Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 976 funded different MD5 Checksum Verifier 2 programs. You can simply download any of MD5 Checksum Verifier 2 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:105 MD5 CHECKSUM VERIFIER 2.1 MD5 Checksum Verifier is files integrity checker based on the time proven MD5 algorithms. With it you can easily create checksums of files and verify their integrity in the future. The operation is very easy, just two steps, make check ...
Search Query points:90 ADVANCED CHECKSUM VERIFIER 1.3.0 The handy and fast utility for protecting the integrity of files by using the CRC32 or MD5 checksum calculation algorithms. It will allow you to verify the accuracy of your data after you burn a CD or transfer a ...
Search Query points:50 EF CHECKSUM MANAGER 3.60 EF CheckSum Manager is a program designed for the integrity examination of files on the standard formats SFV, MD5 and SHA1. They can verify existing checksums or create new checksum for your important data. The EF CheckSum Manager is easy ...
Search Query points:42 LIVE EMAIL VERIFIER 2.4 Email Verifier quickly and easily verifies email addresses. Email Verfier removes invalid, not existed and dupicate emails. Key Features: 1. Very Fast: check 50 000 emails per hour 2. Huge Mail Lists : 1 000 000 email addresses ...
Search Query points:40 POWER EMAIL VERIFIER 4.0 Power Email Verifier can check your email lists for valid emails. It can import large lists with no problem. Uses multithreading to verify emails at a very fast rate. Simulates the sending of email without sending any ...
Search Query points:40 CONTACTS VERIFIER 2.5 Contacts Verifier is the first add-in for Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2002/XP and 2003; designed to monitor validity of e-mail addresses in the contacts. It is able of checking your address-book throughout in a few minutes to notify you of the ...
Search Query points:40 LIVE EMAIL VERIFIER 2.5 Email Verifier quickly and easily verifies email addresses. Email Verfier removes invalid, not existed and dupicate emails. Email Verifier is designed for users who have their own mailing lists and want to keep them up-to-date. The tool verifies every email ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED EMAIL VERIFIER 5.20 Advanced Email Verifier (AEV) is your powerful solution for the "message delivery error". AEV is designed for system administrators, webmasters, programmers as well as for those advanced users who have their own mailing lists and need to keep them up-to-date. ...
Search Query points:40 EMAIL VERIFIER 2.1 eMail Verifier can save time and money for businesses who send newsletters to their clients, nonprofit organizations who send bulletins to their members, or any person or business that needs to maintain a clean e-mail contact list. eMail Verifier is ...
Search Query points:35 MD5 CHECKER 2.20 Free utility to verify downloads with an MD5 checksum from the makers of MidWavi Pro (it's only 96K and this is true Windows program!). You can also create your own MD5 checksum if required. The download is 23K ...
Search Query points:30 FSUM 2.51 Free command line utility for file multi-checksum generation and verification. It allows to create/verify popular file hashes/checksums: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2(256,384,512), RIPEMD-160, PANAMA, TIGER, CRC-32, ADLER32, and the message digest used in eMule/eDonkey (ed2k) software. Its most common use ...
Search Query points:25 MD5 PASSWORD 1.0.292 MD5 Password is a password recovery tool that can recover a password if you know its MD5 hash. MD5 Password features highly configurable and fast recovery engine that can process up to 32,000 hashes simultaneously. Brute-Force Attack, Dictionary Attack, Hybrid ...
Search Query points:22 P2 EXPLORER 1.0 Paraben's P2 eXplorer allows you to mount a forensic image (or Linux DD, RAW, or other drive images) and explore it as though it were a drive on your machine while preserving the forensic nature of your evidence. This means ...
Search Query points:20 ACCUHASH 2.0.7 Utility for protecting the integrity and verifying the accuracy of data files using checksum (message digest, hash) calculation algorithms like CRC32, MD5, SHA-1 and more. Its will allow to easily and quickly verify integrity of files downloaded from Internet, transferred ...
Search Query points:20 QUICKHASH LIBRARY 3.0 A fast, highly optimized implementation of hash and checksum algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2(256,384,512), RIPEMD(128,160,256,320), PANAMA, TIGER, CRC-32, CRC-16, CRC-CCITT, ADLER32. The library allows to calculate hashes (message digests), checksums and HMACs for files, memory blocks, strings, blobs, streaming ...
Search Query points:20 MSCCRYPTO FOR WINDOWS 2.0 MSCCrypto is an Active Server component. It is a collection of the best encryption and hashing algorithms: RSA public key algorithm AES symmetric block algorithm Blowfish symmetric block algorithm Cast5 symmetric block algorithm TripleDES symmetric block algorithm Twofish symmetric ...
Search Query points:20 FILECHECKMD5 Simple utility to create checksum files based on the MD5 hash routine. Recursively scans a selected folder and creates the checkfile data which can then be loaded in for testing to determine if the files have changed at all. Great ...
Search Query points:20 HASHCALC 2.01 Free calculator to compute multiple hashes, checksums and HMACs for files, text and hex strings. It allows to calculate hash (message digest), checksum and HMAC values based on the most popular algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA2 (SHA256, SHA384, SHA512), ...
Search Query points:12 YOUNEEDIT 1.11 You need it! is a very useful comprehensive Business and Utility software suite which you can HARDLY find anywhere.It consists of 15 modules: AutoStart, AutoShut, MeasureMe, PadPlus, Find in Files, Files/Directories Compare, Add/Remove Line Numbers, Remove Blank Lines, C/C++ Source ...
Search Query points:12 DEVICE SEIZURE 1.0 Forensically analyze PDA & cell phone data. Supports Palm, Windows CE/Mobile, BlackBerry, & Psion devices as well as certain Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Siemens, LG, Samsung, & Symbian based phone models. Also supports GSM SIM card aqcuisition. Focuses on the ...
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