Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 5284 funded different notebook bodyguard download programs. You can simply download any of notebook bodyguard download soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 CLOCK & NOTEBOOK 1.0 Free clock with Notebook. Free simple notebook. Save your contacts using the simple notebook clock. The program interface is quite simple so even if you are a beginner you can use it without any trouble. ...
Search Query points:40 MARS NOTEBOOK 1.2 Very useful tree-styled notebook. Full featured text editor with tables, formatting, hyperlinks, pictures... Any amount of sections can be created at any tree level, supports data encryption. Import/export from/to MS Word, HTML, text, unicode text, Works, WordPerfect, Windows Write, RTF ...
Search Query points:40 SYSTEM BODYGUARD 1.0 Easy to use popup allows you to quickly train your computer to learn what programs to allow through your fire Wall. Anyone can use this easy to run computer security program to keep their system safe. The most ...
Search Query points:40 POKER BODYGUARD 1.0 View players hole cards during replays to see what they have. Share replays with friends like movies. Watch replays of your online games like a pro. Poker virus and trojn protection security program to Stop Poker Cheaters ...
Search Query points:20 TWIN FOLDERS 3.0 Twin Folders is a file and folder synchronization utility. If you are working on two different computers - for example a desktop and notebook, then you need to keep your work files up-to-date at both computers. Perhaps you do not ...
Search Query points:20 ECOVER 3D 1.00 With eCover 3D you can create an unlimited number of covers for your ebooks, CD, DVD, notebook and software boxes. This is more than ebook cover software. With many exclusive special effects like 'page flip' you will discover that eCover ...
Search Query points:20 C-ORGANIZER 3.5 C-Organizer is a personal information manager with elegant design and all the necessary features: it lets you plan your day, set alarms and keep and address book with photos. Also this program includes a password manager and notebook. The program ...
Search Query points:20 QSYNCHRONIZATION 1.8.2 QSynchronization synchronizes the MS Outlook folders of your Outlook notebooks and home PCs with your central MS Outlook data. It can synchronize any folder type for example between a laptop and a desktop, between public folders and personal folders. Communicate ...
Search Query points:20 PIMERO 1.52 Working as part of your team, Pimero is a convenient appointment calendar and task list manager - the ideal companion for small teams and individuals. If you are on the road frequently, work with several computers or bring together several ...
Search Query points:20 ART CLOCK 1.0 Free clock with Notebook, timer and system tool. Free simple timer, notebook, tool for restart & shut down. Save your contacts using the simple notebook clock. The program interface is quite simple so even if you are a beginner you ...
Search Query points:20 PUBLIC SYNCTOOL 1.1 Synchronise your Outlook with your Notebook. Public SyncTool provides a powerful synchronization, enabling consumers to keep all of their information, calendars, e-mail, contacts and tasks constantly up-to-date between a PC and a Notebook. Includes conflict resolution feature if both items ...
Search Query points:20 ALIVE FOLDERS 1.0 Imagine that your hard disk crashed. How much work will you lose? This convenient sync files program helps you to keep all you need. It makes a mirror of your important information and keeps it actual. It works as a ...
Search Query points:10 GO CODING WORKSHOP POLYPHONIC WIZARD 4.00 Go Coding Workshop Polyphonic Wizard is a software program for your PC that allows you to add new ringtones, pictures and java applets (games) to your polyphonic phone without the need for cables or sms (text) services. All ...
Search Query points:10 PERSONAL MAIL SERVER PRO 2.12 SMTP/POP3 mail server program to use as a personal local SMTP server or as a stand-alone fully featured mail server. You can use the product along with any mail clients that are complaint with the standard SMTP/POP3 protocols. It offers ...
Search Query points:10 IPOD PHOTO TO COMPUTER TRANSFER PRO3.2 3.2 Tansee iPod Transfer Photo is an easy to use backup software that lets you backup photos from your iPod to a Windows based PC with the least effort. Copyrights 2006 All Rights reserved Tansee iPod Transfer Photo is a ...
Search Query points:10 FARM ANIMAL SOUNDS - MORPHVOX ADD-ON 1.0 Have fun in online chat with the Farm Animal Sounds. This free sound effects pack integrates with MorphVOX Voice Changing Software and provides 11 barnyard animal sound effects to entertain and amuse your friends over voice chat. Broadcast a ...
Search Query points:10 WINTASKS 5 PROFESSIONAL PRO 3.2 Based on years of research, the award-winning WinTasks is now one of the most popular tools in the war against malicious software, and the perfect complement to your firewall and anti-virus software. Whether you are new to Windows, a business ...
Search Query points:10 TEXT FILES TO PDF CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Create PDF files from your many text files without Adobe products. No complicated options. Files are not required to have txt extensions. ...
Search Query points:10 EMS DB EXTRACT 2005 FOR MYSQL 2.1 EMS DB Extract for MySQL is a powerful and easy-to-use utility for creating database backups in a form of SQL scripts. It allows you to save metadata of all database objects as well as table data. With flexible customization of ...
Search Query points:10 GO DYNADVANCE NOTIFIER 2.0 Are you tired of checking all you email accounts many times a day to see if you have new email ? Is your computer running slow ? Introducing Go DynAdvance Notifier, the professional email notification tool. It checks all your ...
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