Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 47 funded different O&O FormatRecovery 4.07 programs. You can simply download any of O&O FormatRecovery 4.07 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:44 O&O FORMATRECOVERY 4.0.727 With the new O&O FormatRecovery V4, O&O offers the ultimate supplement to the already impressive line of data recovery products. O&O FormatRecovery V4, guided by an on-screen Assistant, enables the recovery of deleted or formatted partitions or hard disks to ...
Search Query points:44 O&O FORMATRECOVERY 4.0.727 With the new O&O FormatRecovery V4, O&O offers the ultimate supplement to the already impressive line of data recovery products. O&O FormatRecovery V4, guided by an on-screen Assistant, enables the recovery of deleted or formatted partitions or hard disks to ...
Search Query points:25 SMARTSNIFF FOR COM, LPT, USB. 4.0.7 The best tool for doing LPT, COM and USB port's data transfer logging. Using this tool you can simply do monitoring and spying data transffered through ports. This is useful for people who want to research any additional HW ...
Search Query points:25 INVISIBLE SECRETS 4.0.7 Invisible Secrets 4 not only encrypts your data and files for safe keeping or for secure transfer across the net, it also hides them in places that on the surface appear totally innocent, such as picture or sound files, or ...
Search Query points:25 CAMGUARD SECURITY SYSTEM 4.0.7 CamGuard Security System turns your PC with WebCam into an advanced Video Security and Surveillance System. By WEB BROWSER,Remote View Client and Mobile telephone(wap),You can effortlessly monitor your home, office, parking area or any other premises. It supports multiple ...
Search Query points:25 AUTORUN CD 4.07 Enhance your Autorun CDs by adding a Welcome Message, Screen Background, Splash Screen, License Agreement, Install Viewers. Either open one file, or let user select file(s) to open. With file selection dialog, user can open files in subfolders, ...
Search Query points:4 O&K PRINTER VIEWER 1.00 O&K Printer Viewer spool file viewer. This program will allow you to view what you or somebody else has printed on your printer. You will be able to view every printed document, print it out again, copy to clipboard or ...
Search Query points:4 O&O DISKRECOVERY 4.0.1231 O&O DiskRecovery functionality begins where other programs leave off. This software combs every sector of a hard disk, memory card, or digital camera to find lost files. Even when files systems are formatted or destroyed, it is possible to reconstruct ...
Search Query points:4 ETICHETTEXP 2.0 Descrizione lunga del programma in italiano: Programma per la stampa di etichette che prevede: o Possibilità di definire il formato delle etichette desiderato indicando numero di etichette orizzontali, numero di etichette verticali, margini e spaziatura. o Possibilità di centrare ...
Search Query points:4 PHONE MNEMONIC GENERATOR 4.2.0 Generate text mnemonics from phone numbers and find words in them. Find out if your phone number is IAM KEWL, 1 800 WINDOWS, 07976 ROBERT, etc.. On a phone keypad digits have letters assigned to them, 5 has ...
Search Query points:4 FOXY SQL PRO 1.1 Foxy SQL pro is an easy-to-use database script and query tool for all database professionals allowing them to create, edit and execute SQL commands and queries against any database, browse and store the results (CSV, XML, HTML, TXT) and much ...
Search Query points:4 4DISKCLEAN GOLD 5.0 Your computer disks are right now full of unwanted, unneeded and junk files that only slow down your PC ,take valuable space and may cause application problems. 4Diskclean Software do a complete clean up at your system keeping it running ...
Search Query points:4 DISKEEPER SERVER STANDARD EDITION 10.0 NEW! Diskeeper 10 introduces breakthrough I-FAAST™ technology (Intelligent File Access Acceleration Sequencing Technology), poised to revolutionize data access performance on Windows Server platforms worldwide. I-FAAST improves file access and creation by up to 80% (average 10%-20%). Using specially-engineered benchmarks ...
Search Query points:4 REAL BEAUTY SCREENSAVER 1.4 Most beautiful and exotic gals at bikini, lingerie and full nuded view on your desktop. You'll see as known supermodels so and novices models, and hear 3 pop-music melodies. Girls from the West and the East. Short list of girls: ...
Search Query points:4 COGEXP 2.0 Software contabile multiaziendale, adatto per elaborazioni contabili effettuate dallo studio per conto terzi o dalle aziende stesse che intendono gestire in proprio le attivita' amministrative/contabili. Tra le principali caratteristiche ricordiamo: Piano dei conti standard su tre livelli (secondo la IV ...
Search Query points:4 O&O MEDIARECOVERY 4.0 With O&O MediaRecovery V4 you can recover deleted photos that captured those precious moments - from your vacation, of your wedding, or the first pictures of your children. If those irreplaceable memories are deleted it no longer has to mean ...
Search Query points:4 O&O DISKIMAGE PROFESSIONAL EDITION 1.0 As millions of our happy customers worldwide will testify, O&O has over the years gained considerable expertise in moving files during defragmentation. By using this experience, O&O has now developed a product that enables you to image and restore your ...
Search Query points:4 SWEDISH GERMAN DATABASE 1.0 Dictionary Database Swedish German to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "O" with 1220 keywords. Fullversion Swedish ->German Dictionary 34817 keywords with 299075 entries and German -> Swedish Dictionary 36816 keywords with 303819 entries. ...
Search Query points:4 FLASH MEDIA CARD RECOVERY Flash Media Card Recovery tool retrieves digital images and multimedia files from various kinds of memory cards which are corrupted due to system failure, accidentally or malicious format. This software works with all types of multimedia cards such as Compact ...
Search Query points:4 DISK REPAIR SOFTWARE 10.X Disk Repair is a logical bad sector removal and repair software that removes the logical bad sectors and repairs " Track 0 Bad Disks ". Bad sectors are a major problem in hard disks, which are found to be mainly ...
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