Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3562 funded different news file grabber 1.0.0. programs. You can simply download any of news file grabber 1.0.0. soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 FILE STRUCTURE GRABBER 1.1 This program will create a copy of the file structure of a computer and allow you to access it on any other computer without a network connection! What is it for? Want to ...
Search Query points:65 EF MULTI FILE RENAMER 1.00 EF Multi File Renamer a versatile tool for comfortable renaming of numerous files or whole directories (including subfolders) in a processing step. In relation to comparable programs, EF Multi File Renamer stands out by its concept for the clear definition ...
Search Query points:65 POWER AUDIO CD GRABBER 1.00 Try to use our Power Audio CD Grabber - powerful and easy-to-use tool for converting your audio-CD collection to variety of most popular compressed audio formats (WMA 9, OGG and MP3 are supported) with ID3Tag v2 support and to uncompressed ...
Search Query points:65 1-ABC.NET FILE ENCRYPTER 1.00 Anyone who has access to your computer is also able to open all files located on your system. These files include personal documents as well as backups of old e-mail messages, photographs from your last holiday as well as contracts ...
Search Query points:50 DISKMETA PERSONAL - INSTANT FILE SEARCH FOR HARD DRIVES 1.0 diskMETA is a web-search-engine-based tool offering instant full text search across hard disk through gigabytes of indexed data. Supported file formats: txt, doc, xls, html, pdf, rtf, chm, zip, rar. Average search time: 1 sec. Output: internet-style, with quotation of ...
Search Query points:50 BULK NEWS 2006 3.0 Bulk Post to over 2000 newsgroups an hour with this Internet marketing tool. Supports file attachments and text / HTML message format. Creates detailed log reports of posting activity so you may view which posts were made successfully. ...
Search Query points:50 R-WIPE & CLEAN - DISK WIPE, FILE ERASER AND PC PRIVACY 6.0 R-Wipe & Clean is a complete solution to wipe useless files and keep your computer privacy. Irretrievably deletes private records of your on- and off-line activities, such as temporary internet files, history, cookies, autocomplete forms and passwords, swap files, recently ...
Search Query points:50 NEWS SCREENSAVER 1.3 News Screensaver is a screensaver that will allow you to always have the most recent news, weather forecasts and stock quotes on the computer screen. The screensaver supports all RSS, RDF and Atom formats. The program is shipped with the ...
Search Query points:50 FILE AUDIO PROCESSOR 3.4 Complete solution for Multimedia Editing -Management includes: File Manager for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP, File Renamer, ID3 Tag manager. Audio Converter - Editor, Visual Audio Editor, CD Audio Grabber, CD-DVD Writer, Audio - Video Player, Audio Recorder, Playlist Manager Picture Viewer, Zip ...
Search Query points:50 NEWS ROVER 10 News Rover is a Usenet news reader that features a built-in search service for finding files in any Usenet newsgroup. Just enter keywords and News Rover will find matching files in any newsgroup. News Rover is the ideal tool ...
Search Query points:50 R-WIPE & CLEAN - DISK WIPE, FILE ERASER AND PC PRIVACY 6.0 R-Wipe & Clean is a complete solution to wipe useless files and keep your computer privacy. Irretrievably deletes private records of your on- and off-line activities, such as temporary internet files, history, cookies, autocomplete forms and passwords, swap files, recently ...
Search Query points:50 JAVASCRIPT RSS NEWS TICKER 1.0 JavaScript-producing design tool for fetching and showing news on web pages. The script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify border, size, color, link and much more to script. It is unnecessary to ...
Search Query points:45 JUSTXTRACT IMAGES 1.00 JustXtract Images is an Easiest Image Extraction Tool around. It is an Automatic Image Downloader which can download Images by scanning List of Websites for Links at any depth. It can download Images by maintaining Site Structure or can even ...
Search Query points:45 FASTTRACK FTP 1.00 This FTP client can handle file groups and allows you to change attributes of files stored on an FTP-server. The special editor allows you to edit files directly on the server. You can set up additional custom commands and add ...
Search Query points:40 ONE CAT FILE MANAGER 2.21 Side by side file management, easy multiple file renaming, and customizable looks combine to make the perfect file manager. Do you find yourself constantly sizing and resizing file management windows when moving or copying files between folders and drives? Have ...
Search Query points:40 BURN RUBBER: FILE SEARCH ACCELERATOR 2.3.0 Do you ever find yourself searching for a file you know is on your hard drive somewhere? Or maybe you need to find a file on the network, and you don't know where it is? Tired using Windows file search ...
Search Query points:40 UNIVERSAL FILE SPLITTER & MERGER 1.1 Universal File Splitter & Merger is a powerful, friendly and easy tool that helps you to split and merge any kind of files. You can then send, store, record, carry, upload, view, or play them. Features: * splitting/merging very ...
Search Query points:40 INSTANT FILE NAME SEARCH 1.5 Instant File Name Search is a free software especially designed for filename searches. Instantly find files by name, part of name or mask (*.xls, pic??.jpg, *shrek*.avi etc.) on your PC or LAN. You can use AND/OR/NOT operators to perform advanced ...
Search Query points:40 FILE ENCRYPTION XP 1.4.53 Need a military grade file encryption software? Would you like to delete (shred) files and be 100% sure they can't be "undeleted"? How about protecting data stored with removable drives? File Encryption XP does all that and more! File Encryption ...
Search Query points:40 ANIMABILIS RS FILE ENCRYPTION 1.3 Need a military grade file encryption solution? Would you like to delete (shred) files and be 100% sure they can't be "undeleted"? Now about protecting data stored with removable drives? RS File Encryption does all that and more! ...
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