Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 7672 funded different numerical libraries in .net dll programs. You can simply download any of numerical libraries in .net dll soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:85 IDAUTOMATION BARCODE .NET FORMS CONTROL DLL 6.03 This professional grade package includes the Linear .NET Forms Control and DLL for creating barcodes in Visual Studio, Borland Delphi for Microsoft .NET, C# Builder and the .NET Framework. Includes a Property Page DLL and examples for C# and VB.NET. ...
Search Query points:55 NET UPDATE 1.01 Net Update is the fastest and easiest way to distribute all your software updates. Using a powerful client/server infrastructure, client software can be modified or completely updated in whatever configuration best suits your requirements. Flexible, secure, and reliable. Net ...
Search Query points:55 NET METER 3.0 Net Meter is a powerful and easy network traffic monitor. It monitors traffic of one or more network connections at the same time. Net Meter displays real-time graphical and numerical network traffic details. It records all network traffic and includes ...
Search Query points:55 DONEEX INI-FILE MANAGER DLL 1.3.1 This library allows you manipulate with INI-file by the easiest way from any programming language. You can create new or load existed INI-file and manage sections and keys in it. You can produce action with sections and keys of INI-file ...
Search Query points:55 SECUREBLACKBOX (.NET) 3.3 SecureBlackbox (.NET edition) is the comprehensive component collection for Internet security. SecureBlackbox is split to several packages: * PKIBlackbox - offers support for Public Key Infrastructure (X.509 certificates, certificate requests, certificate revokation lists, certificate storages etc.). ...
Search Query points:50 WEBCAB FUNCTIONS FOR .NET 2.0 Add refined numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variables from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable; to your .NET, COM, and XML Web service Apps. Interpolate using Newton ...
Search Query points:50 PDF ACTIVEX DLL 2.0 ActiveX DLL for Visual Basic, VBA, .NET, and ActiveX-compatible programming language to automatically create Adobe Acrobat PDF files from many different file types. ...
Search Query points:45 CODE LIBRARY FOR .NET 11.9 The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering. As a result, you can build a programs faster. Support Code Snippet, File, Note, Web, URL, Picture save. 6 in 1 Utility. ...
Search Query points:45 LANTALK NET 3.1.5011 LanTalk.NET Enterprise instant messenger for business networks. In fact, in most companies LanTalk.NET replaced corporate e-mail for exchanging files and messages. And the phones are ringing much less often. LanTalk.NET does not offer a single feature that is not related ...
Search Query points:45 ADD-IN EXPRESS .NET FOR VSTO 2.6 Add-in Express .NET for VSTO is a visual component set for creating Outlook add-ins in Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office. It provides lots of advanced features: creating Explorer and Inspector commandbars at design-time, adding Outlook options page and folder ...
Search Query points:45 RUSTEMSOFT.CONTROLS .NET ASSEMBLY 1.04.84 RustemSoft provides the common controls you always wanted. Show date/time and numeric text boxes with simple and easy-to-manage properties. Create Windows XP style buttons with mouse over and click effects. Make anything appear as IP Address, SS#, Phone numbers, etc. ...
Search Query points:45 .NET CHART DESIGNER 1.0 .NET Chart Designer is comprehensive charting application that supports more then 40 chart types in multiple modes, meaning that literally hundreds of different styles and types are available for users.The legend can be flexible integrated to the chart area. The ...
Search Query points:45 REPORTDEPOT FOR .NET 06.00.00 ReportDepot leverages the latest technologies to provide you with a fully-integrated and user-friendly report engine. The ReportDepot component reads report definitions stored in module file, combines them with data from a data source, and generates reports / charts that can ...
Search Query points:45 KINETICART 2D XY CHART REAL-TIME .NET CONTROL 1.0 KineticaRT .NET Multi-Line 2D XY Chart Real-Time Control, in common with other KineticaRT components, is easy to configure and supports live update (state changes are transferred automatically to/from the connected channel). It is a member of the KineticaRT family of ...
Search Query points:45 TCP SPY .NET STANDARD EDITION 3.0 TCP Spy .Net is a small application used to trace TCP packets between a client and a server. Optimized for.Net Web Services or Web Site TCP Spy .Net will help you find any bottleneck and it will help you in ...
Search Query points:45 TCP SPY .NET PROFESSIONAL EDITION 3.0 TCP Spy .NET is a small application used to trace TCP packets between a client and a server. Optimized for .NET Web Services or Web Site TCP Spy .Net will help you find any bottleneck and it will help you ...
Search Query points:45 NET SWITCH 2.1 Net Switch is a multi network manager, which enables you to change network settings with one mouse click. If you use your PC in several networks, this program is a perfect solution for you. Don't waste your time reconfiguring computer ...
Search Query points:45 HTTP SPY .NET 3.0 HTTP Spy .NET is a small application used to trace http request to a web site. HTTP Spy .NET will help you find any bottleneck and it will help you in analyzing your bandwidth usage. With it, you can inspect ...
Search Query points:45 LANFLOW NET DIAGRAMMER 5.0 Diagramming tool for laying out, designing, and documenting a network, LAN, internet, or other communications system. Drop in components like computers, workstations, and servers and connect them with lines and cables of all sorts. Choose your components from the ...
Search Query points:45 DIS# - .NET DECOMPILER 3.0 The typical problem with decompilation is the absence of full source information in the executable file. Dis# is a .NET decompiler which allows you to edit local variables and other names and keep the changes in a project file. The ...
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