Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1309 funded different optimize mysql over wan programs. You can simply download any of optimize mysql over wan soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 EMS DATA EXPORT 2005 FOR MYSQL 2.2 EMS Data Export for MySQL is a powerful program to export your data quickly from MySQL databases to any of 15 available formats, including MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word (RTF), HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, CSV, DBF and more. Data ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL SERVICE CENTER 6.7 MySQL Service Center is a multi-functional Windows GUI utility for MySQL server maintenance and data reservation. MySQL Server Center allows you to create tasks for backing your data into a script, restoring data from a script, analyzing, checking, repairing and ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL SEARCH & EXTRACT DATA SOFTWARE 7.0 Search for certain characters within an MySQL database. If these characters are found, extract the field and save to file. Also, extract MySQL data between starting and ending characters throughout the entire database. ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your MySQL database. All redundant entries are eliminated except for the first one. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you can ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL FIND AND REPLACE SOFTWARE 7.0 Search for and replace data (characters) in your MySQL database tables. You decide which tables to make replacements in. ...
Search Query points:40 EMS DATA GENERATOR 2005 FOR MYSQL 2.2 EMS Data Generator for MySQL is a powerful utility for generating test data to several MySQL database tables at once. The wizard application allows you to define tables for generating data, set value ranges, generate char fields and blobs, and ...
Search Query points:40 EMS DATA COMPARER 2005 FOR MYSQL 1.2 EMS Data Comparer for MySQL is a powerful and easy-to-use utility for data comparison and synchronization. You can view all the differences in compared tables and execute an automatically generated script to eliminate these differences. Flexible customization of the comparison ...
Search Query points:40 EMS SQL MANAGER 2005 FOR MYSQL 3.7 EMS SQL Manager for MySQL is a powerful tool for MySQL Database Server administration and development. It works with any MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5 and supports all of the latest MySQL features. It offers plenty of powerful tools ...
Search Query points:40 ACCESSFORMS2WEB (PHP&MYSQL EDITON) 1.2.0 AccessForms2Web (PHP&MySQL Editon) is an effective application which allows you to convert mdb (Microsoft Access forms) to WEB page. Now you can easily convert forms and their elements to Web page, filling form fields with data from the fields of ...
Search Query points:40 DAC FOR MYSQL 2.5.4 DAC for MySQL (also known as MySQLDAC) is the most powerful component suite for Delphi/C++Builder/MySQL. This component suite allows you to create Delphi/C++Builder applications with direct access to MySQL DB without BDE and ODBC. BLOB fields are supported. MySQLDAC was ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL MS SQL SERVER IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 This application will allow you to transfer tables to and from MySQL and MS SQL Server 2000 and 2005 databases. Importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL BACKUP & RESTORE DATABASES SOFTWARE 7.0 Backup and recover your MySQL databases. Backups can be set up to occur automatically every 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc. This application is standalone and data can be backed up without mysqldump, myphpadmin or any other tool. This ...
Search Query points:40 MOVE MYSQL TO ANOTHER MYSQL DATABASE SOFTWARE 7.0 Transfer data and tables from one server to another server quickly. Simply provide the login information for both databases to connect. No SQL knowledge is required. ...
Search Query points:40 EMS DB EXTRACT 2005 FOR MYSQL 2.1 EMS DB Extract for MySQL is a powerful and easy-to-use utility for creating database backups in a form of SQL scripts. It allows you to save metadata of all database objects as well as table data. With flexible customization of ...
Search Query points:40 EMS DATA IMPORT 2005 FOR MYSQL 2.2 EMS Data Import for MySQL is a powerful tool to import your data quickly from MS Excel, MS Access, DBF, TXT, CSV and XML files to MySQL tables. Data Import for MySQL includes a wizard, which allows you to set ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL TO XML CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Convert MySQL tables to XML through a step by step wizard. XML output can be fully customized to contain database fields as tags and additional tags for separating records. ...
Search Query points:40 DBSCRIBE FOR MYSQL 1.1 Leadum DBScribe is a free powerful tool to document MySQL database into HTML, CHM help, MS Word Documentation. DBScribe prevents your staff from long routing documenting work and synchronization with database changes. It supports: rich set of output formats and ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL IMPORT MULTIPLE TEXT FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Load text files (or csv files) to MySQL. Create a new table or append to an existing table based on the contents of a file on your computer. ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL COMPARE TWO TABLES SOFTWARE 7.0 Find content differences between two tables in a MySQL database. Find added and deleted records. Find changed data within the tables. ...
Search Query points:40 MYSQL DEVELOPER STUDIO 1.51 A comprehensive IDE for MySQL. MySQL Developer Studio helps you work faster with MySQL by automating and simplifing the database development process. Presents a powerful visual interface for browsing databases, managing database objects, constructing and executing queries, and much more. ...
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