Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1478 funded different MF Encryption Pad 2.0 programs. You can simply download any of MF Encryption Pad 2.0 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:190 MF ENCRYPTION PAD 2.0 MF Encryption Pad is a simple (and free) application that lets you encrypt and decrypt rich text messages using cut and paste. MF Encryption Pad uses 256-bit AES encryption with a key that it generates from the 'Pass Phrase' ...
Search Query points:50 CRYPTAINER LE FREE ENCRYPTION SOFTWARE 6.0.1 Cryptainer LE totally free 128 bit disk encryption software. Simple, easy to use encryption application that creates encrypted "vaults". One can store any kind of data in them. Cryptainer LE allows you to encrypt any file or folder on any ...
Search Query points:45 PAD SERVER WINDOWS 2.0 Online PAD- file generation tool. Import, create, manage and update your PAD- files and PPP- files for your shareware software to sell online from your personal PAD Service account. Hundreds of software authors around the world are already using PAD-Service ...
Search Query points:40 TRANSLATION PAD 1.5 Translation Pad is a simple internet machine language translation software. Translation Pad supports the following language pairs: english to german, english to spanish, english to french, english to portuguese, english to italian, german to english, french to english, spanish to ...
Search Query points:40 .NET ENCRYPTION LIBRARY 1.01 When you need to encrypt sensitive personal information such as credit cards, social security numbers, and passwords; look no further than the Kellerman .NET Encryption Library. The Encryption Library supports the strongest encryption algorithms available. Supports symmetric encryption, ...
Search Query points:40 MAX FILE ENCRYPTION 1.8 Transferring sensitive data via e-mail or removable drives is not safe. Max File Encryption is a powerful yet easy-to-use encryption/steganography software that will help you protect your confidential information. With Max File Encryption, you can encrypt files of any type, ...
Search Query points:40 ENCRYPTION WORKSHOP 3.2 BUILD Encryption Workshop includes file and folder encryption and decryption tool. Currently nine strong symmetrical block ciphers are implemented: BLOWFISH, GOST, RC 4, DES, Skipjack, TWOFISH, TEA and XOR. Any type of file can be encrypted/decrypted, not only ZIP files. If ...
Search Query points:40 PAD MAGIC 2005 With NextGen Pad Magic 2005, you can generate PAD files very easy . It contains all the fields, used in a PAD xml file. As the only product of it's kind on the marked, you can directely publish your ...
Search Query points:40 ABB PAD SUBMITTER 1.1 ABB PAD Submitter fully automates the process of submitting software PAD files to over 200 popular shareware and freeware sites. Simply enter a URL pointing to your PAD file and a category selection. The software promotion process is completely automatic. ...
Search Query points:40 WEB CALENDAR PAD 2007 Make an HTML calendar that visitors can view, print and subscribe to with RSS. Ideal for keeping a company, school, church event calendar online. For a teacher to track and publish printable course calendars or a coach to keep a ...
Search Query points:40 FILE ENCRYPTION XP 1.4.53 Need a military grade file encryption software? Would you like to delete (shred) files and be 100% sure they can't be "undeleted"? How about protecting data stored with removable drives? File Encryption XP does all that and more! File Encryption ...
Search Query points:40 PAD SUBMITTER 1.01 Shareware Submission Software. Automatically submit your shareware to shareware sites and directories. This program will save you hours of submission time. Full and customizable reports available upon submission. Submit as many new software applications as you have. Submit as many ...
Search Query points:40 LIGHT PAD 4.4 LightPad is a simple yet powerful editor designed for the webmaster. It supports HTML, CSS, Java script, PHP and Perl files editing with syntax highlighting to assist with web development. New document creation is fast and easy, with default templates ...
Search Query points:40 EMSA EZ ENCRYPTION TOOL 1.0.46 EMSA EZ Encryption Tool is a simple encryption program for Windows which uses the Blowfish algorithm to encrypt files or text chunks. This algorithm is a strong encryption algorithm using a private key, therefore keeping your data safe. The ...
Search Query points:40 SMART ENCRYPTOR - ENCRYPTION MANAGER 2.10 SmartEncryptor uses the most powerfull encryption algorythms existing. AES - the US Government standard symmetric encryption algorythm and Blowfish. Works on all Windows systems. ...
Search Query points:40 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4.1 1 Click Encrypt is a highly secure encryption utility that brings military strength encryption power at your fingertips, assuring that your files, folders are secured and protected from intruders and spies. You can use this product to encrypt or securely ...
Search Query points:40 ANIMABILIS RS FILE ENCRYPTION 1.3 Need a military grade file encryption solution? Would you like to delete (shred) files and be 100% sure they can't be "undeleted"? Now about protecting data stored with removable drives? RS File Encryption does all that and more! ...
Search Query points:40 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4 1 Click Encrypt is a powerful encryption utility that brings military strength encryption with just one click. The application operates in Windows 98, NT, and XP environment. It is very fast, comfortable and safe and also can encrypt any kind ...
Search Query points:40 XCEED ENCRYPTION LIBRARY 1.1 Xceed Encryption Library lets Windows apps encrypt/decrypt data using latest industry standard strong encryption algorithms. Supports traditional secret-key encryption & public-key encryption, and can encrypt/decrypt memory buffers, strings, blobs, streaming data or files. Supports AES (US Advanced Encryption Standard) symmetric ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED ENCRYPTION PACKAGE 2007 PROFESSIONAL 4.5.12 AEP2007 PRO most noteworthy feature may be its flexibility and military grade encryption: program includes 17 encryption algorithms (AES, TWOFISH, MARS, etc). 18 secure files erasure algorithms including: U.S. DoD 5200.28, GOST P50739-95 and others. Symmetric and RSA encryption using ...
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