Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3098 funded different name order program programs. You can simply download any of name order soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:60 EXCEL SWITCH FIRST LAST NAME ORDER SOFTWARE 7.0 Change First Last to Last, First and Last, First to First Last. This program handles middle initials and suffixes (Jr, Sr, III, etc.). ...
Search Query points:40 EXCEL RANDOM SORT ORDER OF CELLS, ROWS & COLUMNS SOFTWARE 7.0 Randomly shuffle Excel cells, entire rows, or entire columns. Sorting is done quickly and at complete random. ...
Search Query points:40 HIHI ORDER SYSTEM V5.0.1 HiHi Order System is an order system for cafe,hotel,restaurant and bar , supply your customer quality services. Give your business an quality service with HiHiSoft, a Cafe & Hotel Order System. With the click of a ...
Search Query points:40 FILECOM ORDER SYSTEM 1.0 Filecom is a new Company looking to make Bespoke Business Software and Website Design accessable to small businesses that up to now have had to manage with off-the-shelf products which do not quite fit the bill. Our first offering is ...
Search Query points:30 EAR AND MEMORY TRAINING "Musical Dictation" function: The software behaves like a professor of music. At the beginning of each exercise, the software plays a preview of the series of notes that you'll have to recognize, while it shows them (on the ...
Search Query points:30 FREE FONT RENAMER 1.2 Got a font collection? Got a collection, but no order in it? Start by giving font files the names corresponding to the full font names. For example, you can rename MLON_I.TTF to Milion Italic.ttf. This name speaks for itself, it ...
Search Query points:30 DDFILECATCHER 2.5008 Copy file names and much other file infomation to the Clipboard, and into Microsoft Word tables and Excel spreadsheets. DDFileCatcher catches files, shortcuts or folders dropped onto it from programs such as Windows Explorer, My Computer or Windows dialogs. It ...
Search Query points:20 DISKLOGON DiskLogon is one of the most powerful and securest logon software. Like smart card logon software, it enables you to log on to your computer with a portable disk. It can save you the trouble of typing your user name ...
Search Query points:20 AUTO BACKUP Automatic backup of your critical data to local disk, Network neighborhood and remote FTP servers. It can work as a service too. You can create multi-tasks to backup your data.You can use Auto Backup to make a reserve copy of ...
Search Query points:20 WEB CACHE ILLUMINATOR 4.8.2 Whether you're a computer forensic professional or you just want to investigate what web sites someone has been visiting, the Web Cache Illuminator makes the task much easier. Just point and click to the web cache folder and it ...
Search Query points:20 SWEEPSTAKES LIST 1.01 Sweepstakes List is the most effective sweepstakes management solution on the market. It is packed with useful features that are a must for every sweepstakes lover. It will store information about sweepstakes entered and alert about sweepstakes that are due ...
Search Query points:20 EASY BIORHYTHMS Easy Biorhythms calculates the high, low & critical periods of your biorhythms to give you an indepth look at what's in store for you. - Charts can be printed out in Dutch, English, German, French, Italian, Indonesian, Spanish, Italian & ...
Search Query points:20 (DOCUMENTS)TRAY FOLDER 2.04 The (Documents)Tray Folder... is a secure and hidden folder, located in your "My Documents" folder, that is accessible through the tray icon, but only when you want it to be accessible. You can completely hide your personal ...
Search Query points:20 MP3CODER 1.65 MP3Coder is a powerful handy explicit WAV to MP3 encoder.The program supports WAV and MP3 formats, all constant and variable bitrates (8-320 bps). ID3v1 editor, flexible system of settings for creating name of the MP3 file, FreeDB - are ...
Search Query points:20 DRIVER GENIUS PROFESSIONAL EDITION 2005 6.0.1882 Driver Genius Professional is a professional driver management tool features both driver management and hardware diagnostics. Driver Genius provides such practical functions as driver backup, restoration, update and removal for computer users. If you often reinstall your operating system, you ...
Search Query points:20 MAIL SENDER EXPRESS PROFESSIONAL 1.01 Mail Sender Express Pro is a professional high-speed e-mail sender program that allows you to organize large email marketing mailing lists in groups for easy manageability to make your email marketing campaigns simpler. Here are some features of this mass ...
Search Query points:20 RED CALL RECORDER 1.0 Would you like to record phone calls ? 'Red Call Recorder 1.0' is the perfect way. When accepting a call, this program will immediately recognize the caller, than just click the button and start recording. You can pause, or continue ...
Search Query points:20 PHONE RECORDER PLUS 1.0 Phone Recorder Plus Answering Machine: Phone Recorder Plus 1.0 is a software allows you recording many hours of phone calls and save them into professional log. also, Phone Recorder Plus supports with full answering machine features. general point: Automatically records ...
Search Query points:20 PC 2 ANSWERING MACHINE - PROFESSIONAL EDITION 2.0 'PC 2 Answering Machine 2.0 - Professional Edition' is a software designed for the personal computer which functions as an answering machine for home or office. General Points:Complete 'Answering machine' software, Professional calls log. Adding remarks, flags and priority for ...
Search Query points:20 AIS WATERMARK PICTURES PROTECTOR 3.6.3 AiS Watermark Pictures Protector lets you protect from thieves your images published on the Web by adding to them visible watermarks. The watermarks can be solid or transparent, they can include you logo, company name, your site URL, date and ...
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