Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 2008 funded different only book organizer programs. You can simply download any of only book organizer soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 BOOK ORGANIZER 1.00 In Book Organizer, the books in the database are displayed in a flexible, explorer-like screen. It lets you group, sort and filter the data in every possible way. It has a very comprehensive set of fields, enabling you to catalogue ...
Search Query points:50 BOOK REPORTER 2.1 Book Reporter educational software is designed to be used in the classroom to teach students computer skills, keyboarding, reading, and language arts skills in one activity. The teacher's section is password protected and, if the teacher wants to, the ...
Search Query points:50 ABHIBHAVAK ORGANIZER: AS IF GUARDIAN IN LIFE (AO) 3.2.1 Most organizers remind only once about an activity (or a current turn of a periodic activity). But, as it may not always be possible to perform that activity (task) immediately, so there lies a need to be reminded ...
Search Query points:50 LOTUS ORGANIZER PASSWORD 1.0 Lotus Organizer Password allows you to recover passwords which Lotus Organizer files (.or?) are protected with. Lotus Organizer Password recover passwords for all Lotus Organizer security levels (Owner, Assistant, Reader or Private, Public, Read Only for old file types). Program ...
Search Query points:50 1-ABC.NET SETTINGS ORGANIZER 1.00 Windows XP offers great opportunities to be customized. Unfortunately, most of these features are not available through the control panel and can only be configured by modifying the main Windows settings database which is called the Windows Registry. Since this ...
Search Query points:50 LOTUS ORGANIZER PASSWORD 1.2 Lotus Organizer Password allows you to recover passwords which Lotus Organizer files (.or?) are protected with. Lotus Organizer Password recover passwords for all Lotus Organizer security levels (Owner, Assistant, Reader or Private, Public, Read Only for old file types). Program ...
Search Query points:50 GUEST BOOK CRAWLER 1.0 There are millions of guest books at the web! Imagine, that only a little part of them have your link. The software enables you to post to many guest books. You are searching in search engines for guest books and ...
Search Query points:50 PICS ORGANIZER 1.2 If you feel lost in thousands of default named pictures placed on default named folders then Pics Organizer is the software you will need. Find duplicates, advanced exif filters, batch rename photos files, create folders and subfolders, move or copy ...
Search Query points:50 ALIVE ORGANIZER Alive Organizer is a powerful system allowing you to manage your personal information. Alive Organizer allows you to effectively schedule tasks, make records in your address book, create notes, write and publish your personal blog. With Alive Organizer, you can ...
Search Query points:50 1-ABC.NET PASSWORD ORGANIZER 1.12 In these days, everyone has many different passwords, to login to a messenger or an e-mail account, security codes for online banking, PINs for his telephone and so on. Password Organizer allows you to organize all your passwords and ...
Search Query points:50 ALIVE ORGANIZER Alive Organizer is a powerful system allowing you to manage your personal information. Alive Organizer allows you to effectively schedule tasks, make records in your address book, create notes, write and publish your personal blog. With Alive Organizer, you can ...
Search Query points:50 STARTUP ORGANIZER 2.8 SR1 Startup Organizer is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP program that was developed to provide quick access to all of the programs that are automatically started when you turn on or logon to your computer. Using Startup Organizer, you can inspect, edit, and/or ...
Search Query points:50 BOOK TRACKER - COLLECTOR 3.0 BookTracker-Collector's Edition will help you catalog all your books with 19 different customizable fields including Title, Author, Category, Value, Printing Date, Publish Date, Purchase Price, Date Purchased, Edition, Rating, Condition, Location, publisher, ISBN, and a graphic field. BookTracker has ...
Search Query points:40 RA DOCUMENT ORGANIZER 1.0.5 RA Document Organizer is an easy-to-use Windows utility that helps you to manage and access documents spread throughout your hard-disks and removable media more efficiently. Documents can be organized into projects and categories for easier navigation. Various operations can be ...
Search Query points:40 KIDS COLORING BOOK 2005 Kids Coloring Book 2005 allows your kids to color over 5,000 pictures, using virtual crayons and buckets, and a bright easy to use interface designed for use by all ages! Pictures can be saved to disk, opened from disk and ...
Search Query points:40 DESKTOP ORGANIZER & ARRANGER 1.1.6 D.O.A. (Desktop Organizer and Arranger) is a unique desktop manager that allows you to split your desktop area into 4 or 6 sections, which can be individually labeled . You can then arrange your icons in a way that you ...
Search Query points:40 A VIP ORGANIZER 2.42 VIP Organizer is a time and task management software which uses To Do List method to help you get through more work spending less time. The program increases your personal and professional productivity. It is an organizer, planner, notepad and ...
Search Query points:40 BIRTHDAY ORGANIZER 3.0 Stay informed of all upcoming dates, birthdays, events and holidays with PS Birthday Organizer. When you use this program, you will never forget anyone’s most important day, miss a meeting, or overlook a hot date. Although it is developed mainly ...
Search Query points:40 ITSD ORGANIZER 1.51 People are idea machines, but not everyone is equipped with the organizational skills or functional memory to access, prioritize and benefit from them all. ITSD Organizer is a simple solution for identifying important steps in achieving a goal, keeping track ...
Search Query points:40 EMYPASSWORDS ORGANIZER 1.05 eMyPasswords Organizer is free powerful and easy-to-use personal database program. You can manage your records (accounts, passwords, emails, FTP accounts, Hosting accounts, Web sites, Blogs accounts) with password protection. Advanced Import and Export options, Print, View and hide your records. ...
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