Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14680 funded different p2p sharing windows 98 programs. You can simply download any of p2p sharing windows 98 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:65 TRUSTYFILES HIGH PERFORMANCE FILE SHARING 2.4 "Search AND download over multiple P2P networks for the MOST results with TrustyFiles 2.4 High Performance File Sharing. Grab hundreds of millions of files on the Kazaa, Gnutella/2, and Bit Torrent file sharing networks. TrustyFiles is FREE with NO spyware ...
Search Query points:60 PIXVILLAGE - ONLINE PHOTO SHARING 2.0.2456 Share your digital photos by the hundred with your friends and family ! PixVillage is a free software for online photo sharing. Share photos with your friends and family with no limitation. PixVillage is a peer-to-peer (P2P) software dedicated ...
Search Query points:55 BIGSPEED FILE SHARING LIBRARY 1.0 BigSpeed File Sharing Library includes two ActiveX controls (client and server) that dramatically simplify and accelerate the development of private file sharing solutions over the Internet. In addition to standard FTP operations, such as upload, download, rename, delete, etc., the ...
Search Query points:55 NETWORK FILE SHARING AND DISK SHARING 6.0 DiskShare is an enterprise Class Windows NFS Serversoftware allows Windows NT/2000/2003/XP-Pro workstations and servers to perform as NFS servers, so you can share files and printers among UNIX workstations, PCs, or other NFS-based clients. ...
Search Query points:55 EASY FILE SHARING FTP SERVER 2.0 Easy File Sharing FTP Server is a very easy to use FTP Server that allows visitors to download/upload/remove/create files/folders easily through a Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla) or an FTP Client such as CuteFTP. It can help you share files ...
Search Query points:50 ZULTRAX P2P 4.3 A modern P2P file sharing tool, with multiple network support and privacy protection features. Zultrax P2P is free of adware and spyware. Zultrax P2P comes with an advanced queuing system, multsource swarmed downloads and fully stable ...
Search Query points:50 COLLANOS WORKPLACE WINDOWS 1.0 Collanos team-enables computers. Collanos helps information-overloaded teams with software that enables easy access, updating and sharing of team knowledge via peer-to-peer synchronization, online and offline. Collanos Workplace base version is free. Collaboration has never been more simple, secure and practical. ...
Search Query points:45 DEFRAG FOR WINDOWS 4.0 PCMesh disk defrag is an easy-to-use complete disk defrag and optimization utility to make your Windows run faster by defragmenting and optimizing the hard disk. Defrag for Windows is fully automatic and as user-friendly as a one-button-click. Just click a ...
Search Query points:45 WINAXE WINDOWS X SERVER 7.3 Windows X Server, Run Linux and Unix on Windows Desktop. The WinaXe Windows X Server is a program that emulates the X terminal on your PC. WinaXe is XServer implementation of the X11 R6 release of the X Window ...
Search Query points:45 ADVANCED ENCRYPTION PLUG-IN PRO FOR WINDOWS EXPLORER 4.0.2 AEPE PRO lets you encrypt/shred/make sfx files from Windows Explorer's context menu using 17 encryption algortithms including Advanced Encryption Standard, CAST, Blowfish, Twofish, RC2 and so on. AEPE has full support for ZIP archives. Well, you don't need any ...
Search Query points:45 NFSAXE WINDOWS NFS CLIENT AND NFS SERVER 3.3 Windows NFS Client and Windows NFS Server. nfsAxe NFS-server can be installed on any Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP workstation to share your local drives and folders with other networked users, no matter which operating system they are running on their workstations. ...
Search Query points:45 AXESSH WINDOWS SSH CLIENT 3.2 Axessh is a Windows SSH client. It is a superb terminal emulator/telnet client for Windows. It provides SSH capabilities to Axessh without sacrificing any of existing functionality. Furthermore, Axessh has been developed entirely outside of the USA, and can be ...
Search Query points:45 ULTIMATE STARTUP MANAGER FOR WINDOWS 1.0 Take total control over your Windows startup. Make your Windows start and work faster, more stable. Manage all auto-start programs, create profiles to choose from during startup. Extra anti-virus protection. Turbo Mode to get the best performance of your computer ...
Search Query points:45 MICROCALENDAR - WINDOWS TRAY CALENDAR MicroCalendar is a Windows system tray popup calendar. It is small, unobtrusive, and always ready so you can easily check calendar dates without messing up your computer's system time or having to use a resource-intensive application. Features an attractive user ...
Search Query points:45 PROTECTOR PLUS 2007 FOR WINDOWS 7.5.A01 Protector Plus is an anti-virus software designed for Windows XP/2000/NT/Me/98/95. Protector Plus detects all types of viruses, trojans and worms before they enter the computer and removes the virus. Protector Plus ensures that the computer is virus free. Protector Plus ...
Search Query points:45 TASKBAR HIDE - HIDE WINDOWS PROGRAM 1.27 Hide windows program (hide applications) or close them completely through a hotkey,or minimize them to system tray.Hide some less used icons from system tray.Reorder the windows on taskbar based on your choice.Maximize or minimize all windows or only IE windows.Automatically ...
Search Query points:45 FOR WINDOWS HELP DESIGNER/WINHELP 3.1 Visagesoft for Windows® Help Designer is a stand alone and true WYSIWYG Windows help authoring tool. It provides all the basic features of a Help authoring software, including the ability to work with topics, set the browse order of topics, ...
Search Query points:45 LEARNWORDS WINDOWS 2.2 LearnWords - highly effective training program for learning foreign words (Windows, WM5, PocketPC, PalmOS, Symbian, Smartphone editions) 11 exercises, 20 languages, transcriptions and pronunciation, editor, virtual keyboard, scheduling repetitions, study of phrases and grammar! For each word of dictionary it ...
Search Query points:45 RUSSIAN FOOL FOR WINDOWS 3.02 Russian Fool (Durak) is Russia's most popular card game. It is easy to play, but has similar qualities to Hearts or Spades and is an extremely competitive game. Give it a try - but beware - you may become addicted!! ...
Search Query points:45 COMPARATOR FAST FOR WINDOWS Comparator Fast is an application that simplifies the comparison / verification / synchronization status of two different directories on any media (local drives, network drives, writable CD's, Compact Flash and electronic media, any drive/disk or device managed as valid windows ...
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