Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 12323 funded different .net code change to uppercase programs. You can simply download any of .net code change to uppercase soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:85 CODE LIBRARY FOR .NET (FIREBIRD) 11.9 The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering. As a result, you can build a programs faster. Support Code Snippet, File, Note, Web, URL, Picture save. 6 in 1 Utility. ...
Search Query points:85 CODE LIBRARY FOR .NET (SQL SERVER/MSDE) 11.9 The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering. As a result, you can build a programs faster. Support Code Snippet, File, Note, Web, URL, Picture save. 6 in 1 Utility. ...
Search Query points:85 BLUE SKY .NET CODE GENERATOR 2.0.1 Blue Sky .Net Code Generator is a quick develop tool for .Net applications. It generates all class file base on database schema due to three layer system framwork. It can generate a web site . ...
Search Query points:85 CODE LIBRARY FOR .NET 11.9 The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering. As a result, you can build a programs faster. Support Code Snippet, File, Note, Web, URL, Picture save. 6 in 1 Utility. ...
Search Query points:85 CODE LIBRARY FOR .NET (MYSQL) 11.9 The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering. As a result, you can build a programs faster. Support Code Snippet, File, Note, Web, URL, Picture save. 6 in 1 Utility. ...
Search Query points:55 NET PROFILE SWITCH 4.6 Switch your laptop/notebook between multiple networks. Assuming a DHCP-enabled network at your office and a static IP-address assigned to your network card at home, every time you connect your computer to a new network you have to change settings for ...
Search Query points:55 DIS# - .NET DECOMPILER 3.0 The typical problem with decompilation is the absence of full source information in the executable file. Dis# is a .NET decompiler which allows you to edit local variables and other names and keep the changes in a project file. The ...
Search Query points:55 NET UPDATE 1.01 Net Update is the fastest and easiest way to distribute all your software updates. Using a powerful client/server infrastructure, client software can be modified or completely updated in whatever configuration best suits your requirements. Flexible, secure, and reliable. Net ...
Search Query points:55 NET PROFILE SWITCH 4.72 Switch your laptop/notebook between multiple networks. Assuming a DHCP-enabled network at your office and a static IP-address assigned to your network card at home, every time you connect your computer to a new network you have to change settings for ...
Search Query points:55 EASESOFT BARCODE .NET CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft Linear Barcode .Net Windows Forms Control is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality barcode image to your windows application .You can save the barcode as different image format files (BMP,EMF,GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,WMF). It is easy to ...
Search Query points:55 NET SWITCH 2.1 Net Switch is a multi network manager, which enables you to change network settings with one mouse click. If you use your PC in several networks, this program is a perfect solution for you. Don't waste your time reconfiguring computer ...
Search Query points:55 POWUPLOAD .NET 1.1 PowUpload is a http file upload component that enables an ASP.NET application to capture and save files uploaded to the web server by a browser. PowUpload is fully compatible with the standard files upload protocol defined in RFC1867 for the ...
Search Query points:55 .NET NEWS ON YOUR DESKTOP 1.0 .NET News On Your Desktop is a project developed by Blocks4.NET in order to notify .NET users / developers community about latest .NET components news. This is an essential tool for software developers that use custom controls, software components, code ...
Search Query points:55 REPORTDEPOT FOR .NET 06.00.00 ReportDepot leverages the latest technologies to provide you with a fully-integrated and user-friendly report engine. The ReportDepot component reads report definitions stored in module file, combines them with data from a data source, and generates reports / charts that can ...
Search Query points:55 SKATER .NET OBFUSCATOR 2.05 Skater .NET Obfuscator is an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. It implements all known software protection techniques and obfuscation algorithms. If you would like periodically obfuscate your .NET products the Skater .NET Obfuscator is for you. RustemSoft is using ...
Search Query points:55 KELLERMAN .NET LOGGER 1.05 Kellerman Logger is an easy to use, high performance logging framework for .NET 2.0 with the ability to log to multiple destinations. Kellerman Logger is faster and easier to use than Log4Net. The logger's ability to log messages with ...
Search Query points:55 MAGFORMS FOR .NET 1.5 MagForms for .NET is a .NET library which allows .NET WinForms to be magnetized together similar to Winamp. MagForms also provides seamless Windows appbar support, as well as an instant roll-up button to your application's title bar. MagForms are non-intrusive ...
Search Query points:55 EASESOFT PDF417 .NET WINDOWS CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft PDF417 .Net Windows Forms Control is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality 2D barcode image to your windows application .You can save the barcode as different image format files (BMP,EMF,GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,WMF). It is easy to print ...
Search Query points:55 DIS# - .NET DECOMPILER 2.2 The typical problem with decompilation is the absence of full source information in the executable file. Dis# is a .NET decompiler which allows you to edit local variables and other names and keep the changes in a project file. The ...
Search Query points:55 EASESOFT DATAMATRIX .NET WINDOWS CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft DataMatrix .Net Windows Forms Control is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality 2D barcode image to your windows application .You can save the barcode as different image format files (BMP,EMF,GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,WMF). It is easy to ...
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