Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3338 funded different P S 2.0 programs. You can simply download any of P S 2.0 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:7 SETUP FACTORY 7.0 Don't be fooled by products costing twice as much. Setup Factory 7.0 has everything you need to make rock-solid professional software installers - and it's easier and faster to use. New project wizard, 20+ customizable screens, themes/skins, runtime modules, multilingual ...
Search Query points:7 LINK UTILITY 2.0 Link Utility- a handy tool for checking links on site and sustaining its efficiency. The program not only checks and highlights broken links on your web site, but also searches for the so-called orphaned files i.e. files with no links ...
Search Query points:7 APEX SQL DOC 1.14 Apex SQL Doc is a powerful tool to document your sql server database into HTML help Documentation. Apex SQL Doc's wizard approach walks you through a series of steps that allow you to set options and otherwise customize your ...
Search Query points:7 VCW VICMAN'S PHOTO EDITOR 7.84 With this free easy-to-use image editor, you can turn your snapshots into works of art, as well as draw your own images. Draw with a pencil or a brush, select colors with an eyedropper or paint colors in a gradient, ...
Search Query points:7 FILEPC 2.0 FilePC is the easiest way to backup your files online, and to send any sized file to anyone. FilePC excels at backing up your computer's files online. FilePC's Online Backup interface is extremely easy to use, ...
Search Query points:7 ENGLISH TO HINDI DICTIONARY 1 Turtle's English to Hindi dictionary has over 20,000 English words and their meanings in Hindi. Good for home users, authors, and those who want to learn the Hindi language. Users can quickly search for words or select a word from ...
Search Query points:7 DRAGON SUSHI BLACKJACK 2.0 The three Japanese captains have placed an unusual stake in a game of blackjack - the looser has to kill the sea monster, and the winner is supposed to eat the sushi cooked of the dragon's flash. You are one ...
Search Query points:7 RIDER 2.0 Rider™ measures network response time, bandwidth, and voice over IP or video streaming performance between any two computers on your network. You can even estimate voice over IP quality (MOS or R value) using Rider. Rider's unique web page interface ...
Search Query points:7 TEROID VENN CONTROL 2.0 Teroid Venn Control is a .NET control implementing the concept of the Venn diagram invented in 1880 by the Cambridge lecturer John Venn FRS. Its purpose is to represent visually the intersection of sets using overlapping circles, and is widely ...
Search Query points:7 IMAGINATION IMAGE MAP EDITOR 2.0 Create image maps for your website with this easy-to-use tool from Multimedia Australia. Simply select the image you want to use, choose a shape, then visually draw the image map regions. The image map coordinates can be copied to the ...
Search Query points:7 SWIFTEDIT 2.0 Do you wish you could edit your web pages online and update important information in real-time without any hassles? Do you wish you could alter your images and text without having to bother or annoy your webmaster? You can with ...
Search Query points:7 FRACTAL MORPHING SCREEN SAVER 2.0 Fractal Morphing Screen Saver is a screen saver for Windows. Fractals fascinate us with their beauty and attractiveness. And as to morphing it emphasizes it to a great extent. According to many people's opinion fractals produce a soothing and relaxing ...
Search Query points:7 PAGELOCK 2.0 Protect your website's HTML code and design from theft using this easy to use program. PageLock encodes HTML in a way that makes it difficult to make unauthorised copies whilst still allowing the resulting webpage to be displayed in a ...
Search Query points:7 DYNASITE 2.0 Dynasite is a software development tool to build database, forms, and reporting applications for .NET., ASP and PHP Web Applications. Eliminate hand-coding of your application's infrastructure by quickly generating advanced sophisticated user interfaces with custom page controls, a straightforward class ...
Search Query points:7 CRYPTO ANYWHERE - OPENPGP EDITION 2.0 Crypto Anywhere is secure email on the move ! Users can decrypt and encrypt messages to friends who use PGP, OpenPGP, SecExMail and many more. Crypto Anywhere allows you to make a travel floppy which can be used in internet ...
Search Query points:7 NETWORK INVENTORY EXPERT 2.0 Network Inventory Expert allows you to make up a network inventory without installation the software on user's PCs. This program gives you possibility to get quick and full information about operational system, service pack, hotfixes, hardware, installed software and running ...
Search Query points:7 CHANGE FORGOTTEN PASSWORD LITE 2.0 Recover and change forgotten passwords in multiple applications. Did you upgrade your computer and lose your passwords? Have you visited web sites that require you to log in, and allow Microsoft Internet Explorer to cache those logins and passwords? Recover ...
Search Query points:7 AYGHOST 2.0 AYGHOST is a simple but sufficient cloning software. With AYGHOST you can create, restore and check images, and you can also backup from disk to disk as well as act multicast systems. The created images include partition images and ...
Search Query points:7 FUJI CARIBBEAN POKER 2.0 Poker skill is all for entertainment, but not on the Fujiyama Mountain background. Kidnapped by a huge sea viper you are trapped on an isolated island with no one to help you. The only rescue hook is your poker skill ...
Search Query points:7 TAO SCREEN SAVER 2.0 Theme includes screen saver with quotes from the "Tao Te Ching" (the world's most translated book, after the Bible) and related images. The Tao is an ancient Chinese classic and the source of sayings like "The journey of 1,000 miles ...
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