Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6257 funded different MDB msaccess administration software programs. You can simply download any of MDB msaccess administration soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 PASSWORD RECOVERY .MDB 2.0.1 Have you lost the Password of your database Access? Don't worry more, you can already recover it with this great program. Password Recovery. MDB is a program dedicated to that you can ...
Search Query points:50 DBF TO MDB (ACCESS) 1.51.01 The DBF to MDB (Access) program allows you to convert your dbf files to MDB (Microsoft Access) format. MDB format is the most frequently used format, but sometimes Access is unable to open DBF files or damages them. Besides, MS ...
Search Query points:50 MDB (ACCESS) TO DBF 1.01.01 MDB (Access) to DBF allows you to convert your MDB files to DBF format. It is very simple to use. You can select tables for export and set necessary options. The program supports dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro, ...
Search Query points:40 DATACONVERSIONTOOLS.COM MDB EXPORTER 1.01 Export data from your MDB database files directly into CSV files. MDB Exporter is a windows program that runs on your windows PC. MDB Exporter will save you hours and hours of time, and provide you with ...
Search Query points:40 MDB PASSWORD RECOVERY 1.0.1 Have you ever forgotten a password for your MS Access database? Whether you have or haven't, you'll appreciate this solution to all lost password problems from restoring passwords to performing security audits and other administrative tasks. All passwords are recoverable ...
Search Query points:20 STARTMENU 1.5 StartMenu - the program for fast, convenient and visual start of programs. - program as much as possible accelerates start of the necessary programs (with the help of the special menu) - excludes search of programs in a network and ...
Search Query points:20 MAX SECURE SPYWARE DETECTOR - ENTERPRISE 2.7 Max Secure Spyware Detector 2005, Enterprise Edition, works on push deployment technology with a fully centralized admin console. No client installation is needed. The scan will be powered with an strong & comprehensive database which include spywares, adwares, trojans, ...
Search Query points:20 REMOTE ACCESS 1.0 Remote Access 1.0 is a cheap , powerfull , simple remote administration/monitoring tool with many advanced features like 128-bit encryption, Desktop, IP Filtering , NT Security , Full control , file transfers , telnetting , remote shutdown , remote log-in/;log-off ...
Search Query points:20 NET SPY PRO 2.5 Net Spy Pro is the ultimate combination network monitoring and administration software tool suite. Net Spy Pro monitors activity on your network such as keystrokes typed, web sites visited and more. The same interface also remotely controls vital client PC ...
Search Query points:20 MMS DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER 1.0 Intertraff MMS-DVR is an IP-Surveillance software that works with network and analogue cameras to provide video monitoring, recording and event management functions up to 16 cameras. With Intertraff MMS-DVR running on your Personal Computer, you may monitor your cameras, ...
Search Query points:20 MAX SECURE CONTENT AUDIT ENTERPRISE 2.7 Content Audit is a revolutionary new software tool designed to detect the presence of inappropriate content, files and programs, which are Enterprise non-complainant. An extensive search can be performed across the enterprise based on the keywords and file extensions (e.g. ...
Search Query points:20 NETOBSERVE 2.98 NETObserve is a sleek, powerful remote administration and monitoring solution for home and business environments. NETObserve allows you to remotely connect a PC (inside or outside a network) and moderate, administrate, and monitor the machine's activity. Such features ...
Search Query points:20 LIVE HELP 123 1.0 Live Help 123 - Live help, live support, live sales and instant messaging. Live Help 123 is a hosted service that allows visitors to your web site to communicate with sales people and customer support staff. The visitors ...
Search Query points:20 MYSQL TURBO MANAGER ENTERPRISE 3.7 MySQL Turbo Manager is a powerful software solution for MySQL Database administration and development. With our very intuitive interfase you will save time and money. MySQL Turbo Manager works with all MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5.0.25 and supports ...
Search Query points:20 DRIVESHIELD 1.0 1. Allow users full access to their systems 2. With a simple reboot any changes to the system vanish 3. Remote administration features 4. Protection is invisible to end users 5. Easy to use and ...
Search Query points:20 CPANEL WIZARD PROFESSIONAL 1.0 Put the power of cPanel on your desktop! Developed by popular demand, cPanel Wizard Professional takes Hosting Administration convenience to the next level for cPanel users. Regardless of if you are a web host or designer with multitudes of accounts ...
Search Query points:20 NET SPY PRO 2.1 Net Spy Pro is the ultimate combination network monitoring and administration software tool suite. Net Spy Pro monitors activity on your network such as keystrokes typed, web sites visited and more. The same interface also controls vital client PC functions ...
Search Query points:20 EMS MS SQL MANAGER PROFESSIONAL 1.8.5 EMS MS SQL Manager is a powerful graphical tool for Microsoft SQL Server administration and development. It makes creating and editing MS SQL Server database objects easy and fast, and allows you to run SQL scripts, manage users and their ...
Search Query points:20 MAILENABLE PROFESSIONAL 1.2 MailEnable Professional is a enterprise level mail server for Windows 2000/NT/XP. It supports SMTP and POP3, supports an unlimited amount of email addresses, domains, groups and mailing lists. Professional Edition incorporates Web Mail, HTTPMail, Web Administration and support for third ...
Search Query points:20 ACCESS FRONTEND LOADER 1.1.3 Deploy new releases of your Microsoft Access applications to workstations automatically. Take control of version management via a server based console. Update workstations with one click saving time and ensuring trouble free administration. Features include automatic desktop/start menu shortcut creation ...
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