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Search Query points:110 AUSTRALIAN NATURE PHOTO SCREENSAVER 1.0 Living Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall exotic memories. Australian Nature photo screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of four screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has ...
Search Query points:110 BOG GLUTTON 3.0 The frogs are quite undemanding creatures. However, even they want to eat sometimes! Take control of one gluttonous frog. At each level it will overeat different delicacies, such as mosquitoes, dragonflies and other insects. If you miss meal, the frog ...
Search Query points:110 UNDELETE 5.0 Nearly everyone, at one time or another, has deleted or saved over a file they needed. The Windows recycle bin doesn't protect every file-most notably files deleted over the network, and it provides no protection against saving over earlier versions ...
Search Query points:110 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2.2.0 New reliable and fast school managenet software with the geat customers support. It'll help you with your daily school management routines and deliver you from your paperwork. Standard Edition is FREE!!! Do not miss this unique opportunity. Save your time ...
Search Query points:110 GAME OVERLAY 1.0.4 Game Overlay helps get back some of the multi-tasking functionality lost when playing full-screen games. It allows you view and interact with windows outside the game, but without "Alt-Tabbing" and requiring the game to reinitialize its graphics. It does ...
Search Query points:110 POWERFUL MEMORY 1.0 The Game Powerful Memory contains pairs of hidden pictures, all mixed up. Your task is to find all the pairs. Click on the tiles, pair by pair, to open the images. If you find a correct pair, the images will ...
Search Query points:110 CUSTOM SCREENSAVER SELECTION 6 1.0 Living Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall exotic memories.This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound ...
Search Query points:110 CUSTOM SCREENSAVER SELECTION 2 1.0 Living Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall exotic memories.This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound ...
Search Query points:110 CUSTOM SCREENSAVER SELECTION 3 1.0 Living Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall exotic memories.This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound ...
Search Query points:110 CUSTOM SCREENSAVER SELECTION 4 1.0 Living Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall exotic memories.This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound ...
Search Query points:110 CUSTOM SCREENSAVER SELECTION 5 1.0 Living Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall exotic memories.This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound ...
Search Query points:110 FREE HOT FOOTBALL SCREENSAVER 1.0 Summer 2006 is really hot in Germany. You cannot miss it! Download this Free Hot Football Screensaver and root for your favourite team right from your desktop! ...
Search Query points:110 PARTYPOKERBAR 1.0 Our new Party Poker toolbar combines feeds to the HOTTEST deals on PartyPoker, the biggest online poker room. This toolbar will announce you upcoming Freerolls and tournaments at Website. Never miss a free poker tournament, never miss a texas ...
Search Query points:110 PASSWORD RECOVERY ENGINE FOR EXCEL 1.1 Password Recovery Engine for Excel is a compact, but powerful solution for retrieving passwords from .xls files. Intended chiefly for corporate and small business users, the program features an intuitive, user-friendly interface and breaks into password-protected files in a mere ...
Search Query points:110 NETWORKSHIELD FIREWALL 2006 BUILD 192 If data security is on the top list of your priorities, you might have been looking for a comprehensive solution to protect your network and confidential information from hacking, spyware and other undesired consequences of excessive exposure to the global ...
Search Query points:110 FORTUNE FISHING GAME 2.0 Try your hand at fishing to save an Indian tribe Sharp Tomahawk from dying of starvation! It turned out that some species of fish living in waters of the ocean can be sold for a pretty sum of money! The ...
Search Query points:110 FUNGAMESGALAXY FREECELL 2.0 It is now hundred to one that humans are not alone in the Universe - alien civilizations do exist! But they are not hundred per cent as intelligent and advanced as sci-fi writers use to think. Little green men are ...
Search Query points:110 ALARM CLOCK 4 FREE 1.00 Wake up, remember weekly appointments, never miss a meeting with EIPC's amazing Alarm Clock 4 Free. Customize each alarm, by marking the weekdays and choosing your favorite song, rhythm or alarm sound for each appointment. You ...
Search Query points:110 RACING TRUCKER 2.0 Fed up with driving tin-pot fragile cars? Wanna more power, more force, more shattering energy? Than it's high time to board a heavy truck! Racing Trucker is a game for real men. Hit the gas, shake down the obstacles and ...
Search Query points:110 TEXASBAR 1.0 TexasBar is a unique and comprehensive tool that every online poker player must have on his browser. The toolbar gives you access to the HOTTEST deals on the largest Online Poker Rooms. Texasbar combines Real Time feeds for Upcoming ...
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