired part visually ...
Search Query points:45 VISUAL JAVASCRIPT LIBRARY 1.4.1 Visual Java Script Library is an easy to use script collection that helps you add java scripts and applets to your web pages with no experience or HTML knowledge. The program contains scripts of clocks, calendars, calculators, menus, text and ...
Search Query points:45 VISUAL COMPARER 1.40 Visual Comparer is a software utility with its main functionality being comparison of source code containing text files. Its use is indisputable as software engineers and programmers are always in the need to compare and synchronize various versions of the ...
Search Query points:45 VISUAL ALBUM 1.3 Smaller, faster, simpler, and cheaper than other album managers, Visual Album is powerful yet has an intuitive interface that doesn't overwhelm new users with unfamiliar choices. Features include an integrated file list to manage file names and to move, ...
Search Query points:45 VISUAL MP3 SPLITTER & JOINER 5.0 Visual MP3 Splitter & Joiner is a handy software utility that can split and combine WAV and MP3 files. Cut files fast and easy using a waveform without recompression and losses in quality. You can select the desired part visually ...
Search Query points:45 BASIC CRYSTAL PACKAGE - ICON COLLECTIONS NEW 132 stock icons with a natural look, colors and a shadow effect. This natural look makes them appear right at home in all kinds of environments. Number Of Stock Icons: 132 File Formats: ICO, GIF, PNG. Sizes: 48X48, 32x32, 24x24 ...
Search Query points:45 BASIC STANDART PACKAGE-TETRA STOCK ICONS BASIC STAN Tetra Icon Stock Icons offers professional icon collections to developers. Quality toolbar tetra icon collections for use in your commercial project, software application, website, or GUI design. 144 stock icons with a natural look, colors and a shadow effect. This ...
Search Query points:45 IPSWITCHER BASIC 1.3.12 Are you a mobile user? Do you need to use your computer in more than one network? Do you have multiple types of Internet connections? IPSwitcher Basic is an answer to your needs! It has been developed for those people, ...
Search Query points:45 FERRITE PLATFORM 1.2 Ferrite is a tool for automating text manipulation, conversion and data extraction. Includes easy-to-use filters for common tasks including adding/removing margins, headers, columns, etc. Uses Javascript for scripting. Manipulate rows/columns in CSV files and export as XML. Can descend directories ...
Search Query points:45 PIMPFISH BASIC 2006.3 Grab, download, share and organize Flash, Quicktime or any other video, pictures or files you find on websites in a single click. Use this Download Manager, IE or Firefox toolbar and FloatBar to grab movies, zoom pics in your browser ...
Search Query points:45 FILE RENAMER BASIC 2.1 File Renamer Basic is a powerful and yet easy to use program that allows the user to rename files, folders, and MP3 files with ease. It has a filename filter so you can easily narrow down your search to only ...
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