Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 270 funded different modem traffic conter programs. You can simply download any of modem traffic conter soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 M6.NET TRAFFIC WIZARD 1.00 The M6.Net Traffic Wizard is a free site management/creation tool that makes the life of the developer and web master a lot easier. The software allows you to generate highly customizable code that works on most major browsers, like Internet ...
Search Query points:40 SOFTPERFECT TRAFFIC METER 2.0 SoftPerfect Traffic Meter monitors your network traffic. With SoftPerfect Traffic Meter, you can create a full-featured system for monitoring the Internet traffic of specific users on your home or office network. SoftPerfect Traffic Meter works in real time and can ...
Search Query points:40 INTERNET TRAFFIC GARBLER 1.12 This program is designed for garbling incoming and outgoing Internet traffic and hiding your IP address. First, nobody (curious hacker with a sniffer, your workplace system administrator, ISP, or 'big brother') can see what you do on the Net! Second, ...
Search Query points:40 WALKER TRAFFIC EXCHANGE SCRIPT 3 Offer a valuable traffic exchange service and build a busy community interested in web promotion. A WalkerSoftware Traffic Exchange Script is an advanced web based promotion tool that allows you to create a membership community quickly and easily. The script ...
Search Query points:40 MODEM SPY 3.4 Modem spy is handy utility for phone calls recording. Features: 1) records phone conversations. 2) records from microphone. 3) plays back recorded mesages via phone line. 4) Plays back recorded mesages via sound card. 5) Can record ALL incomming phone ...
Search Query points:40 AXL TRAFFIC 7.2 Axl Traffic is a completely automated way to promote your website to over 700,000 search engines, directories, link pages, online malls, and classified sites! Axl Traffic will help potential customers find you. Submitting your site consistently and properly will drive ...
Search Query points:40 PRTG - PAESSLER ROUTER TRAFFIC GRAPHER PRTG is an easy to use Windows solution for network/bandwidth usage monitoring. Supports SNMP, packet sniffing and netflow to create live readings with periodical trend data to help optimize the efficiency of routers, servers and other network components. PRTG is ...
Search Query points:40 TRAFFIC COUNTER 2.0 Traffic Counter is an easy-to-use tool to display and count network traffic of your computer. If you have limited monthly Internet traffic and always run P2P software such as BitTorrent, you may be in risk to be fined by your ...
Search Query points:40 VIRTUAL MODEM 1.5 There are many old communication applications that require a direct modem connection. This program allows you to substitute physical phone lines with a local TCP/IP network or the Internet without investing thousands into new communication software. It works out-of-the-box with ...
Search Query points:40 VIRTUAL NULL MODEM To emulate null-modem connection Virtual Null Modem can be effectively used. The program emulates one or more couples of RS-232 serial ports connected via virtual null-modem cable. It is possible to create the unlimited couples of VSP on a single ...
Search Query points:40 VIRTUAL MODEM 1.7 There are many old communication applications that require a direct modem connection. This program allows you to substitute physical phone lines with a local TCP/IP network or the Internet without investing thousands into new communication software. It works out-of-the-box with ...
Search Query points:40 PC NETWORK TRAFFIC MONITOR AND ANALYZER 4.06 The Packet Analyzer is an advanced packet analysis and sniffing tool with powerful protocol decodes capabilities. It can capture all traffic passing by the machine where the tool is installed and decodes all major and frequently used protocols including TCP/IP, ...
Search Query points:40 IP TRAFFIC MONITOR 2.2 IP Traffic Monitor sits in your system tray and monitors all your network connections. The program shows extensive information about each connection: remote host IP, remote host name (if available), amounts of incoming and outgoing traffic, name of the process ...
Search Query points:20 NET METER 3.0 Net Meter is a powerful and easy network traffic monitor. It monitors traffic of one or more network connections at the same time. Net Meter displays real-time graphical and numerical network traffic details. It records all network traffic and includes ...
Search Query points:20 BANDWIDTH MONITOR Bandwidth Monitor tracks all network connections traffic and displays real-time graphical and numerical data transfer rates. It can display multiple connections rates at the same time. Bandwidth Monitor logs all network traffic and supplies all kinds of traffic reports. It ...
Search Query points:20 SERIAL MONITOR 4.10 Software serial port monitor Rs232 sniffer with protocol analyzer and packet data logger. This monitoring utility can spy, capture, view, log, analyze, test com ports activity performing com port connection and traffic analysis with data acquisition and control. You can ...
Search Query points:20 CC PROXY SERVER 6.4.1 is easy-to-use, inexpensive and powerful proxy software and Internet sharing software. Can be used to share Internet connection on the LAN. Features web cache, web filter, dial-on-demand, Web/IP/MAC/IP Range authorization, cascading proxy,bandwidth control and support for many proxy protocols. ...
Search Query points:20 INTERNET SECURE TUNNELING Internet Secure Tunneling can forward otherwise insecure TCP traffic through encrypted SSH Secure Shell tunnel. You can secure for example DATABASE, POP3, SMTP and HTTP connections that would otherwise be insecure. The tunneling capability of SSH Secure Shell is ...
Search Query points:20 IPSWITCHER PRO 1.1 Let's suppose that there are several types of network connections in your office (such as ADSL, leased line for your office applications, modem line for some slow connections). Depending on your current task - you should use one single connection ...
Search Query points:20 USB MONITOR 2.37 Software USB port sniffer, monitor tool with protocol analyzer and data logger. This Universal Serial Bus monitoring utility can spy, capture, view, log, analyze, test usb device activity performing connection traffic analysis with data acquisition and control. You can use ...
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