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Search Query points:45 OUTLOOK CONNECTOR FOR MDAEMON 2.1.2 Outlook Connector for MDaemon unlocks the collaborative functions of Microsoft Outlook using MDaemon as the mail server platform. Outlook users can share Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Notes, and Journal folders without the expense or expertise required by Microsoft Exchange Server. ...
Search Query points:45 MAILSCAN FOR MDAEMON 4.3A MailScan for MDaemon® is a proven antivirus solution designed to protect against email viruses and block spam. Situated directly on the MDaemon® email server, rather than dispersed on each client computer, MailScan proactively secures the network by banning harmful email ...
Search Query points:45 MAIL ACCESS MONITOR FOR MDAEMON 3.2 It is hard to imagine an office without access to e-mail. E-mail is often the number one business tool, responsible for effective communication, making sales, providing support and generating leads. Mail Access Monitor is a simple tool that ...
Search Query points:45 OUTLOOK CONNECTOR FOR MDAEMON 2.1.0 Outlook Connector for MDaemon unlocks the collaborative functions of Microsoft Outlook using MDaemon as the mail server platform. Outlook users can share Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Notes, and Journal folders without the expense or expertise required by Microsoft Exchange Server. ...
Search Query points:40 USER MANAGER PRO 6.01.05040 Rapid mass management of security on servers/workstations Allows system administrators to report on and make global changes to local user credentials, groups, rights, registry settings, and more across an entire network in a single operation. ...
Search Query points:40 BUG TRACKING/DEFECT TRACKING UNLIMITED USER LICENSE 2.5 Bug Tracker is an application for bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and managing bugs during software testing stage. Auto task assignment helps assign bugs to the proper developer. You can use the powerful filter with AND, OR operator and ...
Search Query points:40 USER TIME CONTROL 2.1 User Time Control Center lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits. You can schedule time intervals and the number of ...
Search Query points:40 RENTBOSS SINGLE USER 3.14 RentBoss is the only property management software for individual landlords with a built-in lease agreement organizer. This brainlessly simple, affordable and feature-packed tool tracks tenants, rental properties, incomes, expenses, etc. RentBoss comes with a wealth of Wizards, Reports, Work Order/To ...
Search Query points:40 BUG TRACKING/DEFECT TRACKING 10 USER LICENSE 2.5 Bug Tracker is an application for bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and managing bugs during software testing stage. Auto task assignment helps assign bugs to the proper developer. You can use the powerful filter with AND, OR operator and ...
Search Query points:40 USER MONITOR 2.01 The User Monitor is a program that performs hidden monitoring of a user's actions. The User Monitor controls all of the user's actions that were performed on the computer, it also provides information about the time spent on the computer, ...
Search Query points:40 BUG TRACKING/DEFECT TRACKING SINGLE USER LICENSE 2.5 Bug Tracker is a high-performance bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking tool for project managemnet during software development and software testing stage. The auto task assignment makes it easy for you to assign the bugs to the proper developer automatically ...
Search Query points:40 ANTIVIRUS FOR MDAEMON 2.2.9 AntiVirus for MDaemon is a virus scanner designed to detect malicious content embedded or attached to email messages. AntiVirus software integrates seamlessly with MDaemon on the server, stopping viruses before reaching individual users on the network. Features include ...
Search Query points:40 MDAEMON 9.5.0 MDaemon, Windows-based email server software, contains full mail server functionality and control with a strong emphasis on security to protect your email communication needs. Features include top-notch antispam security features such as Greylisting, DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), DomainKeys, SPF, ...
Search Query points:40 MDAEMON 9.0.0 MDaemon , Windows-based email server software, contains full mail server functionality and control with a strong emphasis on security to protect your email communication needs. Features include top-notch antispam security features such as Greylisting, DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), DomainKeys, ...
Search Query points:40 SECURITYPLUS FOR MDAEMON 3.0.1 Alt-N SecurityPlus for MDaemon provides the next generation of antivirus and spam protection for your MDaemon email server. Providing real-time spam and Zero Hour Virus Outbreak Protection from Commtouch, and email antivirus protection from Kaspersky Labs, it is the ...
Search Query points:40 RENTBOSS SINGLE USER 3.6 RentBoss is the only property management software for individual landlords with a built-in lease agreement organizer. This brainlessly simple, affordable and feature-packed tool tracks tenants, rental properties, incomes, expenses, etc. RentBoss comes with a wealth of Wizards, Reports, Work Order/To ...
Search Query points:25 AVELIFE TESTGOLD STUDIO 2.4 The powerful and stable tool for pre-employment screening, periodical certifications, training and retraining of your staff and students – from visual development of psychological and educational tests, assessments and surveys to testing and monitoring scores both on network and local ...
Search Query points:20 DELETED PARTITION DATA RECOVERY Data Doctor Recovery is easy safe Read-only and Non-Destructive Data recovery software tool. Data Recovery Doctor for FAT NTFS recovers data files and folders lost due to overwritten/deleted/formatted/damaged/corrupted partitions from FAT and NTFS based operating systems such as ...
Search Query points:20 KERNEL TAPE DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.0.2 Kernel for Tape recovers data from all types of corrupted, damaged tapes catridges such as DLT, AIT, LTO, DAT tapes and formats. During recovery process a complete scan of the damaged tape is performed to locate and restore the ...
Search Query points:20 MAILSCAN 4 FOR SMTP SERVERS 4.5A MailScan 4 for SMTP Servers is for customers using Linux, Unix, Novell or other non-Windows platforms on their e-mail Server. MailScan for SMTP Servers works on a Windows machine and acts like a Security Gateway between your Mail Server and ...
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