Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 92 funded different Omni DHTML API programs. You can simply download any of Omni DHTML API soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 2D/3D VERTICAL BAR GRAPH API LIBRARY (JAVA BEAN) 4.6 The Vertical Bar Graph API is a Java Bean Component. Designed specifically to enable programmers to easily add powerful graphing functionality to any form of Java application Download the Free Trial today for access to:- - Documentation - Code samples ...
Search Query points:40 OMNI MULTIPLAYER ONLINE CASINO 4.0 Omni Casino was voted "Best Online Casino 2004" by the readers of Casino Player Magazine, the most prestigious magazine in the gambling industry. In operation since 1997, Omni Casinohas won several awards including Gambling Online Magazine's "Best Rewards" and "Quickest ...
Search Query points:40 XTREEME DHTML MENU STUDIO 4 With this program you can add a DHTML drop down menu to your web site within a few minutes. The program comes with hundreds of predefined attractive graphical looks and supports easy integration with existing web sites. Included are free ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED DHTML POPUP 2.20 Advanced DHTML Popup is a powerful DHTML Popup window creator that works in a WYSIWYG way and produces cross browser DHTML Popup windows without any knowledge of DHTML/Javascript. The product uses an intuitive interface to design and customize the popup ...
Search Query points:40 3D OMNI MULTI-PLAYER ONLINE CASINO FREE Up to $100 in FREE CASH. Receive $100 New Player Bonus. Receive $100 bonus every month. $150 Monthly Slots Reward. Over 80 of your favorite games. Omni Casino - The Most Secure And Trusted Gaming Experience On The Net. multi-player ...
Search Query points:40 APYCOM DHTML MENU 2.72 Apycom DHTML Menu is a ready-made, professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior navigation systems for their web sites. 24 great visual effects, floating, drag-n-drop, flat, 3d and XP styles, relative and absolute positions, vertical and horizontal directions, animated ...
Search Query points:40 DHTML MENU STUDIO PROFESSIONAL EDITION 4 With this program you can add a DHTML drop down menu to your web site within a few minutes. It comes with hundreds of predefined designs and supports easy integration with existing web sites. Included are free plugins for DreamWeaver, ...
Search Query points:20 DELUXE TREE 1.0 Enhance your website with Deluxe JavaScript Tree Menu! Deluxe Tree is a professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior DHTML navigation systems for their web sites. JavaScript API to change your menu "on-the-fly", animation effects, floating, drag-n-drop, scrolling, XP ...
Search Query points:10 SDPROTECTOR PRO 1.12 SDProtector is a powerful tool offering both software developers and distributors a protection of software products against unauthorized copying, use and uses RSA1024, API functions, new anti-debug tricks, active protection against dumping from memory and tracers.With SDProtector it's easy ...
Search Query points:10 JAVASCRIPT SPELL CHECK 1.2 JavaScript Spell Check is the spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check extends your Website: A Pop-Up Spell Checker Window similar to that in Microsoft Word. This is ideal for spell checking website forms and data entry; Ajax ...
Search Query points:10 DETAGGER 2.3 Detagger selectively removes HTML markup, or goes all the way and converts HTML into text. As a markup remover, it lets you tidy up your HTML. As a HTML-to-Text converter, documents are converted into a more compact and email-friendly format, ...
Search Query points:10 PE EXPLORER 1.97 PE Explorer is a multi-purpose PE (portable executable) file editor and binary header analysis tool for Windows developers. It tells you just about every little detail you could possibly want to know about a PE file (exe, dll, ActiveX, and ...
Search Query points:10 WEBCAB FUNCTIONS (J2SE EDITION) 2.0 Java API Components offering refined numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variables from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable. The interpolation procedures provided include Newton polynomials, Lagrange's formula, ...
Search Query points:10 VBUBBLES 1.0 VBubbles offers user-friendly project versions management, visual tools for component changes overview and code history, compiled files log and code locking, development time tracking and other powerful productivity tools. It provides better comfort, increases productivity and facilitates shared development. ...
Search Query points:10 ATS WARNING! THE BOSS! 1.6.0 Do you need to hide windows or complete applications from the sight of others? To surf through the internet without anyone seeing the contents of the sites you have access to? To keep a conversation using a messenger or ...
Search Query points:10 HARVEX AUCTION SNIPER & MACRO BOT (EBAY) 2.06 All-in-one eBay auction sniper, auction tracker, bulk search and macro automation tool - for bidders and sellers. The full-featured sniper auto-bids shortly before an auction closes and supports auto-dial, bid groups, free logic bidding, bulk sniping, server based bidding and ...
Search Query points:10 CODE CO-OP 4.1 Keep your Windows development projects organized across multiple development languages by incorporating Code Co-op, a powerful peer-to-peer collaboration and version control tool. Code Co-op enables code management and collaboration through Email, LAN, and VPN - no server required. Teams will ...
Search Query points:10 HOO WINTAIL 3.1 Hoo WinTail is a real-time file viewer for Windows like the UNIX tail -f utility. It can be used to view the end of a growing file. It is ideal for viewing application traces or server logs in real time. ...
Search Query points:10 QUICKHASH LIBRARY 3.0 A fast, highly optimized implementation of hash and checksum algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2(256,384,512), RIPEMD(128,160,256,320), PANAMA, TIGER, CRC-32, CRC-16, CRC-CCITT, ADLER32. The library allows to calculate hashes (message digests), checksums and HMACs for files, memory blocks, strings, blobs, streaming ...
Search Query points:10 QUICKCRYPT LIBRARY 2.50 A fast, highly optimized implementation of symmetric (private-key) encryption/decryption algorithms: DES, Triple DES (3DES), DESX, BLOWFISH, RIJNDAEL (AES - Advanced Encryption Standard), GOST (USSR/Russian Encryption Standard). It supports 5 modes of operation: ECB (Electronic Codebook), CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), CFB ...
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